this is a tragedy. a fine young man has been struck down. god- fearing, church-going, never in trouble, graduating from high school, ready for college -- and somebody comes along -- some rich white people in a rich white man's car and wham! they run him down and never even stop. now what are we going to do about these parking tickets? pull back to include kramer, martin and goldberg. kramer is thrown. is, was, and always will be. this is your evidence. mrs. lamb is not speaking to the police. until we have proper counsel, i will speak for her. on bruckner boulevard. innocently walking along, minding his own business. a clear case of hit-and-run. you got what he told his mother. if this boy was born on park avenue and he was run down by two niggers in a pontiac firebird, then you'd have a case! wouldn't you?! gentlemen, i want you to make an investment here. an investment in steam control. that's right. steam control. because a righteous steam is building up in the souls of my people and that steam is ready to blow. now, on judgment day, i am your safety valve. because when it blows -- and it will, my friend -- how grateful you will be that i am on your side -- the one nigger who can control the steam and save your lily white ass from being burned off the face of the earth so to speak. i seldom think. i just plain * know. * the next time you gentlemen hear from us, it will be through our lawyer. mrs. lamb goes to kramer. mr. fallow. our hero. i feel as if we already know each other. and mr. corsaro. you have an * exclusive here. you understand me? i could have had every newspaper and t.v. station spreading this news thinly, too thinly across the airways. but i have chosen only you two. and i expect big coverage, in-depth coverage. honesty has nothing to do with this, mr. fallow. this is show business. and i've never known the two to go hand in hand. you're a drunk, mr. fallow. that's what i've been told. and you're almost out of a job. aren't you? or am i misinformed? oh, i don't think so. i don't think so at all. get with the program, mr. fallow, you may have been a knight in shining armour back in kansas. but this is new york city. and i'm telling you, when you come to work in a whore house, there's only one thing you want to be -- and that's the best whore in the house. brothers and sisters. i stand before you with a heart that is broken. and i stand before you with a heart that is angry. heart broken because our brother, our neighbor, our son, henry lamb has been stuck down in the prime of his young life. and now he lies in a hospital, broken like my heart. but my heart is also angry. angry because the driver of that car did nothing for him! and neither did the police. and neither did this man -- mr. abraham weiss. bacon holds up a weiss campaign poster -- a photo of weiss reading -- "weiss for mayor justice for all" * this man has turned his back on henry lamb. and i, for one, am not going to stand for it. no sir! during the above, a group of kids are pushing and shoving and laughing behind bacon, trying to get on camera. also during bacon's speech. it's a little late for you to start telling the truth, isn't it, pete? that's right. you're our boy, peter. you take care of us and we'll take care of you. i promise you, that's going to be a very profitable relationship for all of us. suddenly, annie starts to weep. annie, i know that nothing can heal the wound that you have suffered. but ten million dollars in damages will certainly make your grief more comfortable. you bald-headed uncle tom pussy!! * * are you going to take this park * avenue justice!? are you? * sherman mccoy! you shall not escape. you shall live in fear on this island, in the mighty sea of people, for the people -- and justice -- are waiting for you! sherman whacks bacon. the choir women start to wail. fox approaches sherman offering his card.