come here, rory! the choreographer skips to the sofa and disappears from sight. sound of kissing, laughter. the video rewinds on the big screen and the dancers gather round it expectantly. sugar, that's gonna be great. i love the ending. devaney moves to the front of the room. the playback starts behind him. there are several overlapping conversations going on. nicki, how'd you like the number? you like the end routine? i wanna see it all. tony? i'll bet tony loved it. the brawny man, tony, shrugs and stands to look at frank as he speaks. don't worry, rory. tony doesn't appreciate great art. the pinned-up girl has been brought forward for rachel's approval, elbowing devaney a little to one side. devaney, do you think this is me? who's here? i think rory should be my bodyguard. let's see the back again. well, i'm up. you don't look like a bodyguard. i don't know. tough guy maybe. well, his timing's good. the back's still not right. spector, still on the phone, offers a perfunctory wave. can we get you a drink? straight? nicki. nicki goes to the bar. rachel sits and motions for frank to sit opposite her. rory, i'll be with you in a second. rory gets up, and goes over to his dancers at the big screen video. listen, this whole thing is bill's idea. this sudden obsession with protecting me. tony has always handled my security and we've done just fine. i'll be with you in a second. nicki hands frank his orange juice. she looks at frank as she speaks. relax guys, i said i'd do it. you see what i'm dealing with here? i'm willing to go along, as long as we all understand each other. i'm not going to let this alter my life one little bit. who was this? i think i'm safe when i'm here at the house so i guess the main thing will be when i go out. tony will be able to fill you in on all that. you two will have to work something out. i don't want both of you falling all over me everywhere i go. the most important thing is this -- i will not allow fletcher to be affected by this thing. i don't want him to think he's in prison. so the house and grounds must not be altered in any way. he shouldn't be aware that you're here. is that clear? rachel. appears beside fletcher, looks down there too, then leads her son purposefully away. fletcher isn't happy about it. fletcher! c'mon. back in here! as she speaks, some workmen test the remote control on a window shutter. it descends in front of rachel's face. she is not amused. fletcher passes frank on his way to join rachel. he mutters almost under his breath. i'm surprised you didn't plug them. shut up you assholes! you! you! out! out! now! out of here! get out! terrified, the old locksmith drops his tools and begins backing out of the room. then you can take your tools with you. she turns to the window, in what she imagines is frank's general direction, and, like a little girl, suddenly sticks out her tongue. i want him gone. that is not it! it's my money and my life and i want him out of here. he's through messing with my life. did you know he was nuts? who? 'i don't want her doing anything she's always done.' the guy's a fanatic. excuse me if i don't faint. do you know he's got the phones bugged? maybe he gets off listening to my calls. all that heavy breathing. i want some peace around here. and i want to be able to eat brunch with my friends. louise, you've got too much great stuff. wooo! let me try this on. she flicks a glance to frank; he's not looking at her. she pulls back the curtain of the makeshift changing booth, then stops dramatically. farmer, do you want to come in here with me? just to be safe? frank glances at her, then resumes his surveillance of the shop. rachel's head bobs up and down above the curtain as she changes. you probably won't believe this, but i have a reputation for being a bitch. frank says nothing. he gazes outside through the store- front window and sees henry and tony horsing around next to the limo. a few small boys stand around the car. one of them is climbing onto the hood. i didn't used to be. but you get known for being a certain way -- a way people think you are -- and pretty soon you get like that. can't help it. frank smiles knowingly. rachel notices. you don't think so? you're such an expert on famous people? and you disagree? that why you never stay with one of your clients? they too undisciplined for you? or is it you're afraid you'll start to care about them? can't you answer straight just once? why don't you talk to me? i'm not such a bad lady. look at me, farmer! frank turns and looks at her. you don't approve of me, do you? don't like emotions getting to you, huh? never mix business with pleasure? grab that would you? frank takes a beat. looks out the window. nice suit, frank. rachel is about to get in. for me? it's beautiful. what do you mean 'another one'? frank quickly shoots a look at spector. tell me what? someone was in my house? someone was in my house? while fletcher was there? no way anyone could what? do you think he's out there? devaney can't answer. she turns to frank. he's here, isn't he? but you know he was in my house. oh my god. wait. no fucking freak is gonna chase me off stage. she pulls away from him. farmer starts after her, closely followed by spector. bill devaney, ladies and gentlemen, thank you, bill. hey, everyone. hello! isn't billy thomas the greatest. he's asked me to sing a song. i hope you don't mind. the crowd roars its approval. frank nervously scans the room. rachel smiles and moves along the stage. music starts in the b.g. masking obvious fear, she starts to sing. as she takes one hand from the microphone, her fingers tremble. she clasps it again to hide her anxiety. you like that? would like to hear another? billy? i think my feet are trying to tell me something. wanna see a new video? the crowd explodes. they know what song is coming. they start to move with rachel. i want to dance. she skitters to the other side of the stage, baiting her fans. her new video explodes across the video wall behind her. the crowd surges forward. two security guards nervously tense up, watching the crowd. when one fan tries to climb onstage, frank reaches out and unbalances him, so that the man falls back into the audience. another man climbs the stage on the other side. one of the guards darts out like a ballboy at a tennis match, pushes the fan back and scurries to the far side to resume his vigilance. the crowd is getting even more excited, pressing closer, trying to touch rachel. the security guards move in, but rachel gestures for them to back off. aren't you going to ask me why i behave like that? hey! gotcha, didn't i? you're probably wondering what i'm doing. you didn't know i jogged, did you? what's the matter? 'fraid i'll get picked off in my snazzy running suit? great. i guess i can't do it. rachel stops pumping, gasps for air, and for one moment, rests a hand on frank's arm to support herself. she removes it quickly. will you walk with me a little? frank nods and they cut off across the grounds. i know this is kinda late, but thank you. i'm really glad you're here. i'm going to try to cooperate. farmer. i have this problem. this minor little problem. you see, i'd like to go out for an evening. just me and a guy. you know. . like a 'date.' but i can't go out on a date because you have to be with me every minute. i mean, what if he invited me up to his place afterwards? are you going to come, too? so the only thing i can figure is for you to take me out. so. that's what i was wondering . you know. what do you think? but only if you want to. frank is bemused. only if you want to. i'm not so bad. god, this is embarrassing. i'm gonna run up ahead there. you decide. she runs up the hill to the pool area, which is now above them. he walks up after her. tell her she'll have to wait, babe. i'm getting fixed up here. well, he didn't look like he wanted to die to me. and because he had no fear of death, he was invincible? well, he sure creamed 'em all in the end. how many times have you seen it? your kinda place? your kinda music? you figure no one can get by you here? great. what do i need you for? and you're ready to die for me? and you'd do it? why? maybe there's some glory in saving a president or something, but just anyone. i don't trust discipline. at the crucial moment i'd cop out. but not with you, fierce frank. have you ever liked anybody? like me -- a girl. frank knows what she's driving at. but he's not at all happy to relinquish this information. what happened? do you mind if i ask? i don't want to pry. frank smiles at that. she didn't die did she? you weren't like. protecting her and she got killed? frank is silent, grim. rachel looks stricken. oh, my god! that's it, isn't it? oh frank, i'm sorry. no, not really. a song comes on the jukebox -- 'what becomes of the broken hearted.' frank smiles as rachel begins to sing. so, is this a full service date, frank? frank's wary. i'm just asking you to dance. you like this? i'm sorry. it's just that. it's so depressing. now they're both laughing. don't worry, i'll protect you. they drift back into the music, rachel singing, frank watching. it's very quiet here. she walks to some shelves -- a random selection of books, football and karate trophies, framed citations and other memorabilia. she glances at a dusty framed photo of a football team. west virginia university football. god, look at you. she looks at frank, quizzically. what'd you play? were you tough? you some kind of a samurai, too? they said you were in the secret service. what made you get out? frank moves away and sits on a sofa against the wall. i can see your tastes are extravagant. she looks at frank and then back at the sword. she reaches out to touch it. may i? frank nods. rachel takes it off its mount carefully, unhooks the scabbard and begins to slide it off. you're a hard one to figure, frank farmer. he stares at her. she steps closer, so the blade is only about a foot from his face. it seems to me a bodyguard must know little peace. frank stands up so that the point of the sword is only about an inch from his chest. he reaches out over the blade to rachel's neck and unties the silk scarf she is wearing there. one hand draws the scarf away. the other hand lingers for a moment on her neck, then lifts away. i've never been this safe before. frank smiles. no one could get by you. what? what is it? what are you doing? frank? i'm not confused. frank finds his shoes. what? have i done something wrong? then what is it? she lifts the sheet seductively and looks over the top of it. do you want me to beg? what's going on, frank? and what is that exactly? making me feel like shit? don't apologize for godsake. just tell me what i did. i'm a big girl. your "client"? what mistake?. you don't find me attractive anymore. and what? that's it for me? i don't believe it. he automatically checks the gun as he slips it into the holster. but i can't fuck you. frank turns and looks at her. this is hard for him, too. i don't believe this. i'm asking you?. let me tell you. frank stays. spector considers her for a beat, then looks at the others. the secretary interrupts from the back of the office. hang around, farmer. we might need your vaunted expertise. she reaches forward and hits a button on spector's desk, throwing the call onto a speaker. hello, ben honey. ben. i hear you've got me in the annex next to the kitchen. quit bitching, farmer. this is the part you do get paid for. rachel sweeps out the door. the camera crew hurries to keep up with her. oh my god. look what they're wearing. mother, hide your eyes. heads turn to look. i couldn't wear that suit. honey, you're naked. of course, if i had a body like that. there is a murmur of recognition from some of the guests. she pauses to shake a hand, and now all the guests throughout the pool area are aware that rachel marron is among them. people stand on chairs, scramble for pens and paper, run you look like a man of good taste to me. come to my party tonight. ben, make sure this boy gets to my party. schiller nods. rachel glances at frank, making sure he gets the point, and then she's off again. the throng gets tighter. frank's having to work harder, steering her towards the door back into the hotel. the familiar chant starts up: "rachel, rachel." it's starting to resemble the frenzy of the opening scene. this time, amid the thrusting hands and clamoring faces, a few bewildered elderly guests look dazed as they are shoved forward. a child starts crying, lost in the mess of legs and bermuda shorts. a distraught mother tries to reach him. someone is jostled into the pool as the crowd surges again. amid the chaos, whistles and scattered applause. rachel drinks it all in. thank you. thank you. come tonight and give till it hurts. with a final surge, frank makes it to the door with his party. the door closes shut behind them. a mass of distorted faces pushes onto the glass. the party walks on briskly. i'm beginning to wonder about your judgement, sy. why do i have to keep paying my dues if i've already arrived? now you're going to tell me about magic? give it a rest will ya. thank you. thank you. you're so right. i want everyone to have a good time and drink as much of ben schiller's liquor as you like. rachel descends into the crowd, laughing and blowing kisses. that's orange juice! rachel gives portman an approving once-over. who are you? i take it you've met my bodyguard? ah. well, well, well. and what do you do now? two samurai, eh? frank and portman eye each other. are you working now? good. 'cause i'm the only one in the room who needs protection. she gives frank a look and leads portman into the crowd. thank god i had a bodyguard here. she grasps the railing and looks over. it's a long way down, frank. you saved my life. frank eyes the newly-welded anchor fixture. it has held. rachel takes portman by the arm. the front of her dress is stained with champagne. maybe someone will keep an eye on me while i change. she leads portman past frank and up the stairs toward her bedroom. frank and portman lock eyes. portman shrugs; he feels badly for frank. i'm not doing this. i said i was grateful. thank you and good night. she looks to the door that leads back to the party. the sounds of celebration continue outside. she starts to cross to the door. please go now. portman moves toward her as she opens the door, reaching for her arm. then he sees, through the doorway, tony standing in the hall talking to a woman. tony looks up at the sound of the door and sees them both. rachel slips quickly out of portman's grip. mr. portman was just leaving us, tony. portman hesitates, then smiles at rachel and tony and, with a quick peck on rachel's cheek, slips past them back to the party. rachel briefly scans the party crowd over tony's shoulder but she doesn't see frank. the door closes, leaving her alone in the room again. she reaches for a bottle of scotch and raises it to her mouth, drinking straight from the bottle. what the hell are you looking at? you probably never had a heavy night in your whole, goddamn disciplined life. frank looks at her, continues to eat. you know, farmer, you're a self- righteous son-of-a-bitch. frank has to smile at this, which makes rachel even angrier. don't laugh at me, goddamit! and don't you dare judge me. hello, devaney. tony and i went over to bal harbour. did a little shopping. tony comes back, a smile playing across his lips. frank watches near the entrance. farmer, you work here! do you understand that? you work for me. did fletcher call? devaney, staring after frank, shakes his head "no." fletcher? no response. baby, is that you? it's mommy, honey. farmer. nothing that's happened between us matters. i understand now. you're going to have to believe me, because i'm not going to beg. it wasn't what he said. it was the way he said it. he was so. her voice cracks. she stops and tries to compose herself. i need you. i'm afraid. and i hate it. i hate my fear. please protect me. protect fletcher. if anything happened to him. frank looks at her. tears are destroying her elaborate stage makeup. she wipes them away with her hand. i'll do whatever you say. this is the first time frank has ever heard rachel say that. he studies her, then looks out at the ocean. that's going to protect us? terrific. fletcher doesn't swim well. that's right. it's so quiet here. how long has this game been going on? frank picks up a knight, thinks, sets it back down. well, that's it for me, i'm going to bed. she rises. frank follows her up the stairs. nicki watches them go. good night, frank. rachel turns, goes to her room and closes the door. no! he can't swim! fletcher, baby. are you all right? baby. fletcher, spluttering, is handed up to rachel by frank. rachel hugs fletcher to her. herb bends down to check he's breathing properly, wrapping the boy in his jacket. what are you doing? you out of your mind? you're crazy! you're all right, baby. you could have drowned him! frank and henry look out toward the boat which has come to a stop out in the middle of the lake. what's happening? the terrier suddenly starts barking loudly. frank? what's happening? where's nicki? you, you, you. you brought this pain into my house. now you're here! where were you then? why didn't you save her? it was your job to protect me and she died doing it. it was me they were after. and you let them kill her! she never did anything to anyone. as she loses the strength and the will to hit him, her blows become sloppy, weak. she sinks to the steps, sitting on them, sobbing. she never hurt anyone. she was good. you saw her. she never wished anyone any harm. did she? did she? frank looks at her, shakes his head "no." rachel puts her head in her hands and is silent for a few moments; her crying slows. she never hurt a soul. . i didn't love her well enough. i didn't take care of her. . she gave me only love. i guess you've heard what's happening. frank nods. mind if i sit down? frank shakes his head. they sit side by side for awhile, both lost in thought. rachel seems very calm. it isn't over yet, is it? frank shakes his head. so he'll come again? the oscars? when i was back in squirrel hill, i started betting my friends fifty bucks each that someday i'd win an oscar. you can understand how important it is that they see me up there if i win. she looks at him and smiles. if everyone of those pikers comes through, it could add up to a lot of money. i know. but i can't stay up here on my hill forever. they are silent for awhile. rachel lies back on the grass, stares at the sky. i didn't get to this place in my life by doing the smart thing every time. how 'bout you, frank farmer? out there on the edge. did you ever do something that didn't make too much sense, except maybe inside you? in your stomach somewhere? something that wasn't smart? i'll bet you have plenty. i'll bet you do. nobody gets really good without it. and you're good. i know that. she sits up beside him. i don't know why all this has happened to me. . but i do know that none of it's your fault. i hope you can hear me, because this is how i say i'm sorry. frank accepts. so. i'm going to go see if i win an oscar. and i won't worry about it at all. because i've got you to protect me. frank almost smiles. i wish you boys would relax a little. nothing bad's gonna happen out there, alright? unless i lose the fucking award. she looks around at the men, all are tense. jesus, what a crew. rachel leans forward and flips down the mirror on the panel in front of her and checks her appearance. the limo moves up. screw it. i'm through worrying. when your number's up, it's up. right, farmer? the limo is almost at the red carpet. frank slips out the front door of the moving limo. sure, skip. skip takes a typewritten sheet from a sheaf in his hand and gives it to rachel. he consults a clipboard as he speaks. there, laid out minute by minute, is the order of the evening's events. each one has a precise time printed beside it, including those that involve rachel. that's right, clive. and i don't like it one bit that you look skinnier than me. i want that broad run out of town. what's wrong? skip thomas appears at her side. yes! i want him. skip shrugs. clive takes rachel's arm. all right, clive, let's find out -- -- let's find out who the winner is. christ, what an idiot i am. jesus. what the hell's the matter with me? frank moves up closer, and exchanges looks with tony, who is confused by rachel's behavior. rachel turns toward frank and, in so doing, brings the man comforting her around to face frank. it is reardon. farmer, you've made me a raving lunatic. frank barely hears rachel, so struck is he by reardon's presence. frank looks around them quickly for portman. rachel looks at frank with irritation and turns back toward the green room. a production aide signals reardon. thank you for your help, john. i'm fine. rachel walks off toward the green room with tony. reardon starts to walk out toward the stage. frank stops him. reardon is irritated. skip, i'm moving as fast as i can. for chrissake, go twitch somewhere else. bullshit, you saw me. farmer's made me a raving lunatic -- shut up. this is the last straw. she throws down the powder and stands up fast, makeup and purse flying. the powder com- pact bursts over the cross lying on the table. everyone in the green room looks at her. shut up, you maniac! you never stop. now you've made an ass of me in front of a billion people. and you won't quit. they stare at each other and everyone else stares at them. no! he's my bodyguard. get off him! he's o.k. you shouldn't be here. frank laughs. there is a pause. so, you're quitting show business? too bad. you had talent. what are you going to do? get him when fletcher's not around. he's got white hair, frank. why'd you have to get me an old man? yeah. well, give me a kiss and let's get this over with. wait. remember when you said you'd risk your life for me? frank tries to break in, but she won't let him interrupt. i didn't really believe it then. nobody means what they say. but you did, frank. you did it. you laid it all on the line for me. frank tries to speak, she puts her hands to his lips. don't wreck this for me. i don't want to hear any bullshit about you just doing your job. you did more than save my life, frank. you showed me a way to be. and i love you for it. there, i said it. i'll never forget what it felt like to be under your eye. never. here. i want you to keep this. if you ever need me, you just put this on and no matter where you are i will find you. i promise. she gives him a quick kiss and walks back toward the plane, her eyes holding frank's. frank opens his palm to reveal the little enamel cross. thank you. thank you. now i want to sing you an old song, but it's a new favorite. as the music begins, rachel stands alone in front of the band, mike in hand. you know, this song used to make me feel sad. but it doesn't anymore. rachel pauses. the audience is still. now it just reminds me of someone very special. this is for him. rachel begins to sing the song 'what becomes of the broken hearted' - slow and sweet. it's the song she and frank danced to. as a verse