in the deeper darkness of the dirt cellar we see the bones shadow hovering over a slight mound in the dirt. and as he does, the ground seems almost to breathe, or glow. bones plunges his long shadow-hands right into the earth as if he could touch what was beneath and raise it up. as the dog above eats we again see bones' shadow form looming over the seeing dirt, the dirt moving ever so subtly, and for a subliminal second the dirt seems to be glowing. bones-vision moves. floats all the way down to the basement. he squats over his own corpse. throwing debris aside, they come next through a small door at the bottom of the stairs and enter the sub-basement. nearby is the elevator shaft, a gaping hole in the ruins - but recognizable as such. the ceiling above them is nearly collapsed, and over most of the room, the accumulated debris and ruin from above has simply fallen through. patrick and bill beat on the door and try to pry it open. then they try jamming jagged boards into the opening, but still to no avail.