what did you take these for? you called me, i knew they were there, so what do i need these for? how long did you watch her? you know in greece they cut off the head of the messenger who brought bad news. no. it just made them feel better. yeah, don't come by here any more. if i need you again i know which rock to turn over. meurice. has ray come in yet? how would i know? if he does come in i'm not here. what were you drinking, debra? you've got a very sophisticated palate. give debra here another drink, and give me the usual. listen, i got tickets for the oilers and the rams next week in the astrodome. ever sat on the fifty yard line? you won't have to. i'll explain what a palate is. what's this? red label. pour that back. don't throw that out. so how long have you know meurice? what--waitaminute--what. deuce in the corner needs help. so what're you doing tonight? tell him you have a headache. we don't seem to be communicating-- i own the place. i'm not surprised, the company you've been keeping the last ten years. what's this? this. that's not the point. the point is we don't serve niggers here. he thinks i'm kidding. everybody thinks i'm kidding; if ray comes in i'm not home. what "what"? i don't particularly want to talk to you. fine. suit yourself. . having a good time? then what'd you come here for? nope. she's an expensive piece of ass. you get a refund though, if you tell me who else she's been sluicing. what're you, a fucking marriage counselor? what're you smiling at--i'm a funny guy, right, i'm an asshole? no, no, that's not what's funny. what's funny is her. what's funny is that i had you two followed because, if it isn't you, she's been sleeping with someone else. what's really going to be funny is when she gives you that innocent look and says, what're you talking about, ray, i haven't done anything funny. but the funniest thing to me right now is that you think she came back here for you--*that's* what's funny. come on this property again and i'll be forced to shoot you. fair notice. no. i think i'll stay right here in hell. meurice. i don't want that asshole near my money. i don't even want him in the bar. lover-boy oughta lock his door. lotta nuts out there. let's do it outside. in nature. slowly gets to his feet, looking at ray. got a job for you. it's not strictly legal. it's, uh. it's in reference to that gentleman and my wife. the more i think about it the more irritated i get. listen, i'm not--this isn't a joke here. i didn't say that. well? what do you think? so, uh. this wouldn't interest you. ten thousand dollars i'll give you. for the money. there's a big-- what? i'll take care of the money, you just make sure those bodies aren't found. there's a. if you want, there's a big incinerator behind my place. yeah. is it. what? yeah. listen, what is it? is it done? want a couple? got something to show me first? staring dully down at the picture. dead, huh? what did you. what did you do with the bodies? jesus, i don't believe it. i think i'm gonna be sick. your money, yeah. of course. don't be absurd, i wasn't about to tell anyone. this is an illicit romance--we've got to trust each other to be discreet. for richer, for poorer. it's taken care of. the less you know about it the better. i just made a call about that. it'll look fine. then you shouldn't have done it. can't have it both ways. count it if you want. lover-boy oughta lock his door. i love you. that's a stupid thing to say, right? no. you're just saying that because you're scared. you left your weapon behind. he'll kill you too.