i don't hear you! i'll tell you what justice is not. justice is not the will of the few and it's not the will of the many. justice is not politics. justice is the law. and the law is man's feeble attempt to set down the principles of decency. decency! and decency is not a deal. or an angle, or a contract, or a hustle or a campaign or a trick or a bid for sympathy. decency is not the beast that bays for money, power, dominion, position, votes and blood! decency is what your mother taught you! decency is in your bones! do i make myself clear! now go home. go home now. be decent people. be decent. a moment of quiet as white comes down and faces sherman. you're free to go, mr. mccoy. get your fucking face out of my way. i'm alright. damn hooligans. he walks up to the iron gates. the faces of the demon- strators are pressed against it. the judge shakes a tired fist at them. then he turns to sherman. and you. you, too. you go home now. and be decent. you hear me?