hello, farmer. buy you a drink? technically i'm off duty, but the governor may show up here later, so i thought i'd give it a light check. someone else is covering him right now. maybe eighteen. you working? rachel makes her entrance, and poses self-mocking on the landing above the crowd, accepting applause. she has succeeded in under-dressing everyone in the room. she is a star. frank nods in her direction. that's his client. no kidding? i'd call that a step up from the president. probably sings better too. handful. frank's look says if you only knew the half of it. i heard you had to take someone out in new york. frank remembers. i lost track of you after the reagan thing. it wasn't your fault, farmer. you weren't even there. i got a call a couple of months ago. that guy you were covering in new york. he said you'd recommended me. a little. no. only my qualifications for the priesthood. you were always clear about that. anyway, i appreciate it. i had to turn it down but i appreciate it. portman notices rachel looking at him, as she makes her way to them. rachel takes frank's orange juice and sips. makes a very funny face. greg portman. we used to work together. same thing as farmer. not right now. somebody tripped. it's okay. i think you are. she steps out of his embrace. i'm on the job. him. portman points at a nearby tv monitor. on screen, reardon is introducing the next song. short-term gig. but quite profitable. listen, frank, i'm sorry about miami. you know, nothing really happened. i felt bad for you. i wanted to say something, but you disappeared. reardon walks off the stage ten feet from where frank and portman are standing, glances at them and moves off down the hall. back to work. i'll probably see you at the governor's ball. portman walks off after reardon. frank watches him, thoughtful. on tv monitor - sandra castle sings "i have nothing" with great feeling. the lyrics recall the text of the death threat. against the side wall at the front, portman's eyes desperately scan for the source of the voice. he sees tony, his pistol takes aim. frank's bullets hit home. the first slams portman in the chest, knocking him against the wall. the second hits the camera on his shoulder, exploding it around his face.