staring at the pictures. he looks back down at the pool table. he turns from the photograph and walks to an intercom speaker next to the mounted moose's head. he presses the speaker button. as he finishes flipping through the papers. as he starts across the floor to marty's office. he looks back up at marty, then walks behind his chair and throws a wall switch. the room is bathed in light. his eyes still on marty, ray crosses behind the desk. still moving. he looks away from marty, scans the floor. he gets down on his hands and knees and peers under the safe. still on his hands and knees. he reaches in and we hear a rattle as he gropes under the safe. he withdraws the gun, looks at it. for a long moment he doesn't move. then, slowly, he starts to get up. meurice's footsteps draw nearer. he looks back at the road. a car roars by. his panting slows. he is in a cold sweat. after a long moment, he starts walking slowly, reluctantly, back toward the car. he slows as he draws up to the back of the car. he looks in the back window. no reaction. still no reaction. he gets into the driver's seat and stares through the windshield as he gropes for the ignition key. he throws the car into drive, looks at his target, thinks-- decides. he pulls the key out of the ignition and goes around to the trunk of the car. he opens it and pulls out a shovel. he shudders. he adjusts his grip on the shovel. looks up from marty. the rumble grows louder. staring down the road. finally he lowers the shovel, walks back to the car and throws it viciously into the trunk, walks back up into the foreground and stoops down. staring, without emotion. he squints at the approaching car. his jaw tightens. he stares intently at the car. then, abruptly, he looks down at his dashboard. reacting to the line as he reaches the car. he bends over to throw the sheet over the seat just as meurice walks up behind him. the engine hum drops as he slows. we hear the low engine rumble and the squeaking brakes of another car. ray is now stopped in front of the deserted intersection. he looks up in his rearview mirror. the unlit cigarette still in his mouth. he looks down from the rearview mirror to the intersection ahead of him. there is a long pause, during which we hear only the steady purr of ray's car and the knocking rumble of the car behind him. he slowly takes the cigarette from his mouth and drops it onto the seat next to him. his eyes shift from the rearview mirror to the traffic light. his face frozen. he turns slowly to look behind. his eyes shift back to the mirror. he gropes for his window handle and slowly rolls it down. he sticks out his left arm, eyes still on the rearview mirror, and waves for the other car to go around him. watching the car pass. watching, for a long moment. looking. he scowls at the shots visser took, then puts them back in the safe. when his hand comes out he is holding another photograph--this one folded twice. he unfolds it.