ray in bed, his eyes closed. close shot, ray asleep. in the shadows at the far end of the room we can just see two pointed ears and a glittering pair of eyes. the german shepherd is panting softly. marty's fish, now half-decayed, still lie on the desk. shards of broken glass lie on the floor. the pane of the back-door window closest to the knob has been shattered from the outside, scattering broken glass into the office. on the standing safe behind the desk lies a white towel. abby's hand enters frame ans picks up the towel. blood stains. the dead fish. beyond them, on the floor around the desk, broken glass. the dead fish. across the darkened apartment we see the curtainless windows, and beyond them, across the lamplit street, the facade of the opposite building. moonlight glints through the windows across the hardwood floor. through the windows we can see the facade of the opposite building. the apartment is dark and still, just as we left it before she fell asleep. the window. the splintered top half of the cue stick on the coffee table. ray is sprawled on the floor in a pool of blood and broken glass. ray is lying still in the darkness. a sheer drop to the narrow backyard of the building four stories below. next to abby's window is another window, separated from hers only by the breadth of the wall, that separates the two apartments. a second hole has opened in the wall, letting through a second shaft of light. the stairway is at the far end of the hall. the door of her own darkened apartment stands slightly ajar. her pearl-handled revolver sits on the shelf just inside the door, where ray left it. it catches the light from the hall. the window of the apartment, its glass now completely gone, lets in streetlight. ray's corpse is a dark form in the middle of the floor. a bright shaft of light slices across the room from offscreen. it glints on the shards of glass that litter the floor, just as in abby's dream. the bathroom door stands slightly ajar. the interior of the bathroom is a bright band in the shadowy recesses of the back of the apartment. visser's shadow falls across the crack in the doorway. with the roar of the gun, a small circle of light opens in the door. as the door waffles under the impact, we hear visser collapsing behind it.