well, i'll tell you. i was walking down the beach, minding my business, when who did i see but this fucking guy. i didn't know you guys were living in california. i'm on vacation. on my way back to school. no, man. i'm too fucked up. fuck yeah. i never seen nothing like it. i'm fucking wasted. g-d, i'm stoned. i'm stoned. i'm really. i wish there was shit like this back home. shit, yeah. do you know how much money i could make if i had this stuff back east? that's right. when there's something to move, it's too easy not to. do you know how many colleges are in a twenty mile radius? u. mass, amherst, b.u. right. and holyoke. there are a hundred thousand rich kids with their parents' money to spend, but there's never anything available. nothing good, anyway. i'm paying four hundred dollars for shit. keep it coming. more. i need more. i know, but i've got a feeding frenzy on my hands. tell george this is small potatoes. we're missing out on some serious cash. you tell george. he'll think of something. twenty, forty, sixty, eighty, nine. twenty, forty, sixty, eighty, a thousand. it's all there. wow. a hundred and twenty-eight thousand dollars. what's the matter, george? something wrong? you look like you just fucked your mother. what? so? okay. so we need a source. where do we start? you know, he's got a point. we're fucking americans. we stick out like sore thumbs. george, we'll wind up in a mexican prison getting fucked up the ass by one of maria's relatives. yeah, right. gonzales. what is that, sicilian? don't be such a pussy. relax. i've flown with my old man a million times. and he always told me, the taking off part is easy, it's the landing you've got to worry about. georgie, oh man, hold the mayo! we take off from lauderdale, sunday, refuel, and be in medellin by monday. are we good? fuck you guys. all of you. i've known him for thirty fucking years. fucking george.