what do you mean. just doin' my job. well, i don't know. call it a fringe benefit. most of the night. they'd just rest a few minutes and then get started again. quite something. now that don't make much sense. well first off, julian, i don't know what the story is in greece but in this state we got very definite laws about that. second place i ain't a messenger, i'm a private investigator. and third place--and most important--it ain't such bad news. i mean you thought he was a colored. . you're always assumin' the worst. anything else? that's good. "which rock to turn over". that's very good. well, gimme a call whenever you wanna cut off my head. i can crawl around without it. sorry sweetheart, my date is here. she saw me rolling a cigarette and thought it was marijuana. i guess she thought i was a swinger. idnat wild? stick your finger up the wrong person's ass? you know a friend of mine broke his hand a while back. put in a cast. very next day he takes a fall, protects his bad hand, falls on his good one, breaks that too. so now he's got two busted flippers and i say to him "creighton, i hope your wife loves you. 'cause for the next five weeks you cannot wipe your own goddamn ass" that's the test, ain't it? test of true love-- well, if the pay's right and it's legal i'll do it. if the pay's right i'll do it. yeah? well how irritated are you? gee, i'm sorry to hear that. can you tell me what you want me to do or is it a secret? you want me to kill 'em. well what? you're an idiot. i didn't say that. all i said was you're an idiot. hell, you been thinking about it so much it's driving you simple. i'm supposed to do a murder--two murders--and just trust you not to go simple on me and do something stupid. i mean real stupid. now why should i trust you? the money. yeah. that's a right smart of money. in russia they make only fifty cents a day. i want you to go fishing. go down to corpus for a few days. get yourself noticed. i'll give you a call when it's done. you just find a way to cover that money. sweet jesus, you are disgusting. marty? ya catch any fish? ya catch any fish? what kind of fish? yessir, you owe me some money. they look good. just the ten thousand'll be fine. so it would seem. it's taken care of. the less you know about it the better. i'll want that picture back. and you did say somethin' about some money. something i got to ask you, marty. i've been very very careful. have you been very very careful? nobody knows you hired me? don't say that. your marriages don't work out so hot. how did you cover the money? i must've gone money simple. this kind of murder. it's too damn risky. nah, i trust ya. who looks stupid now. all right. you got some of my personal property. one of you does. i don't know what the hell you two thought you were gonna pull. well ma'am. if i see him, i'll sure give him the message. looking, with mild interest.