not so fast. i would like to go over the details. tell me about the suitcases. what is the make and the color? hmm. i see. will there be clothes in the suitcase? whose cloths? your clothes? i would like to know the contents. every detail is important. i demand to know everything. i do not trust six-hundred thousand dollars of coca to someone i don't know. the coca is my responsibility! very well. but just remember, mr. jung. i will be with you the whole way. and i will be watching. why are you speaking? you. your responsibility is over. you do not fly. you are not a pilot. you are not a distributor. you introduced us to mr. stevens and the use of his airplane. that is all. you make a percentage. a generous one. and you're lucky to get that. padrino will pay ten-thousand per kilo. for everyone. for you, and you, and you. there is no negotiation. three-million dollars. that is all. do you have pictures of your kids? i'll need to see them. also need their names and the names of their schools. we are trusting you with ninety million dollars worth of coca, mr. stevens. without your children, there is no deal. don't forget the pictures. mr. jung, i see you've met my fiancee, mirtha. diego needs to see you right away, please. excuse us, amorcito. good to see you, george. it's been a long time. say "hi" to your pretty wife for me.