you moved into this block? are they on the radio? how do you know? guess it's not rossmore park. thanks for the help. that place is already bad luck. no. it goes way back. or so my momma says. nothing. you'd think she was crazy. and she is a lot of things, not all of them nice, but crazy momma's not. my momma says every house is two houses. every street, two streets. there's a whole city, a whole world, kinda beside, on top, just below this one. the city of the dead. maybe. but there's an invisible wall, a fabric that kinda keeps things separate. yeah. but when something bad happens, something really bad -- the wall breaks. the fabric tears. or the living fall in. who knows. if i did, i wouldn't come within fifty yards of your door. i have to finish this for class. you mean as opposed to your life? i'm sorry, momma. maybe next time. they seemed alright. bring a little life to that old building. have you ever been inside? and what's that? just thought i'd see if you needed any help. i hate it when dogs do that. like they're looking right out of the world. what a smell. oh god. what? oh yeah. coming. she doesn't want me here. with you. in this house. he probably thinks he's saving you from something. i'm sure that's what my mother thinks. i don't know anything about my father. i never met him. momma won't talk about him, either. i can't. not yet. no, i want to stay with you guys. but i can't. i mean i'm not ready. it's okay, just don't get funny on me. it's warmer this way. cut it out. no, no patrick. stop. cut it out. no, no patrick. stop. patrick! stop!! you said the vision, the images. they're just that. just pictures. they can't hurt you. that's what you always said. all the more reason i should be here. you said bad things hurt places. so maybe good things heal them. good things are happening here. maybe for the first time ever. and maybe that's all it takes. who was he, momma? he tried to kill us. who? who is he? what is he? but if it's him. if he's really come back, won't he know us? love us? but how do you know? maybe he just wanted to see us? and now he's gone again. and you've all killed my father for the second time. who? aren't you gonna do something about it? i don't. patrick doesn't. and his brother and sister don't. and they're in the house with him. no we won't, momma. i'll just have them call and tell patrick it's us. can't i call? and talk to them. mother! no. why couldn't you just tell him to let us in? in his grave there was a cloth or a dress or something. covered with blood. mama!!!!! ain't no heaven. ain't no hell. there's just the world of the dead, my momma always talked about. like she said, the door is open, and we're seeing right through our world into this one. we just have to remember what was really here. and follow it. those stairs should take us to the second floor. that's not maurice -- i'm here. patrick, he's. i can't find you. is that you? i can't!