are you going to represent me? you don't waste any time, do you? do you think i did it? you must have some feeling. some immediate impression. a young, attractive woman, involved with an older man who leaves her everything in his will. and the things that went on in that house. such wild sex. what kind of picture does that paint? and that's exactly what the jury will see when they look at me. that's why i need a very good lawyer, mr. dulaney. he'll file. he's an ambitious man. ambitious men build their careers on the bodies of others. i loved him. a big part of my life has been torn away from me, mr. dulaney. a part i can never get back -- and on top of that people are saying that i am somehow responsible for it. they've taken everything that is good and caring about two people in love and made it dirty. no -- i didn't kill him. i didn't know that andrew was dead until mr. sattler called me at home that night. yes. six thirty -- and he was very much alive. i have. no. i haven't done it in years. no -- never. it didn't get there from me. no. that's correct -- but andrew never told me he had a heart condition. he said he had a heart arrhythmia and it was nothing serious. frank! andrew hardly needed leading. he was a very passionate man. he was eager to explore. i gave him what he wanted. we fulfilled each others needs. i'm used to being on the outside looking in. the same men who will publicly profess their moral outrage for my sexual tastes are the same ones who privately rest their sweaty little hands on my legs and talk about weekend trips together. i am who i am. i can't deny it, anymore than you can deny who you are. i like sex different -- i like it wild. that's not a crime. i loved andrew. we made love together. we made it differently, but we still made love. it was our way. it was private -- and now the whole world wants to look in through the pretense of justice. if i was some middle-aged divorcee who screwed him once a week do you think this would be happening to me? have you ever seen animals make love, mr. dulaney? they have such passion -- such savage emotion. they struggle, and snarl, and claw, but neither hurts the other. not really. something like that. of course we are. our primal urges are still there -- but we've taken sex and intellectualized it, refined it down to its most essential components. it's bland, easy, mechanical. there's great passion in the struggle -- such craving in denial. do you know what it's like to yearn for something? i'm not talking about wanting, or needing. i'm talking about an urge so deep that your skin burns and every cell in your body pulses with desire? i thought the subject was sex? yes. i don't know if it's something i can explain to you. because -- it's beyond intellect. it's emotion. it's passion. it has to be experienced -- it can't be imagined. when i was growing up we had a strawberry patch in our backyard. so did this family down the road. i used to sneak in their yard and steal their strawberries. it wasn't easy. the stone walls were high and i'd scrape my knees as i climbed over. on the other side were wild rose bushes. the thorns would dig into my legs and cut my thighs as i lowered myself down. because -- somehow the fruit always tasted that much sweeter because of the pain it took to get to it. i was at a cocktail party. very trendy. andrew was in chicago on business. he had broken his wrist the week before and was wearing it in a sling. he looked so helpless. we started talking. in fact, we talked until four in the morning. we discovered we shared a lot of the same interests. after that we were together all the time until he left. he used to call me every night after he came back. then after a few weeks he invited me to come visit him. i've never left. andrew was worried about how it would look. can we get out of here? i know. why not? is it against the law? no one's looking. what do you think? i'm the photographer. that's not an answer. tastes can change. there you are. what are you thinking? not true. shall i tell you what you were thinking? you were wondering if i was wearing anything under my skirt. i am. sorry. i wasn't trying to embarrass you. hello? hi, frank. yes -- she did. no -- not at the office. i've got a better idea. i figured if we have to talk all day we might as well do it someplace nice. andrew loved this old cabin. he always dreamed about moving to tahiti -- living in a hut and becoming a beach-bum. i could never imagine myself doing that -- but somehow when he talked about it, he made it sound so alive - - so wonderful. soft ocean breezes and beautiful sunsets -- leaving the world and it's problems behind. i wish he'd had a chance to do it. sorry. i hardly know him. he wanted me and he couldn't have me. it won't be that hard. did you always want to be a lawyer? really? that seems so far away from who you are now. what happened? it's hard to let go of a dream, isn't it? to let go of what you want? i'm going to put the car away. you can let yourself in. there's a key under the flower pot. yes -- it would be nice. you and me -- making love. no -- that's what i know you were thinking. how often do you make love to your wife, frank? once a week? sometimes twice? there once was passion, wasn't there? but now it's bland, predictable. tell me, when you do it -- do you always think of her? or do you wonder what it would be like to be with someone else? someone wild. someone who would force you to lose control. there's nothing wrong in admitting that you want me, frank. please stay, frank. i don't want to be alone. i don't expect anything from you -- no demands -- no complications. i just need to feel close to someone. i'll be back in a minute. help yourself to a drink. my way. my way. what? she's mistaken. it isn't true. you have to believe me. i don't use cocaine anymore. if she says she saw me doing it she's lying. i don't know, frank -- but don't you think that's something we should find out? i went out on the boat. of course. you were brilliant today. strong endings start with strong beginnings. i love the way you twist what people say around -- manipulating their own words against them. you can see me now. i want you inside me. something wrong? i'm sure you'll be able to handle him. don't worry about paley. he can't touch me. no one can. i've thought it all out. sugar or honey? tonight we open new doors. are you scared? i love you, frank. i love your strength -- be strong for me now. i told you in the beginning that it was my way. my way can be many things -- pleasure or pain. you see how life is, frank? we judge things. we look at things from the outside and assume we know what's on the inside. water. but you assumed it was vinegar -- because you were only looking at the outside. to celebrate how masterfully you destroyed roston today. fuck him! he tried to shatter mine. you're too weak, frank. when you want something you have to do what- ever it takes to get it. if something gets in your way you remove it. i knew you were thinking that. i could see it in your eyes today in the courtroom. you're wrong, frank. i need you to believe that. i do need you. no matter what you think of me -- i didn't do it. no -- you're not. it gets easier, doesn't it? once you open the door it never closes. i've got another copy. how do you think your wife would feel if she saw this -- not to mention your colleagues? you can think whatever you want, frank -- but i didn't kill andrew, and i'm not going to prison for something i didn't do. no -- i'm a survivor. frank -- it's rebecca. i need to see you right away. i've got the tape. is this what you're looking for, frank? that's crazy. i've been thinking about that. i've decided to give it to you after i've collected the inheritance. you can take that one if you want -- but there's another copy. so, sue me. things have changed. i think you should go home -- and after you leave i see no reason for us to ever have contact again. don't push me, frank. i might lose my temper and send it out just for spite. you've got to kill him, alan. shoot him. no -- he's lying. don't listen to him. can't you see he's trying to turn you against me. alan, listen to me. if you don't kill him it's over. everything we did will be for nothing. i love you, alan. you have to believe i love you. kill him! kill him and we can be together forever! alan, don't let him do this. you're everything to me. give me the gun. give me the gun and i'll do it for you.