we're moving. we're going to move. two days. yeah. i haven't known for long. i just decided. what do i need that makes me make these decisions? beth?. whatever makes me happy. that's what she says. i know this place. i know what happens here. i know what's going to happen. the same job, same scenery, same people. i've been in this town for years. years!! oh, carol. forever -- it seems forever. fourteen hours. in a car? it's a fuckin' nightmare. and there's no radio in utah. it's all religious programs. no thanks. too much money. the show. the meal. the slots. then the hotel -- that's another hundred down the toilet. hi, honey. pizza hut, tomorrow? what's your problem? okay. you agreed to try billings. yeah and i read that a while ago -- so the future's probably already there. it's not like you're leaving anything behind. a good job or something. you'll make new friends. then what is it? that was years ago. that's right. and we're moving. she won't be your best friend anymore. living with someone isn't such a big deal. anyway. i live with you now. beth!. beth!! it's. it's raining! since we got it? shit. what's wrong with it? shit. i hate this shit! it never kept the coffee hot. and now this. no. it doesn't. water comes out. i could've gotten a new one. on my discount. now it's too late. no. i want an appliance that works. this coffee maker was junk. this blender's junk. our t.v. is junk! i don't know why we're even bothering to pack. the t.v. gets no channels. i can't believe we don't have a big t.v. but at our age. i'm not hungry. take a t.v.? like a bonus. i might do it. maybe they are. maybe when i get my check today, there'll be a bonus in it. yeah. yeah. that's true. and i sold a lot of teevees for them. i should go. don't wanna be late on my last day. i gotta go. just waiting for the last second to put on the noose. so chip -- what's new? yeah. i'm outta here. that's what they think. i was gonna quit anyway -- this way i get unemployment. yeah. recession insurance. this way i'm not stuck waiting around for the lay-offs to start. what's that? thanks. a map! i do! i had a map -- i lost it. here's billings. look at this -- right there -- that's the town i was born in. where i grew up. where my parent's live. isn't that a coincidence? oh. no. no. they're not near the interstate. i haven't even called them in years. no. i wouldn't know them. shit. thanks. it was the drive that killed us. san antonio to seattle is just too many hours in a car. if we'd have flown, we would've made it. things were all right in bed. really? why didn't you go on to seattle? it was your car. i'm thinking about stealing a t.v. you lookin' or buyin'? yeah. what do you like? no. you see. you go to a movie, you're there. you watch t.v., you're thirteen places at once. as many channels as you get, that's as many places as you are. you get cable? you're forty places at once. you get a satellite dish?. exactly. you're everywhere. it's called freedom. have you thought about american? i own an american set. i'm very satisfied. i'll tell you. the thing is, a hundred and fifty dollars gets you very little in the way of japanese technology. it would get you that t.v. your parents? no. i, uh, just never think of adults as having parents. i know. i'm an adult, i have parents. oh, miss, i've got your receipt! this is all you need. now you just take this receipt out, give it to the guys at the loading dock and they'll give you your brand new beautiful television set. out back. they'll help load it in your car and everything. out back. think about american. they're mostly japanese parts anyway. miss. i'm helping this customer here, perhaps you might. you might want to see someone else. not really. nobody lives in that, right? i got no one to shop for. shit. fuckin' wind. what does it mean? no. the wind itself, you know what i mean, you're an indian. yeah, so you're in tune with this stuff. oh. right. here's a twenty. so what does the wind mean? like as an omen or something, you know -- -- a change is coming to the people. -- the spirit of freedom is walking the land. that kind of meaning. that's it? shit. it would be better if meant something. he stares at the map. excuse me. excuse me. i'm. i'm looking for my parents. my mother, my father. they. hello. oh. good. this is my house. i, uhh. mean this is the house i grew up in. nice to meet you. nice to meet you. oh. yelling doesn't help. my name is nick, nick brennan. did you know the brennans? they lived here. they used to live here. i used to live here with them. what's your name? no. i know an elizabeth. i call her beth. this is a good sandwich. when did he move here? would he know where the people before him went? you're sure? oh. he can't help me. i've lost my parents. is that like a joke? then yes. i lost them both at the same time. i'm sorry. that's tragic. i should. i'm really sorry. i should go. attacks. that's very sad. i've really gotta be going. i, uh. thank you again for the sandwich. delicious. have you found your real parents? listen. i have to go. could you give me the number for information in arizona?. thank you. enfield. carol, carol, umm. carol. carol something. shit! hello janet, thank you for being my operator. i hope you can help me, i need to call my home. well, i'll tell you my number, but there's a problem. my phone's been disconnected, not because of bills, i mean we paid all our bills. we were hardly ever even late. we were very good customers, but we're moving, so we had the phone disconnected. but now i need to call. the woman i live with. she's still there and i've got to let her know where i am. i don't know any of the neighbors. i know one, but i can't remember her last name. no. no. no. you see you have to be able to help me, this is not a prank, it's my home phone, this is an emergency. yes it can, it can be done. someone there can hook the phone back up. it's not like a phone guy came to our house to disconnect the phone, nobody came to our house, someone just flipped a switch somewhere, somewhere there where you work, or plugged something into a computer and our phone stopped working! they turned it off, they can turn it back on! i know it's the week-end! i know! call them at home! they'll have a computer at their house, they'll have a phone thing to hook it up to the real computer! that's how these people live! they'll be glad to do it!. no. no. i can't have the police go to the house. that won't work, there are circumstances. it's you. you've got to help me! please! i've gotta call home! i can't wait. it could be too late! janet!! you've gotta help me! please! you can reconnect me. please!! don't hang up! don't hang up!! you fucker!! you heartless. awakened by the roar, nick has wearily leaned his head out the window. no. an idea strikes him and his lips tighten into a small determined smile. i don't think she really wears jewelry. as a present? no. what about that? that would make her laugh. you got something like it but fake? nick reaches into the back seat, fishes and comes up with his necktie. he slips the still-knotted necktie over his headdress and tightens it around his neck. beth! beth!!! where is she? shit! excuse me. shiiiiit!! who are you? yeah. what? shit! i got that. where'd she go? shit! be at carol's. be at carol's. i'm too late. this really bothers me! what? listen! i don't want to be normal. i don't have to be, i don't! this is my house. you're in my house. and i'm tired of going to my house and finding strangers! may i look around? nooo. she left the television. too bad. that's foolish. that t.v. is a remarkable thing. yeah. no. do you know where she went? shit. who is this guy? what?! is this true?! not really? not really?! what? did you fuck her? jesus! the next day! that's the world, huh? they don't even wait a day anymore. i didn't fuck anyone. no. i didn't leave her for another person, i left her for another place. which i think is a little more excusable. well it's none of your fuckin' business! cause you fucked her? no! that gives you no business in my life. be glad you have a home, asshole! why?! i came back. you see -- you don't know everything about me -- i didn't really have any real plans! and i brought them together? it seems i'm blessed. in what i do. i do wrong, and it turns out right. that i've done right. so it really doesn't matter what i do. hey! i said "hey!" i hope you're very happy together! she is, isn't she? if you two were such the happy couple why the fuck did she leave, romeo? i was already gone! this is not about me and beth, there is no me and beth! this is about you! why didn't you go with her? people aren't going to offer you anything! you have to take what you want. that's very wise, but not very true. i sell televisions. people don't know what they want. you have to show them. go after her! no. he's not alone, he's with us. she's alone. she's out there alone. just hoping she's closer to what she wants. i don't know! how would i know?! what do i know?! i know that what i want isn't there. it isn't here. it isn't inside! it isn't outside! it doesn't exist. but you want her, and you aren't doing shit about it! he can go after her. go after her! what kind of man won't fuck up his life for the women he loves? go find her!! she'd she'd she'd. she'd head for her parents! she'd head for her parents. believe me. they're in florida. that's east. you start driving east on route forty. keep going east and around eleven start checking every roadside motel. the budget ones. you do that all night, you'll find her. when you don't know where you're going, you drive on the highway. i'll finish painting. fuck the ceiling. who looks up that often? it is. no. we're your new neighbors. from next door. actually, we're here for the t.v. the people who left here -- our old neighbors -- left us that t.v. we can manage. it was just something to say. yeah? well, i had a big day. i went to my parent's house. like you said to. and there was this ancient man, this giant man in the doorway. and i thought, "it's my father. my how he's aged." not at the house. at the house i was stone sober. he was very tall. he was too tall to be my father. he was wearing a long overcoat, and i thought, "it's a trick, he's on my mother's shoulders". and then out from behind him came this beautiful young girl. beth. and they sang to me. they sang "london bridge is falling down". "falling down, falling down.". it was very touching. it was. yeah? okay. yeah. i understand. i understand. i'll stop. i've stopped. okay.