she looks up toward the traffic light. surprised to find herself vaguely disappointed, she drives on. good-bye. i'm here! stands in the doorway, awkwardly conscious of having interrupted something. hi. g'night. great. i'm really sorry we didn't tell you sooner. he just decided. i'm tired. i'm going to bed. i haven't got a problem. i know. billings, montana. city of the future. just some friends. i know. i'm not eight years old. i know i'll make new friends. i, umm. i. it embarrasses me. when you talk about something with carol that happened before me. she's my best friend. it embarrasses me that you used to live with her. three years. i know. it does that. no. lately. water comes out. it still works. okay. do you want a donut? you got me. and it's fifteen inch. we don't watch much. why don't you take one? not a donut. a t.v. it's your last day. yeah. i say do it. sears can afford to give you a bonus. what do you mean? nick. they fired you. there's no bonus. you should take a t.v. mmmmm. who are you? what are you doing? you. why are you here? we're still here. can't you come back tomorrow? yeah? billings, montana. it can't be worse than enfield, arizona. no. i haven't. you can skip it. i won't tell. what color is it gonna be? it's already off-white. what would you choose? what? oh. they? nick. nick. the man i live with. he'd find us. and he'd be surprised. i don't think we're going to take much of the furniture. it's ugly. it's a sofa bed. it weighs two thousand pounds. it's yours. he's really gonna do it? sears. he knows. he doesn't care. do you care? it's not a crime. poetic justice. they fired him. the painter. he needs me? oh. great! thanks. i get the t.v? i get the t.v. excuse me, i just. you can't help me? nick sold a demo, wrote it up like a new set, and gave me the receipt. maybe i should just leave it packed. ha ha ha. you're stoned! you're being silly and you've got bunny eyes. no? you got carol stoned? i didn't think she liked you. she does. this is the nicest thing i've ever owned. it's a beautiful picture. yeah! fuckin' nick. come see! you can come over and watch. oh. right. sorry. want some visine? need help? okay. tilt your head back. stop fidgeting. next eye. my pants are taken. why don't you go for him? i wish nick would get back and help with the packing. he's probably getting drunk with the stockboys. that's what he's probably doing. he's gone. where'd he call from? i have to do something. i've got to be out of here sunday. that's tomorrow. he's gone. fuckin' nick. yeah. i know that. oh. uh, no. you've lived here your whole life? you've never gone anywhere? none? that's not offered. why? i'm serious. maybe that's my problem. thanks. you think your father knows the truth? has his luck found him? must be the paint fumes. you find what you want here? yeah? oh. no. no. leave what behind? that was a bad answer. it's not. i'll find happiness. right. in your arms. in you. but i won't. i have to find happiness in myself. you're showing how young you are. i don't know you. i know you want to fuck me. i know. i know you. i know you. i have to be out tomorrow. the moment's gone. have you ever been in a relationship? you weren't married. do i remind you of her? thank god. freckled. what happened? was she ever found? you've stayed here and you know who you are? and you know what you want. oh. good. come here and put it inside me. doing this is as close as you get. come here. come inside me. yes? i want. i want. come inside me. hi. i didn't want to wake you. i'm not. i've got to pack. no. you paint. i'll manage. oh god. i'd be so much happier if i could blame this on nick, but it always happens to me. i'm always left with nothing. it doesn't matter if i leave the guy or if the guy leaves me -- i'm left with nothing. i never do anything for myself. i never acquire anything. i mean nick didn't take from me. he stole a t.v. and left it for me. he didn't take my things, he didn't take our things. he didn't even take his clothes! and i'll still leave this house with nothing! no. he didn't take 'em. i mean, when he cared about me, he cared about me. and he was really good in bed. i didn't expect more. i can't face this. i'm gonna finish up the kitchen. . get some momentum. he's twenty-four. long on conversation. yeah. i guess i did. christ. i gotta get out here. i was in tucson two years before you and nick got here. i've been here five years. this state's driving me crazy. i've got no money. i can't take it. i mean you're being great, but i can't take it. i'm gonna be gone, we won't see each other, and i won't send the money. i won't. i know. i won't get around, i'll forget, i won't do it. shit. i'll sell all this shit. i don't want any of it, just my car and my clothes. i'm sorry. i shouldn't have fucked this kid last night. i should have slept. now i've got all this stuff to do, and i'm tired, i'm churned up, i'm in a fuckin' mood. yeah. no one'll buy my stuff. it's all junk. i guess i do have stuff to sell. nothing? you can have it all for three hundred. the stuff in these boxes and everything inside. everything. except the t.v. the t.v.s not for sale. can you just leave the name blank? i won't have an account, so i'll have to find someplace to cash it for me. thanks a lot. yeah. i'm sorry sid stuck you with unloading. he is. listen. i'll probably be gone before you get back. i can't. he gets to me. too much. if i don't go i'll end up with staying with him. sure. sid? i'm sorry about selling the sofa bed. but i gave it to you. no. it was all even in this department. i know. you're hard again. shit. i just fleeced a widow. it was all junk. shit. i've got to get some aspirin. i didn't drink enough to be hung over. yeah? it's never happened to me. i've got to go now. the new people'll be here. no. no. i gotta get out. no. agawam?. no. i don't know where i'm going. somewhere else. sid. i'm going away. you're making me way too important. you met me yesterday. jesus. one day. no! that's. that's a fuckin' animal thing, i've done that. i meet men, go home with them and just stay. no decision involved -- it's just what i do. and then i don't have to live my life, i just lead theirs. i can't keep doing that. what way are we? it's been passionate, it's been comfortable. but it hasn't been. important. like you're making it! no! it was a night! it wasn't real. it was fun, it was some great fucking! but it's just something that happened! it's not real! the "one"?! i've had lots of "ones"! i look like a baby but i'm twenty- fuckin'-- eight years old! you're just the latest! no! oh, sid. forever? you have to understand -- it's just talk. it is. c'mon, these things you say. c'mon! what?! if i died you couldn't stand life? that's. that's. no. you won't know when i die. you won't be there. no. no! i care about you. no. i care about you. but i'm an adult. i can say no. yes. i can say no. no, i won't do that. no, i won't have that. no, i can't. yes. i'm going. i don't. don't tell me what to do. i don't know. her eyes well with tears. her face sets with resolve.