look at this shit! look at it! they're throwing shit right in my face! weiss flips a channel. corsaro reports. behind him, a graphic portrays the weiss poster with graffiti scribbled on it: "weiss justice is white justice" that's my name. that's my own fucking name. who the hell are you? now they've got albert fox with them. and how did they get this information out of motor vehicle? whose side are they on?! then why aren't we doing anything? why aren't we tracing the car? what am i, the wizard of oz, i don't know anything!? trace the car, ray. just trace the fucking car. yesterday i was a respected jewish liberal. ten minutes of news like this and all of a sudden i'm a hymie racist pig. the italians will love this, the irish, too. and the wasps. they love this shit more than anybody. they love laughing at me. and they won't even know what they're laughing at. all the rich sons of bitches. they still think they own this city. they sit in their co-ops, park avenue, fifth, beekman place, snug like a bug, twelve-foot ceilings, one wing for them, one for the help. they think money is going to protect them? stupid sons of bitches. i'd like to light a bonfire under all their lily-white asses. let them see what this feels like. let the whole third world see the smoke and come after them. let them feel what it's like when every puerto rican, west indian, cuban, korean, chinese, albanian, filippino, black man from every corner of every borough -- you don't think the future knows how to cross a bridge? you laugh. you laugh. alright. now this is what we're going to do. we're going to turn this thing around. if it kills us. we're going to prove to these black motherfuckers -- excuse my language, howard. we're going to prove to these niggers that this administration loves them. no matter what it takes. i am no racist hymie. by november, they're * going to be thinking of me as the first black district attorney of bronx county. they're going to beg * me to be mayor. we're going to * walk away with that election. * that's what we're going to do. if we have to screw every white asshole from albany to park avenue -- that's what we're going to do. cut to: got who? what do you got? you think it's him? does this put an end to this white justice shit? you mean, we nail the wasp. i like this man. i like him. look. what's the kid's condition? any chance he'll regain consciousness? no. but maybe he can point. yeah. i got an idea. we take a picture of sherman mccoy over to the hospital, to this kid. and three or four other guys, white guys, and we put them by the bed, the pictures. and the kid comes to. and he points to mccoy's picture. and he keeps pointing. nobody believes what they're hearing -- except kramer. it's worth a try. i know that, ray. i know that. i just want to bring the guy in! just bring him in. that's all. we get the press. we get the attention. then we can relax and do the right thing. what?! what?!! now they're going to sue the hospital. you see? all they want is money. imagine using a terrible tragedy like this for your own selfish motives. shut up, you asshole. what's happening to my case? the people versus sherman mccoy? where is my issue? where is my cause? where is my hope? you go to the press. you tell them we're going to question the woman, and if she is the woman who was in the car, she faces possible charges, etcetera, etcetera. and you, mr. wise-guy-know-it-all- shitface, you're the one got us into this, you're going to get us out. you go to this broad, you tell her she's in a whole lot of trouble, lay it on. but, but, but -- if she is willing to cooperate, if she will say what we want her to say, then we will grant her immunity. go on, go. what are you waiting for? i don't care if today is her * mother's bar mitzvah, you go talk * to her!!! * and i promise you and the people of this city that henry lamb will not be forgotten. henry lamb will live, like the alamo, as a symbol of slaughtered innocence. and this man's name will live in infamy. like adolf hitler! like son of sam! like idi amin! john wilkes booth! ted bundy! jesse helms!