so what the hell's the good news? what're ya talkin' about, ours? looks like a damn graveyard round here. damn. that is the ugliest building i have ever seen. it's eighty degrees outside. and it's gotta be barely fifty in here. possible. maybe. could be. bones! how baddass is zat? this is the place for us. patrick, you get platinum props, man. platinum. what's your problem with crippled dick? are you nuts? keep smokin', fool. what did you say? you didn't hear that? "take him. " something. "bury him" or. you had to hear tha. what the f--? nothing. contact paranoia. must be buggin' from hanging with you. you want us to move in here? you soundin' like the old man now. pat's right. it'll be fun. tia ain't a chick. she's family. and don't forget it. he yours, sir? then what do you care? alright. yes sir. anything you say. you people really don't like dogs. i been living here my whole life, and that hillbilly still has to check me out each time. dad, the man has been lying to us for a hundred years. i mean, where is my forty acres and a mule? hey, that's. that's some terrible shit. but that's your old hood, pops. is it true? died there? how? yeah? tia? patrick? that you? shit. no. well, yeah. maybe just a little. where's the others? like a heartbeat. just some flies. maurice, man, shut the fuck up. hello. who're you? what the hell you talking about? you think that's really him? whatever, let's just get the hellout of here. why don't you hang on and i'll see if she's here. you sure got a way with women, bro. what happened up there? bones ol' bones so mean and bad, whupped his mamma, shot his dad. go for it. where's the gangsta of love? well, go find his lazy ass. i scratch any more tonight i'm gonna have carpal tunnel syndrome. yeah. my man maurice. the space cowboy. the gangsta of love. we can't go back there. are you crazy? you saw -- well, close the fucking door by all means. but don't expect me to go down there and do it. fine. but i'm bringing a couple of friends. here! no!!!!!! climb out to where? or just hell-adjacent. maurice!