you're on vacation, remember? you're supposed to be relaxing.
this is not relaxing.
if you want me to.
i can't. i've got to finish a counter offer on the bergman property.
no -- it has to be done by tomorrow.
we're supposed to go to the lake.
he could let you have your vacation.
i swear -- the both of you. some example you set.
how can cardenas possibly think he can build a case against two consenting adults?
if he files are you going to take the case?
what's she like?
she sounds like quite a woman.
the whole thing gives me the creeps. i mean -- what if she really humped him to death?
that's too bad.
michael, you shouldn't be happy when someone else isn't feeling well.
not even if they're a dork. you should go by and see how he's feeling.
don't use language like that at the dinner table.
frank -- i know you're busy, but michael asked me after dinner if you were angry with him. he wanted to know why you weren't talking to him.
why don't you talk to him now?
no one's asking you not to work. i just think you could make some time for your son.
--he said it might be too expensive to add another room. he suggested we might convert the garage into a guest room. he's going to check with the contractor and let me know. i'll let you know how much and we can decide. alright?
is that alright, frank?
late night?
we have to talk.
that's what i was hoping you'd tell me.
where have you been?
charlie called at eleven thirty looking for you. you were with her, weren't you?
why did you lie to me?
this isn't a courtroom. don't try to turn this around on me.
you're sleeping with her, aren't you?
it's bad enough that you are. it's even worse that you can stand here and lie to me.
you bastard! do you think i'm some kind of idiot? that i don't have fuckin' eyes. i see. i feel. i hurt.
maybe it would be a good idea if you just took michael.
we can't go on like this, frank.
talk to me.
please -- this is ripping us apart.
don't shut me out. let me in.
we can't pretend this isn't happening.
why didn't you come to me?
you used to like to touch me -- to make love to me.
it was a place to start.
i don't want our lives ruined because of this. i love you, frank. i want this to work -- but you have to help me. you have to come back from where ever it is you are.
frank -- stop it! stop it!
let me go! godammit, frank let go!