don't spend it all in one place. spread it around. and shop local. hold up s-g. give him a toot. go easy on jay bird. i can remember when we was his age. they get about twelve and a half minutes. tops. nothing but net? could be a swish. or a muthafucking air ball. that's your dream, homes. not mine. i don't want to leave this street. ever. the status quo is totally cool with me. don't need luck tonight. i'm just letting 'em have their say before i say no. all that shinin' and "reader and adviser" mess. that was your mama's bag. i don't know about the readin' but you both can sure 'nuff advise. sounds like mama needs a brand new bag. must be my clothes line. no? how bout my phone line? don't you worry about a thing. this hand's gonna be stroking the back of your neck tonight. pull over. i'll walk the rest. naw, all wrong. first, start at the belly button. gotta be an in-ey and gotta be smooth. if it's ragged, it was picked too soon. won't ever be ripe. second, it's got to have just a little give, here. at the edges. and last, but not very far from least. you gotta get your nose in it and give it a gooooood, looooong sniff. listen, baby, i gotta tcb this evening. so come over 'bout eight. we should be finished by then. we met. what it will be. i do alright. everybody's happy. what else? money. but a two dollar bet is cheaper than a twenty-dollar bag. those 'fools' are my people. i ain't interested. and if you gonna sell it, don't sell it round here. i said, no thanks. that's cool. totally wide-screen sci-fi. forward thinking. i respect that. but that ain't my life. i'm here and now. comfortable as a bed bug on a cold night in a warm nappy dugout. i'm maintaining. that's what it's about for me. and your twelve and a half-minutes is up. i don't need to hear the deal. i don't need any partners. i don't need new product. and i sure as hell don't need this motherfucker's 'mattie in my face. jay bird. help me. like brothers. since we was just grasshoppers. you won't be needing this. free at last, free at last. shush. it don't matter now. take a look at what i remember, brother. you coulda died with me. died trying. feel better? you gonna be free and clear, shotgun. all debts paid. see you on the other side, brother. unh-unh, little brother. i got a natural high. a supernatural high. big bad eddie mack? got shit for brains and that's a fack. hey-heh. sure. here it is. cut that shit out. you tell my old friend mackie, i'll be seeing him. soon. real soon. bones. no. not. not you. you i forgive. this it? your big-ass tidal wave. look like the wave's long gone and nothing but oil scum, dead fish, and yo' ugly ass left on the beach. "i'm taking a five dollar kick in the head that's a quick ticket to heaven." not half what i'm planning on. just using it to carry your soul. "just try it. go ahead. it won't kill you." "i ain't gonna be the only one with this nigger's blood on my hands" hey, brotha! what it is? what it will be. time like this, is that what you really want to know? how i got the fuck in here? you two bitches were just meat, never had any idea smarter than getting yourself a little more. but my brother jaybird, here. he was smart. he didn't just want more. he wanted more with compound interest. time for him to collect his interest. jeremiah's gonna have the unique experience of seeing his reward, tasting it while he's still alive. i don't understand it. you were my man. since we was grasshoppas. i always looked after you. you had a piece of everything i had. and the hell everybody else, right? no brother. i wouldn'ta. i never done a man - any man. let alone a brother like that. course, as you can see, no good deed goes unfucked. now the question is, if the good get fucked, what we got saved up for the bad? you about to find out. it's a trip, ain't it? aw that's easy. i want my life back. can you swing that, my brother? then fuck it!!! dog eat dog, brother. dog eat dog. hey, baby. i've got what i want. turn around baby, look at me. look at your man. i want you to do something for me, baby. i always loved you in this dress. where we'll always be. hush, baby. just like i told you this morning, i'd be stroking your neck tonight. welcome home, baby girl. noooooooooo!!!!! dog eat dog, boy. dog eat dog.