what? when? in two days?! thanks for the news. you got me. what does beth say? three years. i know. how long a drive is it? that's not bad. get saved. hey. think about this. you take a detour and go through vegas -- you and beth stop, see a show, have a nice romantic dinner -- play the slots, get the free drinks. no, you skip the hotel. it's night, the highway's empty -- you can make good time. you start speeding. you get stopped in utah by the cops -- you flunk the breathalizer, they haul you in. the judge is mormon -- you get fifteen years, you go to prison, but at least your life has taken a direction! hi! hi. g'night. okay. i've got the short shift -- you want me to come over, help pack? smiles to herself, a trace of sadness in her eyes. i understand. sorry i'm late, the new girl's a moron. going away present. i thought you might need it. let's highlight your route. here's enfield. visit them. you're going to be driving by. you might as well visit. let me. i'm starved. no. but the rest of the time they were. awful. nick. we couldn't stand each other. we stopped in enfield and just stayed. big trees scare me. nick's gonna steal a t.v.! who are you? he says yes. we've got to talk. there's no crime. that's just an expression. it's making the rounds. college students use it. you want him to know? it's justice. who is this guy?! no. he needs you at the store. this is what you do? which is your career? that is true. i work on it. yeah. yeah? takes a drag on the joint like an old pro. hi, kids. i should have had him steal me one, too. forget it. how's the painting going? you have bad work habits. it makes teevee seem very futuristic. i'm hardly stoned. it was homegrown. no. thank you. shit. missed the eye, got the face. yeah. beth. got it. wait a second. he really wants to get in your pants. he likes you. beth. listen. yeah. he said the highway. i'll help. you can come to my place. he's an asshole. he said he needs to be alone again. learn about himself. make a fresh start in a new town. he's sorry. he said he would have called you, but your phone's disconnected. 'cause you're moving. he's always been an asshole. you'll be all right. i'm here. we're fine. how was he? a little weak on tenderness, but long on juice? did you need talk? good. so what are we doing? yeah. so what are you gonna do? i've got some. okay. let's do things, get you busy. you get all the stuff you wanna sell, and i'll make some tag sale signs. that's what people buy at tag sales. broken appliances, ugly knicknacks. is there something specific you're looking for? of course. i'll follow you in my car. i'll be right along. this had to be history's most efficient tag sale. no problem. he kinda bites my butt, but he's okay. i thought maybe we could be roomies for a while. you know, while you figure out what's next. you've done worse. you came back. is beth here? no. you're too late. beth's new boyfriend. you heard me. you left her. you didn't find anyone. let it drop, nick! he was nice to beth when you treated her like shit. nick. this is me. you didn't come back for beth's sake -- something just didn't work out like you had planned. he was sweet to her. they were sweet with each other. beth looked young with him. they had a real connection. leave him alone! and what is that? there isn't anything he can do. he wouldn't know where to look. what? how do you know she's on the highway? you've got a chance. so. start painting. hello? no. thank you. yes. it is. well, dear. we should carry it home. thanks anyway. you're not going to be their new neighbor. good. you look terrible. you were drunk. beth?. i'm sure. nick?. what you've been doing. you can't do anymore. you just can't do it. okay? no. i don't think so. it's not like you can't do it. it's that i don't want you to do it. nick. i don't want you to do it. shit. i hate talking to you.