what did he do? jesus. shit. may i approach the bench, your honor? judge white * who the hell are you? uh, kramer, sir. assistant district. judge white * you're new here, mr. kramer. let me explain something to you. this case is what we call a piece of shit. which means, loosely translated, that you have no evidence. your honor, the district attorney, mr. weiss. judge white * i know who the district attorney is. i know mr. weiss. and the only reason mr. weiss is interested in the case is because mr. williams over there is a white man who lives in a nice big house in riverdale. i don't follow, sir. judge white * because this is an election year. because ninety-nine percent of the people you shovel through here are black and the other ninety-nine percent don't even speak english. but they do vote. yes, your honor. thanks. you talked to him? oh, yeah. * the mother tell you this, too? well, uh. first of all, reverend . is it reverend? first of all, reverend, we have no evidence of. oh, sorry, ma'am. i didn't see. alright, then. let me see if i have this straight. the boy was hit by a car. no, reverend. i'm sorry. but you see, you have no witness. without a witness, there's no case of anything at all. that's hearsay. you may believe it and i may believe it, but it's not admissable in a court of law. steam control? i see. well. you think this car was driven by a white man, huh? well, reverend. i'll see what i can do. this is a fuck-up. kramer, sir. i'm. what'd he do? i think we got him. mccoy. sherman mccoy. we got him. it's him. we got him. this guy is park avenue. his old man ran dunning, sponget and leach. he's got his name in the columns. his wife is a fucking socialite. i think he's the type we could smoke out. bring him in for questioning. go public. i'll tell you what you got to do, sir. you've got to send a signal out to the poor people of this city. you got to let them know that justice is blind. you got to let them know that if you're white and rich, you get the same treatment you get when you're black and poor. you got to give people hope! to the wall. might work. that might work. it's a long shot, but it might work. yeah? what do you want? i think we got a witness. i think we got a mother-fucking witness!!! nice guy. and he'll say he was there, at the scene? you may have a long wait, mr. killian. if i have anything to say about it. your honor. we do not believe it will serve the interests of justice to allow this defendant to go free on a token bail. given the emotions of the community. i have a petition from the community with an appeal to the district attorney that justice be done. and mr. weiss himself has instructed me to request bail in the amount of $250,000. cash. your honor, your action will do irreparable damage not only to the people's case. judge white * mr. kramer, i have spoken. but to the cause of the people as well. it ill-behooves the criminal justice system. your honor. yes, sir. it is terrible. yes, sir. yes, sir. well today is her husband's funeral. * mrs. ruskin. this is jed kramer. from the * district attorney's office. i'm with the district attorney's office. i wonder if i might have a few words. what? who?! jesus. kramer, jed kramer, jed. i'm * the assistant district attorney for bronx county. i'm not the. uh. i'm the assistant d.a. yes, we do. yes, ma'am. dissolve to: and this incident occurred on the ramp to the expressway or on the avenue itself. and was there any obstruction or barricade of any kind that caused the car to stop? finally, one last question. can you tell us, mrs. ruskin, who was driving the car when henry lamb was hit? sherman mccoy was driving the car. you were surprised? if your honor please. judge white * shut up, mr. kramer. mr. mccoy, i remind you that you are still under oath. now, did you record this conversation? we're not finished with you, mccoy. you'll be back in this courtroom. this decision will be appealed until i see you behind bars! you hear me, judge. this fucking face is going to see you shining shoes in grand central station. more pushing until. this fucking face is going to see you selling pencils, you black son of a bitch.