henry lamb? who's that? he was? what's he done? oh. i don't remember him. well, if i don't remember him, i guess he was okay. 'good' doesn't really apply to ruppert high. they're either cooperative or life-threatening. there's no in-between. well, she means city college. they have an open admissions policy. so, if you live in the city and you graduate from high school and you're still breathing, they have to take you. look, mr? i got sixty-five students in every class. oh, jesus, there hasn't been any written work at ruppert high since. oh, fifteen years. maybe twenty. no. see, you're thinking about grades and honor students and high achievers. we don't make those kinds of comparisons. we're just trying to keep them off the street. at ruppert high, an honor student is somebody who comes to class and doesn't piss on the teacher. well, he never pissed on me. so by that standard, yes. i guess he must be.