yes, i'll hold but not long. nicki, i'm sure mr. farmer would tell you the number of nuts writing fan letters jumps every time rachel is on the cover of a magazine. and i'm sure you'll blend in just fine. you can select whatever alarm systems you want for the house. some kind of improved security for the gate. what else, rachel? rachel stands and starts to wander over to rory and the dancers. frank looks at devaney. devaney doesn't like the tone this is taking. i was just going to cover that. we'll have to tell the child you have some other function. bill, i don't think we should be begging this guy for his services. devaney says you were in the secret service. frank nods. ever guard the main man? reagan got shot. his chatter is beginning to annoy frank. that's good. frank goes back to his letters. he taps the stack in the center of the table. we said there'd been some electrical problem while she was on stage. short circuit. look, she doesn't need that kind of worry right now. it would upset her. there was no reason for the police. no one got hurt. it was nothing. it was just our people there. frank turns and watches fletcher by the pool. devaney's eyes are still on frank's face. yes. 'superstars in their boudoirs.' she didn't have to like it. devaney gently lays the cut-out letter on the bed. are you kidding? this would really freak her out. of fuck, we don't need this now. excuse me? no. i'll talk to her. spector exits the room in a huff. why are we stopping? are we here? behind them, through the rear window, the 4 x 4 can be seen. sensing something, it makes a sudden tire- screeching left turn, disappearing behind them. do you know who couldn't get past the gates yesterday? robin leach, that's who. rory sniggers into the back of rachel's hair, fighting off a laugh. rachel has difficulty keeping a straight face, too. spector glares at them as frank enters from the sliding door. you think that's funny? the man talks to 20 million people and he can't even get in here. oh jesus, bill. that's right. devaney looks at frank imploringly. tuesday -- morning -- brunch. where did you find this guy? rachel turns on the blender and stares at frank. the mayan, frank. it's a club, frank. come on, henry, let's go. i just did. he disappears inside the limo. rachel tugs at frank's lapels, looks him up and down, brushing something off his shoulder. frank's annoyed. okay, she knows how it works, let's get going. rachel manages a quick smile to frank as she gets in the back. frank gets in the front beside tony. the limo pulls out. it wasn't me. the car turns a corner and there it is, the mayan only fifty yards ahead, a mob of fans spilling out of the club, off the sidewalk and into the street. i swear i thought she'd talk to you. maybe later. what can i say. frank is checked out by a strange-looking women in vampyra drag. we didn't want to worry you. okay. let's not get hysterical. it was weeks ago. you were out of town. listen, fletcher is okay. the house is like fort knox now. right, frank? there's no way anyone could. no, wait. look everybody calm down. calm down. let's just see how she is. how do you feel, honey? someone comes through the door with some flowers. frank eases them out and gently closes the door. we don't know that. frank, we don't know that. rachel is enraged. fine, you make it, they'll tear the fucking place apart. are we having a communications problem here? apparently, i didn't make it clear to you how things go around here. i didn't think she could handle it. look. frank, i know what you're saying. i know you want to do what's best for her. i understand that. you have a job to do here. but you have to understand that rachel has a job to do too. and that's what she's doing - out there. she's working, frank. that's what she does and that's where she does it. she's hot right now. this is the time for her. if she doesn't get out there, she's dead. forget about crazy death threats, if she doesn't sing, she's dead anyway. look, handled properly, this thing could be good for a million dollars' worth of free publicity. frank grabs him by the collar and slams him up against a wall of curtain ropes. it could clinch her the nomination. trouble with you is you don't understand the sympathy vote. look at her, fucking great. hey! what the fuck. farmer! farmer! come back here. the limo skids around the corner and speeds off up the street, leaving spector in helpless fury -- apoplectic and speechless. farmer! get in here! put together a list of your expenses. your total billing. let me have it in one hour and i'll see that a check is cut. what's on my mind is that you're fired, frank. she missed all her interviews yesterday because of your little date. do you realize she stood up barbara walters? first you fuck up her career. behind spector, out of his line of sight, rachel and devaney appear in the doorway with more cards. they also stop and listen. and now you're fucking with her head. you think so? you forget who signs your check. you don't understand the role i play around here. get your shit together and be out of here by noon. she's signed the fucking contract, bill. you want me to read it to you? rachel is watching them both. oh. 'fuck the contract.' great. why don't you let rachel speak for herself? i think she has some say in this. well, i guess this is democracy in action. i gave in. that's not easy for me. don't i get a hug? yeah?. sure, put him on. ben how are you?. uh huh. the ambassador? what the hell are you trying to pull, ben? rachel always gets the presidential. i don't care what you thought. devaney leans to frank as spector's conversation continues in the b.g. i'm aware of that, ben, but let me just remind you people that you invited us. frank turns toward the door. o.k. rachel. it's showtime! they're rolling. let's go. yes. it is. great, babe. they got what they needed. let's get back inside. frank increases his pace to keep by rachel's side, gently easing a path for her. schiller scurries behind in frank's wake. rachel turns suddenly as a tall good-looking lifeguard appears in the throng. she eyes him appreciatively. kick me, beat me. whatever makes you feel good. but let's not pretend you don't like it. we're too close for that. whipping people into a frenzy is why you got into it in the first place. rachel's eyes lock with spector's -- there's a real connec- tion and understanding here that she spends a lot of time denying. frank sees it as clearly as spector, whose tone becomes almost soothing -- and it's nothing to be ashamed of, either, not for a second. it's a gift. and only a handful are given it. many call but few are answered. don't fool with the blessing, rachel. the magic is sustained through its use. i'm done. not another word. . i know you like to be reminded sometimes. rachel looks away. it's true. he's good at his job. honey, everything's fine. no one noticed anything. everybody in this building is ready to jump out of their skin from nerves. you're making her crazy. you're making us all crazy. after tonight, you're back in charge. he knows nothing about show business. tony squares off with spector.