goodness gracious grande bolas del fuego! we practically paying him for the privilege of playing his club. sqweeep. we innerup this programme to bring you this special news bulletin -- "aliens from reticula 3 have hijacked patrick peet and injected moly headcheese into his skull filling his entire brain cavity with cosmic slop" yeah. but just where the hell has it been? that would be the after effects of that reticular inseminoid encounter you had. and damp, too. let's not forget damp. jimmy bones? you haven't? he was a local legend back in the '70's. there was a song, stagolee kinda deal: "this is the ballad of jimmy bones. black as night and hard as stone" yeah, in the land of the blind the one eye'd are king. look around, this place is a dump! naw, it'd have to work to be a dump. "this is patrick" ". and this is patrick on crack." imagination, my butt. even the space cowboy can't. potential toxic dump site. the man said just to use my imagination. let's see. yeah, i get it. potential. i can see it now. the first major urban theme park. village ghetto land. kinda like legoland, but made entirely from broken glass, hypodermic needles and crack vials. totally e-ticket. i didn't say nothing. take who where? what you smokin'? 's up? yeah right, and which ever of us is still alive at the end of the week inherits all vincent price's cash. yeah, fine. but mars needs women. if i gotta sleep in a spookhouse, surround me with chicks who are more scared than me. speaking of which. damn, that's the nastiest dog i ever seen. nothin' but skin and bones. and some people need their medication tweaked. need any help with those bags, ma'am? not really to live, just to play. gonna be le hot shit. pardon my francais. dance club. the resurrection brothers play there. heard of them? yeah, well if she got psychic powers, how come she's working here on desolation row? hey, it's his job. keeping indesirables outta the hood. you ever hear of jimmy bones, sir? just wondered. we heard he used to live in our building. what was he like? the gangster of love don't eat no fried chicken. just what army do you think the colonel was in? everybody knows the whole chicken distribution network is owned by the klan. "special recipe". i'm telling you. there's something in the batter. say it makes a black man sterile. word. i saw it on sixty minutes. i am the future. i am all colors. all races. all creeds. i am the melting pot. i am the tossed salad. i am post racial. "like a heartbeat. like a love beat." listen to the di franco twins there. just the plumbing or something, fool. sounds like we got the invisible scratch piklz hiding in our pipes. ugh. muchos moscos, man. this is too much. some flies? i think this qualifies as way more than "some." hey, what you expect? where there's smoke there's fire. and where there's flies, there's shit. oh yeah, i guess this would be that space that was so perfect for a recording studio. yeah, perfect. really excellent. we can make our first record where no one can hear us scream. be afraid. boys and girls, moms and dads. children of all ages, i'd like you to meet. jimmy bones. "this is the story of jimmy bones. black as night and hard as stones. gold plated deuce, like the king of siam. got his switchblade loose, and a diamond on his hand" there's the switchblade and there's the diamond. don't know where the deuce is parked. damn. it's so. fresh. right. call the police. we'll have no problem getting our permits then. oh fuck. sorry, but you wont' be needing this. or this. the gangsta of love is in the house. ill bill is in the house. house. house . house. jimmy bones is in the house. house. house. this is the story of jimmy bones. black as night and hard as stones. saw bones ol' bones on top of the hill. rolling fat jays outta hundred dollar bills. can you take a little extended solo right about now, funk soul brotha? hey, baby. time for a little meat beat manifesto. ahhh, tantric breathing. i'm in love. that's it, honey. don't need to speak. jesuis le gangsta de l'amour. el gaucho della cosmos. we will speak zee international language of love. "jimmy bones is in the house. house. house."