the painter. painting. well, good morning. sid. nice to see you again. realty office likes a fresh coat between tenants. i've done this house before. i did a nice job. tomorrow's sunday. the new people move in on sunday. where are you moving to? why? i've lived in enfield my whole life. could you hold this? i use this to mask. have you ever used masking tape to mask? a house like this, it's real easy. hardly needs a paint job. it needs a fresh coat. a little color. off-white. no. it's white. it's just dirty. now if it was my house, i would choose a color. i would not choose off-white. the color of your eyes. hazel. i'm lucky i don't have to kill them. if they were dark, i'd have to put a layer of kill down first. so the dark paint wouldn't shine through the off-white. kill's an oil based paint. it covers the old paint so that you'd never know it was there, but it gives off fumes when it's drying. noxious fumes. they would find us on the floor unconscious. the "they" that find people. unconscious. i guess he'd be the "they". i'm done in there. i won't paint the ceiling 'til you've moved the furniture out. no? i kind of like the sofa. you're not going to take it? can i have it? excellent. the painter. about the crime? nick's gonna steal a t.v. i've never heard that expression. where's he stealing it from? i'm interested. crime's interesting. i read the papers. how? he's got motive. sid. i also mow lawns. painting. i'm an inside person. mowing grass is seasonal. you've got a nice tan. do you want to get stoned? this kind of painting -- for people i won't know -- it's boring. it's not very good. it's homegrown. but it'll get you fucked up. it'll take you someplace. how'd you do it? excellent. c'mon! you stole it. you gotta see it! hold the box. wait! i thought i heard the police. me? i'm a little stoned. not that stoned. no. carol's really stoned. very stoned. she doesn't. but she likes getting stoned. there's nothing like drugs to create a quick and shallow friendship. let's look at the loot. jesus. you didn't fool around. nice speakers! you're moving. too many distractions. i'll be at it all night. not when i'm actually working. i better get set up in the kitchen. that's 'cause you're stoned. it gets the red out. yeah. travelling has no allure for me. maybe through time. so i stay here. it's my home. i belong here. my father says if you stay in one place long enough your luck knows where to find you. maybe it is. he's a bartender. he's lived here his whole life. not yet. but it's probably very close. are you all right? it seems that way. i found you. we never met before last night. but we know each other. leave it behind. unhappiness. no. it was true. come hold me. come hold me, and you'll be happy. yes. yes. no. that's wrong. people tell you that, but it's wrong. i've lived with people who have that happiness from within. that happiness -- it's just them being pleased with themselves. it's not enough. it's a lonely thing. no. i'm not. i'm showing you a way. you know that. and you know me. and i know you. you know. is that what you know? that's right. i'd like to stay right here. in this moment. enjoying this moment. it can go on as long as we want. no. i was married. but it wasn't really a relationship. two years. right out of high school. no. you have beautiful skin. her skin was polka-dotted. when we were kids we called her "spot". she disappeared. no. not by me. i didn't go look. she wanted to meet someone new. i asked her "why?" -- she said, "because he won't know me from before. just now. just what i am now." i knew her. on playgrounds. in sunday school. all those grades -- i knew her as she changed. but she was still the same person. all the times i knew her, she was still her. she can't get away from that. you stay in one place, and all those things that are you. are there. she didn't understand that if you leave, they're still there, in you -- but they stop being clear. you stop knowing who you are, and what you want. i see the lawns i mow, houses i've painted, faces i know. my parents. and i'm constantly reminded of who i am. i want you. i want to be inside you. no. i want to be able to put myself inside of you. i love you. beth? what do you want? morning. hi. i'm awake. i'm a morning person. then why don't you come back to bed? where do we start? whatever you say. what? he took three years from you. beth. you're set. sure. now i've gotta finish painting, but carol here would be happy to help you unload. and i'll be by tomorrow with my truck and the big things. hi. i didn't really need one. when my friends get drunk, they throw up and sleep on the floor. you gave me a lot more. feel me? i want you all the time. no. you just feel bad for her like i feel bad for her. 'cause her husband died. that's about the saddest thing there is. losing someone you love. if you died, i couldn't stand life. go to my house. while you find a place. i can talk to the realtors, i know they've got a place in agawam. you can call me when you get there. i'll give you my number. and today i love you. that doesn't matter. you know that. it can take a second. not with me. we're not that way! we're passionate. we're comfortable. it is important! you know that. it didn't "just happen"! you know we're it! i'm the one for you! no. i'm the last. you've found me. and it can go on forever. it's not. that's true. you'd want me there. if i wasn't there it wouldn't matter who was. you'd be alone. beth. beth. you love me. how do you feel? think! you love me. you have to be with me. that's what makes you an adult? you can say no to me? beth! have someplace to go. why don't. what are you gonna do? she's not here. she's gone. the painter. you're nick. the indian chief. you're too late. she's gone. she didn't say. she didn't know. will you do me a favor? act normal. it's not your house. you're gone. i'm painting -- -- for the new people -- whose house it's going to be. you're gone. they're not here yet. i'm here. i guess that makes this my house. sure. make yourself at home. yeah. she didn't seem to want it. she's gone. not really. i don't tell. i don't. i think it is. if you hadn't gone, i'd be done by now. i'd be home. she's gone. after three years with you, she wanted to be alone. it wasn't offered. you can't take another person. they have to give themselves to you. i couldn't show her. i can't. she. my life is here. do i have a chance? then i'm gone.