-- i think i've underestimated you, ned. i don't know why it took me so long. you've started using your incompetence as a weapon. he's an unhappy man, thinks he should be circuit court by now. here he is in a state with really top-notch corruption and he's stuck with the county toilets. i'm surprised you weren't in on that toilet caper. could have been that quick score you've always been searching for. maybe stella was in on it. stella, when you gonna get a real air conditioner in here. they don't have you. gotta go. you can't buy me. no sirree, i don't come cheap. i had a dream last night that was so boring it woke me up. i was afraid to go back to sleep. where the hell have you been? i've barely seen you for a month. wait a minute -- it's some new quiff, isn't it? what's wrong with me. you've never been shy about that stuff. he's getting discreet. i can't believe it. i'm really disappointed, racine. i've been living vicariously off you for years. if you shut up on me, i'll have just my wife. and people are basically decent. . must be someone i know. let's see -- someone in uniform. no army personnel around. waitress. could it be. . stella! i know, i know -- you finally got to glenda. how was it? did she let you into the no parking zone? a narc from palm beach? is that his hobby? oscar, i just don't understand how you could be doing advanced theoretical thinking like that and still be stuck working in our little town. assistant county prosecutor isn't the end for me, fellows. when the truth comes out about some of the dirt i've been involved in, my future in this state will be unlimited. hi, ned. i don't need my own. i'll just breathe the air. not me. the door was unlocked, inviting illegal entry. it's behavior like that makes oscar's job so hard. no thanks, i already had one. was arson. it's not their style. they're very smooth. they'd rather destroy you than kill you. and they hate publicity. her sister-in-law's got plenty of ideas along that line, too. she could barely contain herself today, i could tell. but she wants to wait and see how matty treats her on the estate. she doesn't want to blow it. i've got a feeling she's very bad news. take some incredibly intelligent advice and stay away from her. ned, that lady may have just killed her husband. he is mad. it's not so recent anymore. maybe he's feeling some pressure. did you tell him about the glasses? seems walker always ware glasses -- steel-rimmed glasses. he was a real fanatic about them. but there were none on the scene. coroner says they should've been there. he says that even after the fire the frames should've been seared into his -- well, you don't want to hear the details. interesting choice of phrase. hey, that's an idea. ask her where the glasses are, where she did it. anything else i'm forgetting, oscar? oh, yeah! right, right. you'll love this, ned, this latest development. maybe you'll be able to work up a little sympathy for us, see why oscar here has a tendency to get carried away. tell him, oscar. this is rich. do you get it? in the act or some fucking thing! oh, they're here. i ran into them on the way in. they're waiting outside. the usual, my sweet. are you ready to hear something wild? no, this is right up your alley. little heather comes out onto the back porch, and this dude is out there with her aunt, see? and he's turned away with his pants or shorts or whatever dropped, so he's mooning the little girl, right. and he and your friend are going at something which heather couldn't quite figure out. poor little heather! she's never seen one angry before. but it made quite an impression on her. yessirree! that's all she can remember. one other thing. she says the guy's hair was greasy. he wore it slicked back. "like a cuban," she says. i loved that! can you imagine poor heather? she hustled back to bed after getting a gander at that. and listen to why she got up in the first place, this is the capper. she had a nightmare! christ, can you imagine what kinds of dreams she had the rest of the night? hi, ned. i've been looking for you. yeah. you always run this late? what's in miami? you're some kind of health nut. matty walker smokes that same brand. i noticed that. buddy, your lawyer is present. you know, that edmund walker was a bad guy. the more i find out about him, the happier i am he's dead. i figure it's a positive thing for the world. mmm. i have my own standards. i try to keep them private. as far as i'm concerned, i don't care who killed him. and i don't care who gets rich because of it. but oscar, oscar's not like that. his whole life is based on doing the right thing. he's the only person i know like that. sometimes it's a real pain in the ass. even for him. oscar's unhappy right now. he's in pain. because he likes you. he likes you even better than i do. that's why he's been busting his butt trying to locate this mary ann simpson. they finally found her place in miami yesterday, but the woman herself was gone. looked like she left in a hurry. oscar thought any story she could tell might help you. he thinks you need help. someone's putting you in deep trouble, my friend. from about three thirty to five am on the night walker was killed, someone called your hotel room repeatedly. the hotel didn't want to put them through, but whoever was calling convinced them it was an emergency. the phone rang and rang, but you didn't answer. don't say anything. save it for some other time. it gets worse. now someone's trying to give us edmund's glasses. we don't know who. we don't know what the glasses will tell us. but our negotiations are continuing. i wish i knew what to tell you, ned. but i don't have any good ideas. i'll see ya. stupid. that's always been the problem. her mind encompasses his.