i'm martin. this is detective goldberg. we just come from lincoln hospital. you got a minute? we got a kid named henry lamb, * showed up at the hospital last * night with a broken wrist. * so they fixed him up in the * emergency room and they sent him * home. ray * so? so this morning his mother brings him back, he's got a concussion. he goes into a coma and now they classify him likely to die. no. he was already out. no. there's a nurse there busting my balls. she says the kid told his mother he was hit by a car. a mercedes. and the car left the scene. the mother won't talk to us. she's got a shitload of parking tickets and she doesn't want to talk to the police. what we got here is a problem. i work park avenue and i work bruckner boulevard, reverend. there's good and bad in both places. now we'll do everything we can for this lady. but we don't have a hell of a lot to go on. sorry to bother you. i'm detective martin. this is detective goldberg. we're investigating an automobile accident. maybe you heard about it. you and a lotta people. is this a bad time? we just need to ask a few questions. so. let's see. can you tell us if your car was in use the night this happened? tuesday a week ago. anybody else use your car? parking garage. you leave the car with the keys and they park it. could we go there and take a look at it? yes. soon as we leave here. we could take a look. there's things that's consistent with an incident like this. we don't find those things, we move on down the list. and we're out of your hair. yeah. we don't have a description of a driver. so we gotta look for the car. and that means bothering a lot of innocent people. we're sorry about the inconvenience. but it's a routine sort of thing. no. i don't follow. we just want to look at the car. no. yeah. all of sudden, the bitch starts coming out of him. and then he sits down on the guy's desk. well, we think so, yeah, but. 'morning, mr. mccoy. be careful of your clothes. my kid got all this styrofoam shit back there. they stick to your clothes. we got to cuff him. the zone captain is gonna be there. and the press. this is weiss. weiss gave the order this morning. bullshit reigns. put the cuffs on him. martin goes. killian climbs over sherman. goldberg puts cuffs on sherman. jesus christ. set of teeth look like a change-maker.