ehh! you can go past the pool. hey, let's go. frank takes a last look then gets into the front seat next to tony. let me set you straight on a few things. for starters, i love this lady. what i do for her i do for i do things the way she likes. her happiness is everything to me. i handle things fine, frank. you watch me and you'll learn something. hey, what's going on? what's with him? me too. 'cept i'm not nervous 'cos i got you with me. fuckin' a. spector whoops with uncontrolled delight from the back of the limo. frank stares ahead in disbelief. the noise of the crowd can be heard as they pull up front. i'll take care of this. he heads for the door. just follow me. he turns and heads out to the sidewalk like a bull. make way here. outta the way! a burly street regular gets a shove from tony and comes back hard. the crowd immediately sides with him, yells encouragement. but tony is the better man and sends him sprawling. the rest of the way to the curb opens up. at the parking area tony discovers there is no limo and turns in bewilderment to rachel. but she is not there. a couple of people laugh. frank?. frank? technicians approach tony, too. what? you are an asshole. hey! you! what the fuck you think you're doin' back here. with amazing speed, the cameraman - portman - wheels around, simultaneously jabbing two outstretched fingers from his free hand straight into tony's eyes. tony cries out, his hands flying to his face. portman's hand moves swiftly again, jabbing to a nerve behind tony's ear, tony drops like a sack. glancing rapidly around, portman sees all other eyes on the auditorium. he pulls the curtain around tony's body - obscuring it. he then removes his own "security" id and fixes a laminated "press" id to his lapel. frank! frank! over here! under control. but it won't be the same. ya mutt. tony fakes a glancing blow to frank's chin. over by the plane, fletcher spots frank and tugs at rachel's dress, till she turns to look. fletcher runs up to frank and hugs him around the knees. rachel approaches and tony moves back toward the plane. devaney waves in frank's direction, tapping his watch to indicate they are late. frank waves and smiles. rachel's surprised to see frank, but clearly happy. fletcher is ecstatic.