mike's gotta go. nice to meet you. are you the one that found the ear. i just know, that's all. i remember you from central. you were pretty popular. didn't you run for some office? am i bothering you? yes. terrible. boring. yeah. what are you doing now? that's too bad. didn't my father tell you not to talk about it? i don't really know much but bits and pieces . i hear things. my room is right above my father's office. the ear. there's no corpse in the morgue missing an ear, and it did come off a living person. that's direct from the coroner's office. the person is unknown. there are a couple of cases i get mixed up on, but i think there are some people who were brought in for questioning on a murder case that could have something to do with the ear. i heard some of the same names. there were at least three, maybe four. but a name that keeps coming up is this woman who lives in an apartment building very close to your house and also close to the field where you found the ear. there's also a business man over by the franklin factory district that was questioned. and a musician. and some others. no. this has been going on for some time . several months. about six months ago some parts of bodies were found down by the river. they were from people who were reported missing. they never found one complete body. only parts. maybe so. yeah. it's close by. that's what's creepy. they've had her under surveillance for a couple of months, except i don't know what they've found out because my father isn't in charge of her. not really, why? you want to see the building?. come on, i'll show you. that's the building. she lives on the seventh floor. don't stop to look long . the police are watching. i don't know. you're not supposed to see them. they're supposed to see you. i don't know. like i said, she's not my father's case. my father is watching the businessman. the businessman had a partner who disappeared. left his whole business and family, his wife and two kids. they think he's been murdered. yeah, i guess so. what are you going to do now that you're home? still, it must be kinda rough. what happened to him? i've gotta go in. i guess so. like you said. it's a strange world. i don't know. just a minute. pull over and wait a minute. please, don't say anything to mike. promise? i'm here, aren't i? ooooo, you are smart. just don't get too smart. alright, now tell me. what is it? you said it was a strange world. and you're the strangest part of it. are you crazy.she is possibly involved in murder. this gives me the creeps. it wouldn't hurt to hear the plan, i guess. now, how are you going to do that? what will i say when she comes to the door? i don't know. it sounds like a good daydream, . but actually doing it is too weird. too dangerous. you've got a point there. alright. oh bother. dorothy vallens, seventh floor. look on the mailbox for her number, bright boy. alright. good luck, yourself. are you alright? i was just about to go to the door, when that man did my job for me. was it alright? no. i only saw his back. he went down another stairwell at the end of the hall. yeah, if it opens the door. so. what's next? i owe you. since i goofed up this one. yes. i do. you really want to do this, don't you? i'll tell mike i'm sick. there's a game tonight anyway and he'll never miss me. afterwards he can go out with the guys. just so the record is kept straight though, i love mike. what do want me to do? i already know. the "slow club." it's on route 7. yeah, but don't pick me up. my father may think it's strange. i'll walk over to your house. i'll be there at eight o'clock. what's the plan. brilliant. this is not my usual friday night! that sounds good. that guy was filled with information. i'll drink to that. jeffrey, i don't think you ought to do it. it's crazy and dangerous. my god. i shouldn't have told you. yeah. but. i wish you wouldn't do this. it doesn't make any sense. let's go somewhere and have some coffee. i. i don't want to see you tomorrow. mike's coming over. okay. yeah, call. call tomorrow. it's okay. good luck. i hope you can sneak out okay. you're going to wait until she's asleep? i'm going to wait here until she comes. i'll honk four times so you'll hear it and know she's on her way up. okay? i don't know if you're a detective or a pervert. okay, okay. bye. we thank you in the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost. amen. we've got some heinekens. i'll get it. mike, whatiya want? you can change it if you want to. mike. we don't have to watch it. come on. well, how did it go?. what happened? what did you see? sure. just a sec. excuse me. okay. can i use the car for a while? i want to buy jeffrey a dairy queen. he got a little jealous. it's okay. don't worry about it. you want a dairy queen? you want to tell me about it? wow. should you tell my father? you saw a lot in one night. twice. without her sensing anything? did you see her undressed? yeah? who, me? why should it? you're sure right. it is a strange world. i don't know. i had a dream. in fact. the night i met you. . in the dream the world was dark because there weren't any robins. you know, birds. robins stood for love. and all of a sudden thousands of robins flew down and brought this blinding light of love. and it felt like that love would be the only thing that would make any difference. i guess. until the robins come there is trouble. so are you. i mean you're a neat guy. we better get back. no, silly - i'm still in school you know. but i'll meet you after school and you can tell me what you've learned. you better be careful, jeffrey. okay. be careful. you better not, jeffrey. goodnight. go on!!!. go! oh great. you were late. what am i going to do? yeah, but. i don't think it's going to do much good. let's go. i'll try to talk to him later. you know, that cheese is practically all chemicals. shoot. nothing really, but it's interesting. they know each other. they seem to like each other. oh yeah? jeffrey!! i can't believe what you are finding out. are you going to continue with this. are you going back to her apartment? jeffrey?. why? you like mysteries that much? oh yeah? don't. please, jeffrey. yes. is that so surprising?. yeah i worry. a lot. i got you into this. we broke up. no. it's okay. it's okay. jeffrey?. jeffrey?. hey, jeffrey?. do you want to go to a party with me friday night?. he won't be there, don't worry. it'll be real nice. this friday. you don't dance? well, i'll teach you, silly. jeffrey. are they important things? well forget me - you have to tell him. jeffrey. i mean it. everything okay? you didn't tell him about me? i should never had gotten you going on this. yes jeffrey. friday's on! what is it? goodnight mom. goodnight tom. what was that all about? it's good to see you. just go over to gelford and up to vista. it's not far. can you tell me any more about what you learned? it's okay. thank you. whatiya say we just enjoy the evening? you want to dance? really? just a minute. don't worry. i took care of it. you want something to drink? okay. i love you, jeffrey. oh my god. what's wrong? no. try to get to my house. then my father can. it's mike! it's mike! stop it mike. dorothy vallens? mike, go home. take her to my house. my dad can get an ambulance faster than anyone. do you have anything to put around her? probably not. no. why? right. watch out for mike, there. is dad home? you better call him and get an ambulance too. jeffrey? .what's going on? i still love you jeffrey. go ahead. go ahead! i forgive you. i just couldn't watch. i love you jeffrey. i love you. is she okay?. how horrible. what? no jeffrey!! no. he only wants my father to come over. it's very important. he said someone was hurt and he wants detective williams there. well, find him!! jeffrey!! jeffrey. lunch is ready. look jeffrey.