"thou shalt not bring a dog into the house of the lord thy god, for they are an abomination." deuteronomy. "they return at evening: snarling like dogs and prowling the city" psalms 59, vs. 6. yo. you two, get the hell away from there! fools. "for outside are dogs and sorcerers" revelation 22, vs. 15. just tightens his grip on his rifle and speaks as if the shadowy thing across the street could hear him. you still mad? still want me? come on and get me. oh, right. you can't. you're trapped there. well ain't that too bad. ain't that just too damn bad. hey, watcha doing with that dog? hell no! take my advice. and shoot that dog. or let me. what business is it of yours? yeah. he lived there. and died there, too. how the hell should i know? bones? he was something. he could be cold as ice or warm as blood. but he never turned his back for a brother. always there. hey, kid. take my advice. get the hell out of there. it's a bad place. always has been. back off, huggybear. unh-unh. let it burn. we shoulda done this a long time ago. it wasn't my fault. i didn't know what they'd planned. no. really, jimmy. remember, man. it's me. i was on your side. don't you remember? i had no choice, jimmy. what else could i do?