well, the bad news is we only made 25 bucks each. moe's terms. i just accelerated my top secret long term plan for our world domination. i was planning on waiting until i got the place cleaned out, but -- like the man says, carpe diem. ours! i'm telling you, this neighborhood is coming back. naw. i think it's. i dunno. something about it just buzzes me. welcome to the ill zone. whattaya think? can you picture it? over there the bar, and in here -- the dance floor. i got a great deal on it. they couldn't give this place away. just dead meat stanking up their books for twenty years. the last owner on the lease before the bank was back in '79. some dude named jimmy bones. empty ever since. yeah, you heard of him? not that i remember. i was born near here. my dad's from here. he never mentioned it. you gotta use your imagination. why don't y'all check out the rest? i'm going downstairs and see if i can get the furnace fired up. warm this place up, you'll see. it has serious potential. go on old pipes, groan all you like. just please don't burst. that i can't afford. that's the only way we'll get the place fixed up in time. look, you guys want to play college radio, high school reunions, and some fool's club once a week for the rest of your lives, that's cool. but i think we can do better. i believe in you guys. you are the real shit. and you know it. now i'm putting everything i got into this cuz i think we can make it happen, but you gotta put a little in too. now all i"m asking is that everybody do their part. we'll move some shit in, and take shifts, or all crash together here -- let's get going. go home, pick up what we need, then crash here. no really, let us help. we're new in the neighborhood, gonna be neighbors. naw. but they will be. they're the best. i manage them. i was born near here. but after my mother died, my dad moved. i grew up out in rossmore park. anytime. be seeing you. hey, dad. when we got a line of hundred paying guests and another couple hundred inside dancing, that's when i'll tell him. and i can't wait to see the look on his face. and how do you think crack got into the ghetto? by magic? who flew it in? like the man said "we don't own that many planes." but maybe we're the ones who should be down there. doing something. making it better. careful. that's bad luck. why? what else does she say? way i figure, everything our parents tell us is part true and part total b.s. and our whole job is figuring out for ourselves which is which. like right now, there's actually like hordes of dead people shambling around us? fingers rotting off? lucky thing. the dead get out? and you believe her? spooked? yeah, there is a strange vibe here. maurice left. tia's taking a bath. we just been in the damn suburbs too long. we're all tired. everybody makes mistakes. tomorrow in the daylight, everything's gonna look different. i thought you were bringing the colonel? why not? he eats everything else. maurice, even if it was true, what are you worried about? last time i checked, you weren't black. i'm not sure what the hell you are. but i know you aren't a black man. post-toasted's more like it. must be something seeping through. from the floor. do you feel that? maybe there's a pipe underneath the floor. it leaked and stained. you got a better explanation i think these bring the water down from the bathroom. into this. check it out. the same shit that was in the carpet. told you it was from the plumbing. damn, i knew these pipes were wacked. yeah, well, maurice is right. it's gonna take more work than i thought. but we can still do it. we'll lay a real floor in here. put damping on the walls. totally controlled sound. be perfect. no one could hear shit up on the street. evidence of what? get your damn dog, girl! shit! damn dog. we gonna have to do something about you. yeah, we can. least till after this weekend. he ain't going nowhere. we'll deal with it then. cinn? believe me, my old man'd rupture his spleen if he knew we was down here. all he talks about is the medal he deserves for building us a life as far from this 'hood as possible. i'm sure i can make your mother like me. but then do i gotta worry 'bout your father? it's alright. if you want to go home. don't worry about it. i'll stay with the boys. what's wrong? are you alright? damned if i know. a little business move i made. on my own. i think you're gonna approve. like you always said, pop, look for the undervalued. i bet you didn't even know your bank owned the place. i did it through a broker so you wouldn't know it was me. i couldn't wait to see your face when i fixed it up. i thought you'd be psyched. just trying to do what you did. take nothing and make something out of it. you'll take care of it? not this time. no way. i bought it fair and square. and we open tonight. be cool. everybody's gonna get in. probably stoned out of his gourd in some corner. yo. maurice. where are you? we never did that. only. maurice was into it. did you do it? you could have had it done. you didn't want us there. from what? why? why did you give a shit about the building? why did you care that we were there of all places? bullshit, dad. don't front me. for once. just tell me the truth. i came from there, too. i saw your face. you knew that place. you knew those people. dead? i don't think your past is dead. it's alive. and it bites. cinnabar? walk around the north side. there's an opening there. my old man calls the shots. he built that gate and these damn walls. save him? what are you talking about? where's dad? dad? open up. dad?? c'mon. we got to get in there. you ain't going down there. not alone. i'll go. then we need to get out of here. we can't try to explain this to them. we'll be back. hopefully with dad. but the place burned to the ground. there was a storm door, to the cellar. it's not safe down there. the fire started down there. the whole thing could collapse. here. we can climb out. anywhere but here. is this hell? shit. thing worked fine a minute ago. batteries were brand new -- maurice. hold up, man. okay, we're on the second floor. i feel it. no more steps. bill?! cinnabar? cinnabar?! bill! bill?! okay, okay. listen: here, find my hand. the stairs are right near here. i saw them. let's just walk up there. here! yeah. come on. don't let go. dad? daddy? no!!! cinnabar! stop! no! cinnabar, no!!!! we gotta jump! we have to! cinnabar! where are you!? cinn! jump!! let's go!!! we made it.