whatsa matter, you can't think with a little music? like this, i said. it's fast. it's hot. it's simple. you can use the clock or rig it to something that moves. it starts big and it'll go with just the mag clips. if you want more, splash a little accelerator around. regular, unleaded, supreme -- whatever you like, counselor. i got to tell you, though, this mama has a big drawback. it's easy to spot, even after the meltdown. they'll know it's arson. no. no-no-no-no. that ain't all there is to it. you gotta get in, you gotta get out. you gotta pick the right spot and the right time. and you gotta try not to get famous while you're in the act. if that was all there was to it, any idiot could do it. hey, now i want to ask you something, are you listening, asshole, because i like you? i got a serious question for you. what the fuck are you doing? this is not shit for you to be messing with. are you ready to hear something? see if this sounds familiar. anytime you try a decent crime, there is fifty ways to fuck up. if you think of twenty-five of them you're a genius. and you're no genius. you know who told me that? listen, man, maybe you should let me do it for you. gratis. i'll do it. i wouldn't even be on the street if it weren't for you. i hope you know what you're doin' you better be pretty damn sure about it. if you ain't sure, don't do it. of course, that's my recommendation anyway -- don't do it. because i tell you, counselor, this arson, this is serious crime. i don't know. it's a thing in lauderdale. something must've gone wrong, but they're not telling me. i'm a little worried. no, no. that's not why i called you. in fact, i got me another lawyer. i think it would be better. you know schlisgal. this broad came to me last week. a real looker. she said you told her how to reach me, i figured you musta, she knew all about it. she said you wanted another one. yeah, i was afraid of that. but i'm a slow thinker. she had me show her how to rig it to a door, with a little delay. does any of this mean anything to you? then i'm glad i told you. watch your step. racine. don't thank me yet. these guys here, they've been asking me about the breakers. i haven't told 'em shit. but i don't like the look on their faces.