i'm a married woman. meaning i'm not looking for company. that's my business. how happy i am. you're not too smart, are you? i like that in a man. you don't look lazy. tell me, does chat like that work with most women? i wondered. thought maybe i was out of touch. i told you. i've got a husband. he's out of town. he only comes up on the weekends. you want to buy me something? i'll take one of these. cherry. is this town that small? how'd you know? how does pinehaven look? yes, i'm well tended, all right. well tended. what about you? get married. good. nice move, matty. at least it's cool. i'm burning up. would you get me a paper towel or something? dip it in some cold water. you don't want to lick it? look who's here. isn't this a coincidence? you're the one that doesn't want to talk about the heat. too bad. i'd tell you about my chimes. the wind chimes on my porch. they keep ringing and i go out there expecting a cool breeze. that's what they've always meant. but not this summer, this summer it's just hot air. what are you doing in pinehaven? there are some men, once they get a whiff of it, they'll trail you like a hound. what is your name, anyway? matty walker. yes. my temperature runs a couple degrees high. around 100 all the time i don't mind it. it's the engine or something. don't tell me -- you have just the right tool. how'd you find me, ned? how'd you know i drink? you shouldn't have come. you're going to be disappointed. a lot of them have tried that seat. you're the first one i've let stay. most men are little boys. too quiet. this is a blouse and a skirt. i don't know what you're talking about. i don't like my body much. it's never been right. sometimes, i don't know. i get so sick of everything, i'm not sure i care anymore. do you know what i mean, ned? yeah, that's what i mean. i think i'll get out of here now. i'm going home. i have a car. you want to see the chimes. that's all. if i let you, that's all. i mean it. i like you. but my life is complicated enough. this is my community bar. i might have to come here with my husband some time. would you leave before me? wait in your car? i know it seems silly. now leave me alone. remember your promise. she goes home nights. no. a gazebo boat house. boat. it's a mess. there's a row boat, a lot of lounge chairs. things like that. i think you should go now. you've seen them. please go. yes, i did. i said what i meant. do you ever do that? yes. please. there is for me. thank you. i'm sorry, i shouldn't have lot you come. no. i'm weak. yes, yes. please, please . i didn't want this to happen. but i didn't try hard enough to stop it. because i wanted you. i wanted you here, like this . this is bad for me. i know it. now nothing's going to be the same anymore. you were on top. yes sir. it's your fault. are you sure? i just want to make sure here. no, you misunderstood -- -- this is my new saddle, and i just want to -- i've got to wash these. that's right. my mother told me "knowledge is power." no one must know. promise me, ned. no one. ned, this is mary ann. do you want to stay for dinner? mary ann's an old friend. she's like a sister to me. she wants me to be happy. what sin? not even a mercedes? with genuine calf skin upholstery? not this? is there any more ice? i'm burning up. he's coming up tomorrow. i can't stand the thought of him. he's small and mean. and weak. just do what i say! go into the living room. i'm going to make it up to you tonight. but you must behave. now go! good. good evening, sir. welcome to. to flight 413 . nonstop to . don't you like it? you don't like it? i thought you went for this stuff. wait . wait . i want to tell you about the thing. the thing that will drop from the ceiling. in case the cabin suddenly depressurizes -- oho. what are we doing here? i want to be in bed. yes . that's all i ever think about . you and me. your body near mine, close. i'm not right when you're not with me. i get the shakes. and each time, when i first see you, i shake even more. for a while. and then i get calm. i feel safe . i've never been this way. i can't remember how i lived before. don't say it, if you don't mean it. please, ned, don't. i'm going to tell edmund i want a divorce. i won't stay any longer. i would have, if you hadn't come along. the life is comfortable. i was willing to go on. but you've reminded me of what it can be. i know now that these last three years i've been living half a life. it's my fault, i don't deny it. you have to let yourself be bought. i did. i let it happen. i've lived so much of my life with nothing. when you have no money, you have no choices. i don't care what they say -- money is freedom. that's something they don't teach you in school. but i found out. and when edmund came along when i saw a chance to stop struggling i took it. i'm not ashamed. he got what he wanted. he has a knack for that. but no more. i'm ready to walk away from the money. i have to be with you. oh, i know you will, darling. i didn't mean that. i know you will. but it doesn't matter. it's you i want. that's all. of the divorce? no. i signed a pre-nuptial agreement. he insisted. he blamed it on his sister roz -- she's always hated me -- but i know he wanted it too. bad. i get some money for a year. not much. that's it. but i don't care, ned. not if i can be with you. does it matter, ned? tell me the truth please. i'll understand, i swear to you. god, you've made me happy. it's time for your present. from now on, when it starts coming down on you, i'll be there to protect you. put it on! i'll bet i guessed the size right. i love it. look in my eyes. can you see yourself? here! come to me. no. i couldn't. i saw the will once. he showed it to me. he was trying to prove something . how much he loved me or something. the stock market, investments, real estate. he doesn't tell me anything, but i've picked up a little. i know they own a lot of land along the shore here. he's never introduced me to anyone. i'm not sure if they're all legitimate. they own that old place in miranda beach, the breakers. i know that. edmund mentioned it once. ned, it scares me to talk about these things. you know. let's just not, okay? let's not think about all he's got. i'm afraid. because when i think about it, i wish that he'd die. that's really what i want. it's horrible and ugly and it's what i most want. what do you mean? don't talk about it, ned. please don't. talk is dangerous. sometimes it makes things happen, it makes it real. i'm afraid, ned. hello. darling, i'd like you to meet mr. racine. i'm sorry. i don't know your first name. mr. racine is the lawyer i told you about. you remember. he had a client who wanted to buy the house. i told him we weren't selling. edmund, really. it's mr. racine's profession. edmund's company owns the breakers. i'm too dumb. woman, you know. i'll be right back. i waited till i saw her leave. please don't be angry with me. it didn't lock. oh. ned, hold me. please just hold me, god, i love you. he left this morning. i had to see you. i couldn't call. i'm afraid to call. i was afraid you wouldn't let me come. i'm careful. i hated it, ned. i hated sitting there with the two of you. i thought i was going to scream. no, never. i went to phone booths. i'm afraid of him, ned. i'm always afraid. why, ned, why do you say this now? why, ned? what's happened? it's real, then? i thought we settled that. i'll wait in the car, but -- -- i want to take the risks with you. we're both doing this. i don't know why he's so crazy about her. maybe because he never had any of his own. she's a cute little girl, all right, but other than that. i know this, though, her mother has worked plenty hard to keep heather on edmund's mind, always bringing her around, reporting everything she does in school. that roz is a smart one. and you know that anything heather inherits goes straight to roz. heather won't even get a look at it. that's the part i can't stand. that's why it seems so wrong to have half of it go to her. are you sure, ned? i've been thinking about it. maybe there is. the will is with his lawyer in miami i know that. what if i could get him to bring it home? he did it once, he'd do it again. if i could swing it, couldn't we rewrite it? change it. then when he dies, i could find the new one. we could just change it a little. every little change would mean a lot to us, end. you're a lawyer. you know how to write it. it wouldn't seem so odd. i could say he brought it home and we talked about it and decided to make some changes up here. and i knew you already -- i just don't see why heather should take half -- you're right, darling. i'm sorry. i know you're right. be careful. i love you. the side door. two a.m. i send him down. i'm so frightened. heather. what a surprise. what are you doing? edmund. i can't sleep, either. lock the door, darling. i'll go down with you. edmund. wait! put on a robe or something. what if heather wakes up and comes down. she can do whatever she wants. my god, you scared me. you shouldn't be here. heather's still here. she's upstairs. i miss you so badly. but it's too dangerous. you're all wet. she did. any time, roz. she's a pleasure. it is me. why haven't you answered your phone? he's not coming up this weekend. why haven't you answered? can i get in with you? i don't know what heather will tell roz. maybe nothing. maybe she'll be embarrassed or afraid. maybe she'll think she imagined the whole thing. we'll know if she does tell. roz will report to edmund quick enough. it's exactly what she's always wanted. i've been thinking, too. i think we should give it up. we haven't done anything criminal, yet. that's right. i don't think we can do it. things have already started to go wrong. i feel like we got to the edge and looked over and, well, it was too much. we'll just have to live with that. i'll divorce him. and we won't have his money. part of me wants it so bad. i'd be lying if i said i didn't. but it's the worst part of me, the weakest part. all that matters is that we're together. it's not you, it's us. i'm sure i'll make some mistake. yes it is. no, darling. don't talk that way. it's not true. you're wrong. don't think that, ever! i know you could do it. but all i care about is you. the money doesn't matter. why torture ourselves about it? friday. is that what you really want? are you sure? what's wrong? are you sure? should i call the police? edmund, what's that? i've never seen that. edmund, be careful! he has a gun! thank god. i thought -- thank you, mr. racine. mary ann is a lifelong friend of mine. she happened to be visiting on her way to europe. i'm sure when she returns she'll get in touch with me. yes, what does all this mean? so. what happens now? no, i don't. my god. you mean. it's all mine? my god. of course, of course, i understand. of course. of course. i've missed you so badly. i need you. please stop. i don't blame you for hating me right now. will you come to the house tonight? i want you more right now than i ever have. i know how you must feel about me. but please come tonight. i know. i know. i know you'd probably like to kill me. i know. but please. you can hate me. punish me. hurt me if you want, but don't talk yet. please, ned. mary ann and i left wheaton together and went to chicago. we didn't know what we were doing. i got in bad trouble with drugs. speed. really bad. i did things. whatever's the evilest thing you can think of me now, i did worse things then. there's nothing lower than the animal i was then. worse than you can imagine. i thought i would die. i prayed i would. and then a man helped me. he got me clean. he didn't want much in return, either. he was a lawyer and he put me to work in his office. i learned a lot there. one time i even thought i might go to law school. . that's where i picked up the business about making a will invalid. that happened to him once. i swear i would never have used that if i'd known about your case. i was afraid to tell you, ned. i knew you wouldn't let me do it. i'm greedy, like you said. i wanted us to have it all. i don't blame you for thinking i'm bad. i am. i know it. i'd understand if you just cut me off now. if you never trusted me again. you'd probably be smart. but you must believe one thing. i love you. i love you and need you. i want to be with you forever. i don't care. there's nothing we can do about it now. in a little while we'll either have the money or we won't. it's out of our hands. i fired the housekeeper. we can stay together as long as we want. we're all alone here now. i swear to you, i don't. what's wrong with you? i must have missed them. i wasn't looking for them. i thought they were on edmund. i don't know. betty! she might have taken them. listen to me. that's why i fired her. after edmund's death she started acting strange. she was always watching me, listening to my calls. no, ned, not with her i wasn't. i could tell there was a difference. maybe she know about us. maybe she wants something. i don't know what to think. i'm worried. but it's not about the glasses. or your friends. it's us. your first reaction is to accuse me. what's happening to you? i don't know if we can hold on like this. hardin called today. he said everything should be cleared up by next week. i'll get the money he apologized for the delay. but they haven't been able to. soon it'll be all ours. that's why we've got to hold together, ned. it won't be long, then we'll get away from here. out from under all this. all we have is each other. i'd kill myself if i thought this thing would destroy us. i couldn't take it. hello, ned. can we talk? i'm in miami. i've been running around like crazy and i could reach you before i left. i've got the money. i've taken it and sent it somewhere safe. it's all ours now. but that's not the best part. the glasses. i got them back. that is, they should be ours by now. betty had them. she wanted money. that's why i had to come down here. she made it all very difficult, but i think it worked out. no. she wouldn't do that. she's putting them in the boathouse. in the top drawer of the dresser in the boathouse. they should be there now, if she's kept up her end. i think you'd better get them right away. i don't trust her. that's right. the top drawer of the dresser. oh. ned, we're going to be all right. i'll leave here as soon as i can. i should be there by seven- thirty. i can't wait to see you, darling. we've made it. are you all right? good-bye, sweetheart. hello, darling. where's your car? why haven't you turned on the lights? it's all ours now, ned. we could leave tonight if we wanted. it's over. what's this --? what is it, ned? what's happened? no. i swear to you, i don't! weren't they there? didn't she bring them? she promised she'd bring them. ned, i don't know what you think, but you're wrong. i haven't done anything to hurt you. i love you. you've got to believe me. i did arrange to meet you. but, ned, it all changed. you changed it. i fell in love with you. i didn't plan that. how can i prove it to you? what can i say? but you said they weren't there. i'll go, ned. i'll go and look for them. ned. no matter what you think, i do love you. what? yes.