all right, now you did foolish things as a young man, honey-love, but you went and paid your debt to society and that was right. but now you just gettin' back in with the criminal element. well, that ain't what i heard. he's a crook. howdy-do. hello. buck! don't take my picture now. i'm just a mess from driving all day. did you take my picture? oh buck! i declare-- oh look, it's so clean, buck. and a frigidaire. not an icebox! oh. they got linoleum on the counter. ain't that clever! oh, isn't this something, daddy! my, you need a haircut, daddy. you look like a hillbilly boy. jest like an ol' man. plays checkers all the time and doesn't pay any attention to his poor lonely wife. what did i do wrong? i s'pose you'd be happier if i got shot. buck, don't let that woman talk to me like that! please, buck, i didn't marry you to see you shot up! please, let's go! let's get out of here and leave. make him stop the car and let us out! please! please! oh, lord. well, why not? say i earned my share! same as everybody. i coulda got killed same as everybody, and i'm wanted by the law same as everybody. besides i coulda got snake bit sleepin' in them woods every night! i'm just a nervous wreck and that's the truth. and i have to listen to sass from miss bonnie parker all the time. i deserve mine! oh, no, daddy! no! what's bothering her? i sure do. i'm plenty tired of sittin' around here anyway. so what? oh, god. oh, if i could! if i could just do that one thing! oh, there's no tellin' why this all happened. i was a preacher's daughter. baptist. oh, and he thought the world of buck, my daddy did, even knowing that buck was serving time in jail. he forgave him for that 'cause he paid his debt to society. hey, c.w., i ain't got my money. give me some, will you? the men are on the other side. oh, god, please help us! dear father in heaven, get us out of this and buck will never do another bad thing in his life! my eyes! god, i think i'm blind. . light hurts so bad. please, please get us to a doctor! tell clyde to get us to a doctor. we'll die here. clyde, clyde, please get us to a doctor. he's your brother! don't kill him! don't kill him! he's dying! don't die, daddy. don't die! what? what? who is it? i know. i know it. i don't know. i just don't know. i don't know. i didn't mean to. i didn't. buck said we was just goin' to visit, we wouldn't be doin' no robbin' and stealin', and then we went to joplin and all of a sudden they started shootin'. and we run off, god, i was scared. and then it was run all the time, and i wanted to go, i begged to go, but clyde and bonnie and c.w.-- c.w. moss.