you go sit down, that's what you go do! and when your asshole lawyer shows up, you're gonna take whatever plea bargain we give you and you're gonna kiss my ass and thank me that i didn't put you away for twenty-five years. which, if this case ever did come to trial is exactly what you would get. now get out of my face. this case was dismissed three weeks ago. so mr. weiss, your boss, the district attorney -- who dreams every night that someday he is going to be mayor of new york city -- what he needs is a white man. he needs to find him, book him, and throw him in jail. then he looks good to everybody. the press likes it, the voters like it, even your mother will like it. you follow me now, mr. kramer? so you go tell your boss, the district attorney, captain ahab weiss that i know he's out there looking for the great white defendent. but mr. williams over there is not it. mr. mccoy, you know the charges that are being brought against you. we want to know how you plead to the charges. you're what?