shut up. it's daddy. shithead. my bourbon. sit down. get your chair. spread your legs. wider. mommy. mommy!. baby wants to fuck. get ready to fuck! baby wants blue velvet. don't look at me! don't look at me!!! daddy's home. don't look at me!!! stay alive baby. see you next christmas! who's this fuck? from the neighborhood? shut the fuck up. you like telephones? huh?. you wanta go for a ride? no thanks. what does that mean? go where? a ride?. hell, that's a good idea. okay, let's go. hey, let's go. come on. we're goin' for a joy ride. where you wanna go? i know!. we gotta see ben. we gotta, right? come on. i wancha to meet a frienda mine. raymond, get enough beer for ben too. what kinda beer do you like? fuck that shit. pabst blue ribbon!!! hey shithead. that's the last time i get you high and watch you freak out - motherfucker you tore my coat and i lost my lucky piece of blue velvet, man. yeah?. get ready for a love letter. when you least expect it. a big love letter. hey ben. open up. it's frank. hey, i brought some friends. and some beer. suave. goddam are you suave, you fucker. you want some beer? shit ben! how the shit are ya? fuckin' good, real fuckin' good. you know this little tid bit, dorothy, and this thing, here, is a neighbor. what the shit we're doin' with a neighbor, i don't know. goddam!!! this is the suavest guy i know. look at you. you're one beautiful fucker, ben. i love this jacket and that cigarette holder of yours. shit, that is too fuckin' much. where's those glasses. this beer's gonna get too warm. i can't stand fuckin' warm beer. it makes me puke. raymond! where's the fuckin' beer? no, i want ya to fuck it. shit, yes. pour the fuckin' beer. good, let's drink up. shit. let's drink to something else. let's drink to fuckin'. say here's to your fuck frank. cheers. suave man. you're so fuckin' suave. we love ben! here's to ben!. hey neighbor. here's to ben. do you see, ben?. i can make him do anything i fuckin' please. excuse us por favor! hey. let tits see her kid. okay. let's hit the fuckin' road. we're givin' our neighbor a joy ride. let's get on with it. bye, ben. ya wanna go on a joy ride with us, anyone? you? no smile for frank? no? okay, fuck it. let's go. oh you wanna come with raymond? right ben. let's go fuck. i'll fuck anything that moves. hey? . you like to walk. let's take our neighbor out. let him fuckin' walk back. hey. tits. i'm taking your neighbor to the country. maybe something for you too. you want to see him too, right? then, shut up! hey. what's this fuck got to do with anything. what are you lookin' at? don't look at me, fuck. i shoot when i see the whites of the eyes. you like me?. look at these. what are these? don't say please, fuckhead. what are these? can i feel 'em? baby wants to pinch 'em. what's the matter? give 'em back. they're just a little red, that's all. let me feel 'em again. come here. next! . out of the car fuck. help him out, raymond!! shut up. gimme your lipstick. . hey, pretty, pretty. you're fuckin' lucky to be alive. look at me! don't be a good neighbor to her or i'm gonna send you a love letter. straight from my heart, fucker. you know what a love letter is? it's a bullet. straight from my gun, fucker. once you get a love letter from me, you're fucked forever. understand, fuck? i'll send you straight to hell, fuck! you feel good. feel my muscles. you like that? hold him tight for me. hey neighbor. shit for brains. you forgot i have a police radio. i know where your cute little butt is hiding. here i come! ready or not! hey fuck. i can hear you radio! .hey you stupid fuck. you got about a second to live. hey pretty pretty. hey fuck, where are you?