let's get the hell outta here. wait here. and don't touch my fucking sandwich. not your style. is it eddie? killing off your customers? no time for eightball. i got your tip. confiscated their whole stash. fair enough for the shit. but i think a little bonus is due for knocking out the competition. last thing you need's for me to start doing my fucking job. that's more like it. cost of doing business. maybe you can deduct it on your taxes. just a visit with my old pal, jay-bird. you certainly traded up. . the trophy wife. nice lookin'. i been watching you. you done good. invested wisely. respectable businessman now. just like you always wanted. no reason to get nasty. yeah, i've stayed in the organization. but then again i never got the percentage you did. maybe so. maybe so. but that ain't why i came to see you. you sold the building. don't shit a shitter. our building. what did you call it? his 'tomb'? we had an agreement. you were supposed to sit on it. not sell it -- well, somebody bought it. that's what i heard. that's a bozo no-no. jay-bird. you better hope not. cause it's like they say, four can keep a secret, if three are dead. nice rack. how old is -- they got lotteries all over now, bonesy. coming here too, maybe next year. you heard the man. try it. tell her to stop screaming. i said stop that bitch screaming or i'll spread her like butter. get his razor. i ain't gonna be the only one with this nigger's blood on my hands. take the gloves off. everybody leaves a print. we hang out together. or we hang separately. cut him. and cut him good. now you. you cut him, or i shoot you. make your choice. now you, girlie. same deal all around. or die with him. i know it. the old slaughterhouse. hey, sal. that little weasel we popped today? he's got something for us. i knew he would once he thought about it. 12-year olds. they scare easy. anyway, he's gonna tip their stash. come with me. oh, no. please don't make me go by myself. i'm scaaaaaaaaaared. shit! fuck!