not only do i have to feed the three mouths i got, and that bottomless pit they call maurice, i gotta feed this stray, too? what did you call that dog? 'sup jimmy b. shotgun. get back on the curb! now! it's all arranged for tonight. eddie mack's gonna be there. and offisa korruptsky, too. trust me, jimmy, there's big money behind this. not just big. big. like big business big. big corporation big. big government big. our little acre alone'll net hundreds a thousands. nothing but net. one simple word, three little letters. yes. that's all it's gonna take and we could move out of this dump, get the real deal. big houses, legit business. 'cause you got all the status. and i got nothing but quo. don't poison your mind with that ghetto paranoia. that's all just ways of people justifying their own failure. you wouldn't know a mule if it bit you in the ass. and personally, i don't need a mule. i got a lexus. and nobody gave it to me -- what the hell do you want? don't call me that. keep your hands to yourself, willya? and you? still a pig. just a much fatter one. or you didn't know what to do with it. what building? i didn't sell it. claire? could you come in here. did we sell any properties on. blackstone recently? to who? no, of course not. good work. thanks a lot. you're right. one of my associates sold the building last month. look, even if anyone found anything there, it's twenty years ago. they could never connect it to us. that's it. get out. now! that's what? clean your mouth, or i will. those boys had no business messing down there. go places you're not meant to be -- that's what you get. yeah, and it took some doing to get out of there. just be glad i did and you can start life from here instead of down there. can't be done. that place already died and gone to hell. where are we going? you know i hate surprises. what are we doing down here? is this some kind of sick joke? listen to me, boy. i didn't work all my life to get out of this neighborhood for you to move right back in! no one'll ever come here. shut it down. don't worry, the bank'll buy it back. i'll take care of it. bullshit! bullshit!! you're selling it back! that's an order! you all are coming back to the house, now! hey jimmy, you know eddie mack, don't you? and officer lupovich. half our old customers are gonna be getting their people to cross state lines to pick up lotto tickets. everybody just be cool. jimmy, man, i think you oughtta hear the deal. no way man. sorry, my brother. you always told me, it's a dog eat dog world. just do it. he won't even feel it. too risky to take him outside. take him down to the storm cellar and bury him. and get rid of this too. let this whole damn building be his tomb. none of you say another word. i don't want any of you ever back down there again. you hear me? and this time you'll listen to me. or i'll let them throw your asses in jail. i mean it. sure, son. i went down there and torched the place myself. i wouldn't have risked killing you to get you out. i was trying to protect you. it's. it's a bad neighborhood. as you can see now. you were just a kid. that's the past. it's dead. no. sorry. send her away. how did you get in here? i didn't want a piece of yours, i wanted my own. wait, jimmy. think about it. you woulda done the same thing if you was me. what will it take? what do you want? just tell me, jimmy! you know i can't. paaatrick. patrick. help me. please. help me. help me. i'm so sorry. but please, help me. please. help me. i'm scared. it hurts. i don't want to spend forever like this.