hey, shit head. leave her alone. don't force girls! i'm sorry, louise. hello. mom? what's wrong with dad?. what's happening?. come home? sure i will. for good?. i can't. mom. not right in the middle of the term. mom. can't you come to the damn airport? alright. i'll call you in a couple of days, you know. i'll let you know how things are. i love you too, louise. damn it. i'll see you. hi mom. hi aunt barbara. this is it. i sent a trunk home yesterday. this is all i have. yeah. how's dad? aunt barbara that was 5 years ago. be right down. what time are visiting hours? well. okay. yeah? what? thanks a lot, mom. aunt barbara. i'll try not to get depressed. prepares him? hello, doctor gynde. how is he? hi dad. looks like they've got you strapped in pretty good. are you feeling okay? it's good to see you, dad. hello. could you tell me if detective williams is still working here? are you detective williams? my name is jeffrey beaumont - i live near you. i believe you know my father, tom beaumont - beaumont's hardware store? he's alright, i guess. i hope. they're doing tests, that's why i'm home from school. i was over at the hospital this morning and i was going home and in the field behind our neighborhood. there behind vista, i found an ear. yeah. i've got it here in this bag. i thought i should bring it to you. what can you tell about the person from the ear? got it. thanks for letting me in on as much as you did. hello?. louise wertham please. louise? . is she there?. louise? yeah! how are you? he's okay. in the hospital for tests. i miss you so much. what have you been up to?. louise, i don't know. i've got to see how my father is . it costs a fortune in that hospital. when did he ask you to that?. look. i can't stop you. go ahead. just go ahead . i may never be back, go. ahead. look louise, stop trying to explain everything. just do it. let's talk again in a couple of days or somethin', okay?. yeah, i still love you. goodbye louise. goodbye. i'm going out for awhile. no, i'm just gonna walk around. no. i'm just going to walk around the neighborhood. don't worry. hello. uh. my name is jeffrey beaumont. is detective williams in? i just wanted to ask him a few questions, that's all. maybe i better go. alright. yeah, i know. no. no thank you. yeah. okay. yeah. it was nice meeting you too. yeah. excuse me, mrs. williams. i understand. i'm just real curious like you said. it must be great. mrs. williams? thanks for the cake. say "goodnight" to sandy. yeah, how did you know? oh yeah? yeah i did. treasurer. shouldn't you be studying or something. no. you're not bothering me. you a senior? how is central these days? what else is new?. right? i'm home from school. my father's in the hospital. what do you know about the ear?. anything? come on. you brought it up. do you know anything? do you know who was brought in for questioning? were all these people questioned this afternoon? the ear is from a missing person maybe? it's a strange world isn't it? do you know what building the woman lives in? i guess you have to get back home soon? where are they? did they find out anything when they questioned her? oh yeah. what about those other people? . anything? you really do hear a lot, don't you? i have to help out in my father's hardware store. they're giving me sort of my own hours for a while. which is nice. it's not bad. but it's bad enough. it's a lot worse for my father. i used to know a kid who lived there and who had the biggest tongue in the world. i don't know. he moved away. thanks for the tour. it was nice talking to you. i guess i'll see you sometime. yeah. good bye. hey, ed, okay if i borrow these bug spraying rigs later on? okidoke ed. thanks. you hungry or thirsty, or both? i'd like to talk to you about something. i don't want to cause any trouble. i guess mike's got some sort of sports practice in the afternoon. there are opportunities in life for gaining knowledge and experience. sometimes, in some cases. it's necessary to take a risk. i got to thinking. i'll bet a person could learn a lot by getting into that woman's apartment. you know. sneak in and hide and observe. settle down. i have a plan which i think will work. there is very little for you to do, but i do need your help. .aren't you curious about my plan? alright. the first thing is to get into her apartment and open a window that i could crawl into later. right out in the car i happen to have some old overalls and a bug spraying rig. i will go to her apartment and be the pest control man. i will spray her apartment. after a few minutes you will knock on her door, drawing her attention away from me and i will then jimmy a window. you will be a jehovah's witness. i have a few "awake" magazines for you. you don't have to keep her very long. a few seconds is all i'll need. whatiya think? let's just try the first part. if that goes well, we'll see about the rest. no one will suspect us, because no one would believe two people like us would be crazy enough to do something like this. now. we'll walk over so there's no license plates and you give me at least three minutes. i can stall if it's more, but i need time to find a good window .alright? let's go. okay, i'm going ahead. wait a minute, what's her name? thanks. dorothy vallens. okay. good luck . three minutes, no sooner. that's a good sign. pest control. gotta do your apartment. nope. it's new stuff. no smell. that oughta do it. yeah. let's get outta here. what happened? yes and no. did you recognize him? i didn't get a good look at him either, but he sure looked at me. i didn't have time to get a window, but i found this key. pretty nifty, huh? yeah. you go first. pretty clever. are you game for more? you didn't goof it up, but. you still owe me one. i want to sneak in tonight. it's friday. do you have a date tonight? well, it's friday night and you're a beautiful girl. i guess you would have a date. that does that. i don't want you to get involved, really, i mean, i do, but if something went wrong i mean, like you said, they may be involved in murder. first of all, we'll have a nice dinner. try to find out where dorothy sings. great. i'll pick you up around eight o'clock. is that good? okay. you better get out before someone sees us. see ya! doctor gynde. my whole family's sick. what's going on? can i use the car tonight? first of all, we're going to the slow club to see dorothy vallens. we'll watch her for awhile. i'd like to hear her sing anyway, and then also we'll know she is there and not in her apartment. then we'll drive back to her apartment and i will plant myself there. yeah. could we get a small table in the back? i'd like an ice-cold heineken. two. when does dorothy vallens come on? here's to. an interesting experience. why not? it'll be okay. i don't think you should wait out here though. i think you should go home. can you drive this car? leave it in the front of your house for me. okay? could you wait a little while. this key may not fit. i'm going in, sandy. i'll see you tomorrow and tell you how it went. oh, okay. can i call? look. it can wait till sunday. yeah. are you sure? okay. thanks. that's for me to know and for you to find out. i'll see you. i mean call you. okay? oh no, hurry up dorothy. come on!. and i gotta pee. great. it's now or never. heineken. jeffrey. jeffrey nothing. i wanted to see you. nobody. i was. an experiment. just to see if i could do it. i sprayed your apartment. i took your key. i really didn't mean to do anything but see you. i saw you come in, talk on the phone. get undressed. you said hello. to frank. you wanted to talk to someone?. don?. and little donny. you said something about momma loves you. and something about a meadow lane. something in an hour. i don't remember any more. well. then you got undressed. never before this. no. come on. look. i'm sorry. just let me leave. i . i don't know. yes. no. why don't you come lie down. come on, i'll help you. nothing. are you alright? i'll go then. no. it's okay. it's okay. yes. yes. yes. no. please. i won't. stop it! yes, i like you. what's the matter? what? next christmas. is he santa claus who has left a present for dorothy? what was it? an ear? another ear?!! what was it? no. no. what is happening? please don't talk like that. you're upset. i'm not helping you. i'm sorry for what i did. i better go. then don't talk about killing. don't say that. i'm leaving now. don. oh my god. god. you scared me. nothing. i'm fine. louise wertham, please. okay. louise?. jeffrey. hi. what's up? married?! good night! louise! are you kidding? well, louise, i wish you a lot of luck and if things don't work out, i think you should go into comedy. how can i help her? i can't tell her to go to detective williams. she'll think i'm a policeman. she has my address. she can go there. if she has to. i'll tell her. and her. and she thinks i'm don. her husband? where the hell is don? - maybe he died. hello?. mrs. williams?. this is jeffrey beaumont. fine. okay. is sandy there? okay. hi sandy. can you talk? he is?. well, i guess i'll talk to you later on. it went okay. i'll tell you about it. dinner?. tomorrow night? seven o'clock, yeah, sounds good. okay. he's still in the hospital. okay, yeah. see you tomorrow. thanks. this is what my father's disease looks like? a table in back, please. i'll have an ice-cold heineken. i'll bet i know where you're going. i shouldn't go in. i shouldn't. but i'm too curious. and i have to try to help her. hi. can i come in? are you alright? i. uh. that's not crazy. i like you too. same here. frank? .can you stand up? nice guy. who's he? there you go again. stop saying that. you can make it. take it easy. what's goin' on anyway?. why are you in so much trouble? no. no. please, dorothy. why are you in so much trouble? who is don? no. but you're in very big trouble. i came back to help you. you said do i let girls sneak into my house. you know where i live. if you need to. come to where i live. o.k.? yes. no. i should go. why dorothy? will you tell mom when she gets home from the hospital that i've gone to dinner at sandy williams' house? oh yeah?. have you seen any? well, i haven't seen any. i wouldn't worry about it. look. i better go. no. well. no. you're right. yeah, well i never wanted to get slaughtered much. that sounds great! well. i've found out some things. nothing really for certain. there are some strange people involved. well. maybe we should discuss this somewhere else. you know what i mean? sure thing. please don't worry about me. can i help you with the dishes? yes? these are beautiful. how's the case coming? anything you can tell me? is that why you say it's horrible? i guess you've seen some bad things. why do you do it? yeah. i get it. what is this? what color is it? a dairy queen? oh yeah? sure, that sounds great. what's with mike? i'm sorry, i didn't. no way. i'm about to blow up. ok. it's a strange world, sandy. this is what i have found out. what i think i have found out. dorothy vallens is married to a man named don. they have a son. i think the son and the husband have been kidnapped by a man named frank who has now cut off both of don's ears. i think he is holding them to make her do things for him. i think she wants to die. the ears were for her a warning to stay alive. there is another man involved. i call him the "yellow man". you saw his back the other day in the hall at her door. i don't know what he does but i think he's on drugs supplied by frank. frank is a very dangerous man. i don't see how i can. and i can't prove any of this. i got all this information illegally. also it could get you in trouble. actually. i've been in twice. yes. yeah. i mean. a little, . you know. that doesn't bother you, does it? that's what i thought. why are there people like frank. why is there so much trouble in this world.? yeah i guess so. you're a neat girl. i guess so. you want to help me watch frank?. i'm going to stake out frank's place tomorrow. with a camera. i will. i'll pick you up on the same corner at three thirty-five, okay? okay, sandy. can i give you a kiss good night? okay. okay. see ya tomorrow. hello? stupid!! so stupid. now she might be in even more trouble with frank. i hope not. i hope not. tomorrow i have to find out more about frank. damn! wow. fifteen more minutes. you gotta wait for me sandy. i'm on a real roll. what happened? oh yeah? what about the woman? man oh brother. i'm really sorry. you want to go talk to him? that's what makes it so good. you wanta hear what i saw today? number one. i saw the yellow man go into frank's building, laughing with frank. now. the only trouble is. what does this prove? maybe. but i think the yellow man is on drugs. i think frank supplies him. number two. i saw the yellow man come out. this time with a well-dressed man with an alligator briefcase. they drove down this factory building and stood on a staircase looking at something in the distance. number three. now get this. in the distance was a murder. a drug dealer shot to death and a woman with her legs broken. then these guys told me the police will find a huge amount of drugs inside the dead man's place. yeah. i'm seeing something that was always hidden. i'm involved in a mystery. i'm learning. and it's all secret. yeah. you're a mystery. i like you. very much. you worry about me really? hello. i'm sorry .maybe i better go dorothy. frank is coming? i sure don't hate you. that's good. sure i do. i'm doing it. whatiya mean? what do you want? no. i told you. i don't want to hurt you. i want to help you. i think i know some of what is happening to you. . dorothy? frank has your husband and son. dorothy? doesn't he? you have to do something dorothy. go to the police. yes. that wouldn't be too good, would it? okay. i know you've been scared. now you want to scare someone. shut up. come on dorothy. look, snap out of it, will ya? do you love me? sometimes i think i do. wait a minute. wait. whatiya want? for cryin' out loud! oh god. are you alright. no. it's not don. i didn't mean to hurt you. you. what? there's no disease, i can tell you. i'm glad you do. dorothy. no! you called me jeffrey. yes. no. not really. but also because i really want you to be alright. i guess i should go. i think i better go. i'll call you. what? you look beautiful to me. oh no. no thanks. i don't want to go. on a ride. heineken. what color is it? here's to ben. what? nothing. hey. leave her alone. yes. yellow cab? is this yellow cab? i need a cab. on route 7. . just by meadow lane. meadow lane. there's a big nehi sign. okay. i'll wait, don't worry, . i've got to get home, don't i? owww. i don't want to talk about it. everything's okay now. i don't want to talk about it. aunt barbara. i love you, but you're not gonna get it. mrs. williams? hi, this is jeffrey beaumont. fine and you? good. is sandy there? good, thanks. sandy?. can you talk? good. i'm through with this business. i'll explain, but it got a little out of hand. i'm lucky to be able to call you. anyway. i promise i'll tell you everything .how are you? great. hey. i've got a bit of a problem. i know some things. that could help your father but you might get into trouble. ok but i promise i won't mention you. okay? .i'll see him at the police station. okay? see you friday night, if not before. excuse me. gordon. gordon. a police inspector. wait a minute. wait a minute. the police. the police. gordon. took all those drugs away. gordon took those drugs away. hi. hi sandy. i'm sorry to bother you, but i've got to talk to you. yeah. okay. i gotta tell you. i've. discovered some things. .anyway i have to show you some pictures and tell you some things about them. the first picture is this. this is frank booth. his address is on the back of the photo. he, in my opinion, is very sick and dangerous. this photo here is of frank with another man as they went into frank's apartment. and that man came out with a third man - this well-dressed guy. here's the photo. i think a girl named dorothy vallens is in trouble with these people. i think frank has taken her husband and her son. i have no hard proof of any of this. her address is also on the photos. i think these people are involved with drugs. and murder. i think frank is killing drug dealers and. . and somehow frank is getting all their drugs. i had to tell you i got slightly more involved in this than you wanted me to, but it's over now for sure. .i had to tell you about these things in case it could help. i can't tell you the whole story. i. i took it upon myself. i can't say more. no. not at all. only you. and the photo lab. yes sir. i sure am. yes sir. yeah. i think so. i just had to tell him some of what i knew. is friday still on? no. okay. great! you all set? okay. just some fatherly advice. nothing. really! it's good to see you. where to? i'd rather not talk about it. i'll tell you about it sometime. you look beautiful. i like that idea. that's a real good idea. i can't dance fast. really. you want to dance with someone else? let's wait for some slow one. you want to dance? i really do love you. frank!! come on. move it! i can't outrun this guy. my father has a gun at home. sandy. this guy is a killer!! i promise you. no!! dorothy! . dorothy! yes. later mike. i gotta take care of someone who's hurt here, in case you haven't noticed. yeah. okay, mike. no. is detective gordon going to be at your house? ok. let's get her over to your father's. here we go. yeah, it's me. it's okay. it's okay. sandy? . sandy, please. shh. i'll tell you. who, dorothy? i should go with her, sandy. sandy?. don?. where is he? i promise, dorothy. i promise. mrs. williams?. is sandy there? please. sandy? sandy, please. . forgive me. i love you. please get to your father and send him and the police to dorothy's apartment right away. be sure your father comes. something is happening over there. they're hurting someone. the guy she loves. tell them to hurry. i'm going over right now. yes i'm going. i have to. i love you. i will, believe me. i'm leaving now. i'll let them find you all on their own. find all this horror on their own. good bye. so. frank escaped. frank's car. is this man a cop? he has a radio!. so did frank though and he's no cop. that's for sure. and he's driving frank's car. who is he? what happened that day?. they went in together. and out came. no it couldn't be. but i think it is!! it's frank!! detective williams!! detective williams!! yes it's me!!! frank is on his way up to dorothy's apartment. oh no. frank has a radio and is hearing everything we say!! detective williams. hurry. i'm in the apartment. hurry. i'm hiding in the back bedroom. does dorothy know her husband is dead? oh my god. is her son ok? he became obsessed with her. she hated him. he had to have her. he kidnapped them to control her. to make her do things. then she wanted to commit suicide so he started cutting off ears as a warning to her to stay alive. i'm not kidding. frank loved blue. blue velvet. he had to have dorothy cause her whole life was blue. yeah. i guess i did. what's going to happen to me? yeah. i sure know that. yeah, but how many more are out there? okay. i'll be right in. how ya doin' dad? good deal dad. yeah. i just saw him outside. maybe the robins are here.