about three hours. not sure. i'll have everything you need tomorrow. marsh wasn't alone. we found traces of sperm on the sheets. the toxicology report says there were high levels of cocaine in his blood. the official cause of death was a cardiac arrest. that's what my report will read. it's speculative at this point. marsh had advanced arterial disease. his heart attack was induced by excessive aerobic activity -- in conjunction with the drug. yes. we know marsh had a head cold. we found cocaine mixed with water in a nasal spray container on the nightstand. the coke would contract the nasal membrane the same as any decongestant, but for a much shorter time. he'd keep using more and more -- never knowing what he was taking. cocaine is the last thing a man in his condition would want. a massive cardiac arrest. very poor. he was suffering from severe arterial disease. no. we found a high concentration of cocaine in his blood. i don't think so. the membrane in his nasal passage didn't show any sign of long time usage. we found a bottle of dristan nasal spray on the nightstand. it was filled with water and cocaine. mr. marsh had a head cold at the time of his death. i believe he wasn't aware that he was ingesting cocaine. yes. yes -- those of mr. marsh and a thumb print of miss lawson's. increase his heart rate. it would be an added stress to his heart. it would be the same as shooting a gun at him. no -- but it seems highly unlikely that a man in his condition would use cocaine. no.