i mean, for good, jeffrey. jeffrey. honey. your father's condition is serious. it's going to cost so much. we just won't have the money to keep you in school. i'm telling you this now, so that you can get your things together and check out of school, honey, or whatever you have to do. it'll save you another trip back. you're going to have to work at the store. where's all your things, jeffrey? he's alright. we'll tell you on the way home. he had a cerebral hemorrhage and they think there's some sort of clot, or tumor, or something in there. they're doing all sorts of tests. on the surface, he looks pretty good, but there are problems. they think he may have to stay in two weeks now, at least. you can go see him though tomorrow, jeffrey. jeffrey, breakfast is ready. i think jeffrey would like to see his father alone. i've made arrangements with dr. gynde for 10:30. but jeffrey, you'll have to walk over; i need the car this morning. jeffrey, when you see your father. he doesn't know you're out of school. he thinks it's a vacation for you. it would be too much for him. so please let him think as he does, that you're home just to see him. jeffrey!. nobody wanted you to leave school and go to work in the store. maybe going back to school will be an option one day. i hope so. do you want the car? alright. i feel fine. of course, jeffrey. is something wrong? what's happened to your face? you can't just stay out half the night and carry on, jeffrey. there's got to be some order, jeffrey. i thought it would have been nice to call your father when you got home but now it is much too late.