i don't think that this is the time, or the place. an inquiry into what? because he wasn't dead when she left, and even if he was, not reporting a natural death in a timely fashion isn't a crime. we've already got press arriving from over the country and she hasn't even been charged yet. cardenas wants to see her in his office tomorrow at ten. i'd like you to go with her. i know -- but she wants you to represent her if cardenas files. because i told her you were the best criminal attorney we have. well, i guess that makes you the best. look, frank -- she stands to inherit three million dollars. as executors of the estate and her attorneys that could generate a lot of legal fees for us. all i'm asking you to do is talk to her. she's waiting in the conference room. you know, i knew andrew marsh for almost twenty years -- or thought i did. what do you think would make a man in his condition do the things he did? frank -- this is harvey willows from the l.a. times. he'd like to ask you a few questions.