don't feed that dog. some holes can't be filled. some hungers can't be satisfied. i'm not joking boy. don't feed it. it'll only make it hungrier. no thanks. that building? should i? and you bought the building? you look mighty familiar to me. you sure you're not from around here? you're pretty black to be growing up in rossmore park. maybe i oughtta get there a little early. for good luck. let me see your hand. my mama's bag and my granma's bag, and a long line of mamas before her. such fine hands. you shoulda been a musician. you got the fingers. left hand's the past. your right's the present. and the future. but it's not written in stone. it's written in flesh and blood. and flesh and blood will change. see? there's something here, a new line, right across your life line. no baby. i'm serious. cancel that meeting. i got more fruit that needs checking. come home with me now. welcome, brother. welcome, sisters. make yourselves comfortable around the circle. we'll begin in a minute. aren't you going to join us? you got a vision, girl. just like i got. just like my momma had. and the good lord didn't give you that vision just for painting pretty pictures. that's just wasted time. i don't want you meeting around that house. you stay away from those kids. and away from that dog. nothing but a wide world o' pain locked in there. maybe once upon a time. but that was long ago. back before. before it became what it is. just a bad place. and the doorway to worse. we should begin with a hymn. the spirit world is all around us right this minute. and the departed are pressing in around us. someone's with us. who's joined the circle? knock once for yes. and twice for no. is there someone who wishes to send a message? a message for one of us in the circle? is it for miss lillian? is it a message for mr. abernathy? is the message for me? cinnabar!!! outta my way, boy. cinnabar? i'm coming! i know damn well she's there. you might as well just dig down six feet of muddy earth and sleep in your own grave than stay another night in that house. i don't know whether to chill you and serve with cottage cheese, or rip you open and eat you right here. i won't. i can't. i won't. go ahead. shoot me. i'll be better off. i've seen things. in there. last night. you did too. don't tell me you didn't. you were crying like a baby. i lied. please. it's for your own good. i hope so, child. i really hope so. i don't know. it's alright, baby. if he was trying to kill you, you'd be dead. your father. he was your father. you got his hands. beautiful hands. i didn't even know. that night. when they - we - killed him, that you were already alive inside me. life's like that. grows right out of death. sure, if it was really him. but it isn't that simple. jimmy's body died a long time ago. and his soul is long gone, and all that's left is that ravening, hungry spirit in the blood that soaked into the house itself, i suppose. welcome back, lover. not so bad. you're not quite him. but you're not the shaggy demon i expected, neither. you look confused. the dead often are. 'course, so are the living. take me. i been confused a long time. least twenty years. maybe if i hadn'ta walked in at that moment. or maybe if i hadn'ta let you go at all. i figure one way or the other, i killed you. so it's only fair: kill me, lover. i don't mind. i'll even help you. the way you helped me. no? that mean there's something more left of you than just that hungry spirit? what are you going to do now? kill us? kill us all? forgive me? the hell with you, jimmy. cause i don't forgive you, i don't forgive you for dying. and for being so goddamn stubborn. or for haunting my dreams. and i don't forgive you for anything you're about to do. he'll kill them. he'll kill every last one of them. eddie mack, that cop. and jeremiah. and even when he's done, who knows. he won't be satisfied. just like that demon dog. feed it, and it just grows hungrier. feed his hunger for revenge - he just wants more. who knows where it'll stop. that kind of hunger ain't never satisfied. like what? i got a little power, sure. a touch of the shining, a little of the sight. but no more than you do. we're not witches. i can't wiggle my nose or say a magic word and make him go away. besides, maybe they deserve it. maybe we all do. fine. maybe i got nothing to lose. 'cept you. we'll have to sneak in. girl, they build gates like that to keep people like us out. told you so. alright. we tried. let's go home. you sure we oughta save him? why not just let see how safe his gates and walls keep him when his past comes calling? it's the only way. it's possible your father may not be dead yet. your father was his best friend. he loved jeremiah. so he must hate him the most of all now. he'll take his time. but even if it is too late. if your father is dead. it's not over. the door has to be closed. i don't. they won't do you no good. see there ain't just two parts to a person. there's three. body-soul and spirit. the spirit lives in the blood. it's the wanting that holds body and soul together, and sometimes, the wanting lives on. jimmy's blood must still be in the house. the blood is still there. we just gotta figure out where. my god. my dress. we have to find it. and burn it. and shut the door. we've got to hurry. we've got to shut the door. they're getting out. then your father's a dead man and jimmy bones is gonna be around a long time. is it there? it's gone. he got it. it's alright. let me. jimmy, you've got -- what? where are we, baby? but. noooooo! get out!!! go!!!