come on, marshall. come here. stay. come on. stay. i am taking the dog for a walk. i know that. the dog growls and snaps at sherman. judy. neither am i, bill. yes, of course. come on, marshall. good evening, pollard. yes. as a matter of fact, i did notice. pollard, you old phrase-maker. i mean, is that the best you can do? is that as witty as we get? maria! hello. it's me. oh. sorry. may i speak to maria? maria? brief pause, then. jesus! well, we're back! well, you were right. i got soaking wet and marshall didn't do anything. if i what? whatever do you mean? about what? wait a minute. what are we talking about? i'm sorry, but i don't get it. have i missed something? who? judy, i was out walking the dog. i was not on the telephone. i'm not lying. i took marshal for a walk, and i come back in here and wham -- i mean i hardly know what to say. you're asking me to prove a negative proposition. judy. campbell, honey. are we ready? slow down. where's your mother? campbell, kiss your mother. campbell kisses judy. judy? 'morning, tony. yes, of course. campbell, say hello to tony. maria, where are you? i've been trying to reach you for days. please call me at the office. i have to speak to you. rawlie thorpe comes running up to sherman. calm down, rawlie. let's not get over-excited. calm. cool. colated. let's not lose our composure over a few hundred million dollars. just remember, rawlie. a frantic salesman is a dead one. a dead one, rawlie. i need six hundred million to buy up the bonds. i'm confident on this, gene. it's a real sleeping beauty. a throttled roar comes out of the speaker. what do you say, gene. are we in or out? bernard sachs is already in for * three hundred million. does that make you feel better? a rich old man, gene. a rich old man. another roar of the crowd comes over the speakers. i guess you had to be there. eh, gene? at ease, gentlemen. the meeting breaks up. i had to talk to you. i did the most stupid thing last night. yes. we have to. maria. please. this is important. i know it has its funny side but it isn't funny. you mean red-handed. * i think she knows. * it isn't? where? well, i can't get over there now. we'll have to exit and get back on. we're in the bronx. it means we're going north. all i need to do is make a left and go * west and find a street back to manhattan. yes, maria. christ. she's not touching the car, is she? excuse me, please don't touch the car. i have a red light. maria! look, there's no need to panic. i just don't want to do anything stupid. if we keep our heads, we'll be perfectly fine. it looks like. i think it's a. it's a wheel, that's all. it's a tire. calm down, maria. please. it's a tire and some ash cans or something. sherman starts to get out of the car. well, i can't drive around it, can i? yes. that's exactly what i'm going to do. no thanks. hi. no, i don't think so. no. thank you very much. sherman is confused. he doesn't move. maria gets behind the wheel of the car. roland reaches slowly into his jacket pocket. he smiles and keeps moving toward sherman. sherman sees the hand moving out of the jacket pocket. he is still frozen. maria blows the horn. sherman wakes up finally. excuse me. i have to go. oh. is this yours? here. you take it. sherman pushes the tire toward roland. roland pushes it back at him. sherman throws up his arms. the tire bounces off his arms and knocks roland down. oh. sorry. i'm sorry, i didn't mean to. look out! be careful. there's. but before he can say it, a loud, dead sound -- thok! sherman looks back. i wonder if we should report this to the police. i mean we were almost robbed and i think maybe it's possible you. we hit one of them. there was this kind of. there was this sound. did you hear it? like we hit one of them. no. but if we called the police now. meteorites? yes. you have a point. i'd just feel better if. maria drops everything and turns on him. it's true. we could have been killed. you drove the hell out of that car. it was instinct. he was big. wasn't he? we were both great. i don't know. i still think. we should move out here. have you ever thought, i mean, what if we moved out of new york? what do you think? do you think we could leave new york? my father did it. nothing. i. uh. no, nothing special. a bond is a way of lending people money. let's say you want to build a road or a hospital and you need a lot of money. well, you issue a bond. no, i don't actually build them. mr. mccoy i think you're in over your head. more laughter. crumbs? really. well, you can call them crumbs if you want to. yes. well. mr. mccoy now it's not about anything, is it? except the money. i don't make the rules. we're having a little. it's nothing serious. really. i think you're exaggerating the situation, bernard. the franc is no problem. we can hedge that to next january or to term or both. no. i don't think that's necessary. and then shock as sherman recognizes. look, bernard. uh, we've had a few minor -- hell, they're not even problems. so let's not get ourselves whipped up into a-a-a coma. jesus christ! no, not you, bernard. felix, let me see that paper. 'wait'? what do you mean, 'wait'?! what the hell are you talking about? now you listen to me, bernard. we can't wait! we've got to move now! you're raising phantom issues here. it doesn't matter what happens to gold and francs on a day-to-day basis! we've got to pull ourselves together and just fucking do it!! look, bernard. i'm sorry. no. wait a minute. wait, bernard. bernard! don't leave me! don't leave me! have you seen this? have you seen this perversion of the truth? have you read it? sporatically, maria. sporatically. absolutely wrong! all of it. and who is this peter fallow? he has everything wrong. they don't even mention the other boy. and what about the ramp and the tire?! they're talking about a little saint here who was on his way to get milk and cookies for his widowed mother. as they go into the building. what's going on? you don't think it's weird this fellow showed up today. after that unconscionable piece in the paper. you don't think they could possibly trace the car to me? right. there is the other boy, however. suppose he came forward. what a wretched painting. i hope not. god, maria, it looks like you. where are you going? i'm upset, maria. i just lost 600 million dollars. and possibly my job. i don't feel terrifically sexy at the moment. maria, you are incorrigible. i suppose we could still go to the police. we could get a very talented lawyer. hello, tony. right. what's. oh, yes, yeah. on television. last night. we said -- my wife said, 'good lord, we have a mercedes and the license starts with an r.' oh, really? ah. well. yes. sure. would you? do you? no. no. not at all. come up. yes. 174d int. elevator - sherman, martin and goldberg - dusk 174d * sure. yes. go ahead. when exactly was it? i don't know. let me think. i'd have to figure. my wife. sometimes. and the people at the garage. yes. well. yes. the car? now? so you want to take a look at the car then. i see. i understand. but if it is a routine, well, i should, i guess i ought to. well, follow the routine that's appropriate to me, to someone with a car in this situation. you see? martin and goldberg look at each other. then they follow sherman into. 174g int. library - sherman, martin, goldberg - dusk 174g * well, i mean, if you have a routine in an investigation like this -- i don't know how these things work, but there must also be a routine for a person like me, an owner of a car with a license number -- i think that's what i need to consider. the routine. that's what i mean. you see? well, i. how do you mean? no. i just think. i think that, just to be sure, certain, safe. i think. well, look. i guess what i should do is, i should. i should talk this over with an attorney. but suppose the other fellow comes * forward. i swear there was another one. he was big. * look, you were recommended as the best criminal lawyer around. i'm not disagreeing with you. but i didn't come here to. i mean, i want to pre-empt this whole situation. i don't want it to go any further. it means i want to take the initiative. i want to go to the police with maria -- mrs. ruskin -- and just tell them exactly what happened. i mean, i don't know about the law, but i feel morally certain that we did what was right -- in the situation we were in. and i don't see. but why? i understand you went to yale. what did you think of it? what? what is it? i know it was six hundred million, rawlie. just stop saying it. i'll straighten it out with gene first thing in the morning. well, not first thing. i have a previous appointment. what? what car? no, rawlie, i can't change it. rawlie, i'll call you later. just stay calm. but why do we need a car? they only live six blocks from here. we could walk. then let's take a taxi. * because a car is going to take us six blocks and wait there for five and a half hours and then drive us another six blocks home and it is going to cost us three hundred and forty-six dollars?! we are hemorrhaging money, judy. it is pouring out of us with every beat of our heart. isn't that worth talking about?!? judy sits down and thinks. judy, please. we have to talk now. we haven't talked about anything for the last three weeks. yes, there is. something is happening here. you have to know about this. tomorrow morning. i'm going to be arrested in the morning. uh. yes. well, it's unlikely. ah. hello. oh. excuse me. uh. judy. well, hi. bonds. bonds. i want you to meet aubrey buffing. the poet. he's on the short list for the nobel prize. he has aids. you'll love him. uh, no. you mean he defected. * are you sure? maria, i need to talk to you. something very. unexpected is happening. i'm going to be arrested in the morning. by the police, i imagine. i don't think it will be too bad. my lawyer -- if you can call him that -- has received assurances that it will all be handled in an orderly fashion. yes. well. you have a point. the other guy has come forward. he says i was driving the car. i'm going to be arrested tomorrow morning. i need to know from you . i mean, what do you want me to say? uh. top notch. look. you said this was just a formality. i told maria. i saw her last night. in case we need her. i don't know. why? but. i'm going to jail. aren't i? i'm going to jail. hmn? what? i am sorry. i am very sorry. please forgive me. for my life. for everything. i am truly sorry. i repent all the sins of my past life. i repent. excuse me, do you know where i can find a taxi? sherman mccoy. i need a taxi. uh. i don't normally ride the subway. oh, fine. yes, thanks. no, you were very helpful. that's alright. thanks. i should go. well. uh. no. thanks. does this train go anywhere near park avenue? my father took the subway every * day of his life. * no. they both laugh. i look terrible. i think, when i was in the jail, i pissed in my pants. i'm alright. i can't think. and then this newspaper thing started, this peter fallow person, and all the facts were wrong, total disregard for the truth. why do they do this? they call me by my first name. like they know me. like they own me. newspapers, lawyers, police, people i don't even know. how did i get to be so important? i should have called the police right away, when it happened. but i couldn't you see? it wasn't really my decision. i mean, i wasn't driving the car. uh. no. what? * excuse me. rawlie. no. no. yeah. i haven't really been able to talk to anybody. oh, well. i should be down there in a day or so. oh. i see. well. that's final, huh? yes. yes. of course. excuse me. judy. what is going on? but judy, i mean, under the circumstances. i'm sorry. i am. believe me. but can you forgive me? i beg your pardon. well, that's very kind of you. not at all. uh. anyway, thank you. the apartment? excuse me. i have to. uh. excuse me. pollard. how are you? not at all. the more the merrier. you know, at first i wanted to die. standing there in court, people calling my name. and then i thought, i have a gun. twelve gauge. double barrel. follow them into. here it is. i wonder if i can get both barrels into my mouth. that's what i was thinking. and how do you pull the trigger. i read somewhere about a man who took off his shoe and pulled the trigger with his toe. and where would i do it? who would find me? you want me to leave? this is my home. this is the only safe place i have. people are threatening my life. i have to protect myself. he loads the gun and fills his pockets with shells. alter the facts?! the facts are that i have no place else to go! and you want me to move out?! is that what you're saying, pollard. you want me to move out of my home?! the guests begin to listen to this exchange. why don't you move out, pollard? if you're so fucking terrified! and you can start by moving out of this apartment right now. out! now! oh, pollard, you were a ridiculous fat blowhard at buckley and you're a ridiculous fat blowhard now. everyone watches as sherman holds pollard at gunpoint and steers him out of the room. another word out of you, pollard, and there's going to be an unacceptable situation right up * your ass! now march! * the guests applaud. sherman turns to face them. and that goes for the rest of you, too. out. all of you. out! stinking lot of anorexic parasites. get out of my house! out of my house, out of my life! sherman mccoy is dead. sherman mccoy of park avenue and wall street and southampton -- gone. dead. i will never be sherman mccoy again. never! where are you going? that's us! that's me! that's maria! how did you get this? i suppose we could still go to the police. we could get a very talented lawyer. you mean the apartment was wired * -- bugged -- all that time? * then we have this as evidence. what do you mean, 'my tape'? then what good is it? an idea about what? what funeral? i'm sorry, maria. i have to talk to you. believe me, i had nothing to do with that. we didn't want your name in the papers any more than you did. i thought you'd run out on me. i didn't even know where you went. and i was left sort of holding the bag, trying to protect you. you have to help me, maria. well, i know this may sound like a strange request, but you could start by telling the police what really happened. but you were driving the car that night. maria, please. she kisses him again. nothing. maria, we have to talk. my what? i don't know -- my belt, belt buckle. don't be silly. maria. maria, are you crazy! eeeooowww!!! maria, i didn't want to do this, but you gave me no choice. a knock at the door. they freeze. i have protected you, maria. i have been a gentleman. i have done my best to keep your name out of this. but you have got to help me. you have got to do the right thing. i usually come in the back way now. yes. sure. sorry. come in. follow them into. yes. judy. uh. yes. mr. mccoy she moves quickly. she has a good lawyer. * mr. mccoy i'm not sure i ever really liked her. your wife. no. of course not. jesus. mr. mccoy or this apartment for that matter. for what it cost, for what you paid for it. or the furniture. or my car, or my work, or my clothes, my life, my money. for christ's sake, you didn't come here now, you didn't come all the way here on a fucking subway probably to tell me now. i mean, i'm not going to get, at this late date, i'm not going to get the ethics and morality speech, not now, when i have to * do what i'm going to do in that * courtroom tomorrow, if that's what * you've come to give me, jesus. * mr. mccoy no. no. i'm sorry. i came here to. i don't know how to do this. you didn't call. we wanted to help. i came here to tell you that we are here for you. that you are our son and that we love you. 'we.' i don't mean we. i mean i. that i love you. that's all. mr. mccoy offers his hand in a handshake. mr. mccoy please. sherman takes his hand. mr. mccoy puts his arm around him and hugs him awkwardly but effectively. they separate. mr. mccoy well. what you want to do? * there's only one thing i can do. * i want to see the truth come out * and burn every one of them. and * there's only one way to do that. * lie. yes? mr. mccoy and yet, if the truth won't set you free, yes. why not? lie. dissolve to: i don't feel terrifically sexy at the moment. white bangs his gavel. everyone is looking around for * the source of the sound. judge white * what in hell?! maria, you are incorrigible. i supppose, we could still go to the police. we could get a very talented lawyer. that tape is mine, sir. killian is shocked. they continue speaking in whispers. oh, yes, sir, i did. i recorded this conversation on this tape. my tape. this is my tape of my conversation. i recorded it. yes, sir. yes, sir, three bags full. judge white * get out of my face. all of you. you again! who are you?! are you alright? i hear you, your honor.