at a dinner party -- about eight months ago. yes -- several times. we stopped seeing each other. well -- i realized that she wasn't interested in me. she was just trying to get information out of me. she said that she was working on a novel and she wanted to know what kinds of drugs would be harmful to someone with a bad heart. yes -- insulin and others. she said that those weren't any good -- because their use would be detected and the police would know the victim had been poisoned. she wanted to know if there was a drug that would induce a heart attack but could also be used to enhance a sexual high. cocaine. we had dinner at a restaurant. no. no. well -- as i remember it, we had an argument. yes. no. i was angry. no -- she asked me about cocaine. you can suggest anything you want. it happened. i may have been infatuated with her - - but i wouldn't perjure myself. are you alright? what? you called him? shut up, rebecca. that's enough. i loved you.