this trial by its very nature is explosive. the press is going to have a field day and i will not tolerate any activity in my courtroom that will fuel it. both of you are going to be delving into very personal aspects of peoples lives. i warn you now. when you do so -- if you cannot establish a clear line of relevancy early on in your examinations i will stop you. is that clear? mr. cardenas. mr. dulaney? i'll allow it. do it quickly, mr. dulaney. i'll see both of you in my chambers. right now. mr. dulaney, before you cast aspersions on the district attorney's office by suggesting they've coaxed this witness to say things that aren't true -- you better have more than a hunch. do you? maybe you don't know what it's like where mrs. crawford comes from -- but i do. i came from a neighborhood just like hers. this is a whole other world for her. she's a poor working woman who has been thrust into a room full of highly educated and mostly unsympathetic people. so, she puts on her best dress, fixes her hair and tries to present herself as intelligently as possible. being poor and having pride is not a crime, mr. dulaney -- and before you attempt to impeach another witness' testimony in my courtroom -- your foundations better be based on something other than semantics. why didn't the state's investigation uncover mr. roston earlier? alright -- i'm going to allow his testimony. that's it, mr. dulaney. take a seat. objection sustained. mr. cardenas, i suggest you move on to another line of questioning. due to the sensitive nature of this witness' testimony and the inability of the spectators to allow him to complete it, i am clearing the courtroom. mister dulaney? mister dulaney? the witness will answer the question. you may call your next witness. objection overruled. the witness will answer the question. mr. dulaney, are you ready to call your next witness? mr. dulaney, are you with us? miss braslow, i'd like to remind you that you are still under oath. counsel approach the bench. mr. dulaney, i'm getting tired of seeing you this close to me. are you able to back up this allegation -- or are you fishing? you better. please answer the question. mr. dulaney. ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict?