hey, boy! what you doin' with my mama's car? wait there! ain't you ashamed? tryin' to steal an old lady's automobile. bull. you ain't got money for dinner, let alone buy no car. you'd steal the dining room table if i did. goin' to work anyway. none of your business. what do you think i am? what line of work are you in? when you're not stealin' cars? what did you do before? state prison? guess some little old lady wasn't so nice. my, my, the things that turn up in the driveway these days. guess you had a lot more fun up at state prison, huh? what? why? no!. i surely don't intend to stand here and look at your dirty feet in the middle of main street. boy, did you really do that? you must be crazy. what's it like? no, armed robbery. hah! i knew you never robbed bo place, you faker. yeah, well you got one all right, i guess. but you wouldn't have the gumption to use it. hey, what's your name, anyway? hi, i'm bonnie parker. please to meet you. you ready?. aren't you ready? well, get ready! c'mon, honey, c'mon, boy. let's go. let's. boy. boy. boy. your advertising is dandy. folks'd just never guess you don't have a thing to sell. you better take me home, now. don't touch me! why? when'd you figure that all out? how come? who are you, anyway? cement plant-- pink. hey, that ain't ours. but we came in this one. clyde. clyde. where you been keeping yourself? oh. these accommodations ain't particularly deluxe. you're good. and modest. well, that's a pitiful shame. no. nothin'. what are you waitin' for? well. i'm not sure. say, them little red things there stickin' up? are they gas pumps? isn't that interesting? how does that there gasoline get in my little old car? my, you're a smart fellow. you sure know a lot about automobiles, don't you? well, would you know what kind of a car this is? no, no. no, this is a stolen chevrolet 8- cylinder coupe. what's your name, boy? what's the c.w. for? i'm miss bonnie parker and this is mr. clyde barrow. we. rob. banks. no, he ain't the one. oh, a man with a record! mr. c.w. moss? c.w., what are you doing? why do you do that? it's just disgusting, that's why. but. but it makes everything sweet! clyde, why does he have to stay in the same room as us? why? why, clyde. in the same room with us? just that i love you so much. ssshh! if you boys want to talk why don't you go outside? what do you think of me, c.w.? why'nt you come get it? whyn't you come get it, c.w.? all right, i'll bring it myself. you simpleton, what would you do if we just pulled out some night while you was asleep? that's right, c.w. we'll always be around to take care of you. oh, pshaw. who'd wanna kill a sweet young thing like me? oh, clyde, i can't picture you with a halo, and if you went to the other place you'd rob the devil blind, so he'd kick you right back to me. hello. lemme get one of my bride and my brother. okay. oh, daddy, you shore need a haircut. you look just like a little old hillbilly boy, i do declare. oh mercy me, oh my stars! oh, daddy! yore such a slowpoke! shoot, there's always somebody in this room, the next room and ever' other kind of room. i ain't talking about your brother. honey, do you ever just want to be alone with me? i don't just mean like that. i mean do you ever have the notion of us bein' out together and alone, like at some fancy ball, or, i don't know, where we walk in all dressed and they announce us and it's fancy and in public, but we're alone somehow. we're separate from everybody else, and they know it. do you, baby? quiet! i'll get it. who is it? how much? no thanks, i'll take 'em. c'mon, c'mon. it's called "the ballad of suicide sal." "we each of us have a good alibi for being down here in the 'joint'; but few of them really are justified if you get right down to the point. you've heard of a woman's glory being spent on a downright cur'." you want to hear this or not? "still you can't always judge the story as true, being told by her. now 'sal' was a gal of rare beauty, though her features were coarse and tough--" "now 'sal' was a gal of rare beauty, though her features were coarse and tough; she never once faltered from duty to play on the 'up and up'." "sal told me this tale on the evening before she was turned out free, and i'll do my best to relate it just as she told it to me--" dammit, you almost got us killed! yeah, it would of saved us all a lot of trouble. shut up! just shut up your big mouth! at least do that, will ya, just shut up. stop the car. i want to talk to you. get rid of her. get rid of both of them then. she's what's the matter with me, a damn stupid back country hick without a brain in her head. she ain't nothin' but prunes and proverbs. you talk to me like that! big clyde barrow, just the same as your brother, an ignorant uneducated hillbilly. only special thing about you is your peculiar ideas about lovemakin'--which is no love makin' at all. clyde. honey. i didn't mean all that, honey. blame it on all that shootin', i just felt so bad. sure enough. clyde? go on. --uh-uh. take his picture. then we'll let the newspapers have it--so's everyone can see captain frank bryce of the texas rangers with the barrow gang-- --and all bein' just as friendly as pie. --why we 'bout the friendliest folks in the world. texas ranger waves his big ol' gun at us, and we just welcome him like he's one of our own. how's this? "captain bryce and new found friend." what? she'll be doin' right well to spend it at all. --she's such a silly-billy. my family could use some of that money. well, where can we go? we rob the damn banks, what else do we do? look, don't be scared, folks. it ain't like you was the law. you're just folks like us. well, you two must be in love, i bet. so then she drinks her milk down again, every drop. and she looks over at her son and says, "son, whatever you do, don't sell that cow!" how old are you, honey? what do you do, anyway? get them out of here. leave me alone! leave me alone! i don't know! you're hurting me, i was just scared is all. and my mama's been on my mind, and she's gettin' so old. but i mean it, though. i want to see my mama. please, clyde. don't go yet, mama. sugar, make mama stay a while yet. what are you all doin'? well, why don't you all go play with it somewhere else? i said go somewhere else! i hate you all. no, i really hate you. oh, baby, i've got the blues so bad. what mama?. she's just an old woman now. i have no mama. so funny. i thought when we first went out, we were really goin' somewhere. but this is it-- we're just goin', huh? not as long as you care about me. lie down now, honey. you have to lie down. it's the only way we can tell what we'll look kike together. that's not the right tie! you can't wear polka-dots on an occasion like this. stripes. don't go away now. perfect. much. all right, shut your eyes now. one for the money. three to get ready-- --here, hon'. buck can't be moved, now, hon'. baby, no. shhh! oh, no. i can't die without clyde. i just can't. you did all you could, hon'. nobody coulda done more. no, hum-umm. but thanks anyway, clyde. it's real nice here, just the two of us like this. yeah, at the motel. i'm writing a poem about us. i'm writing our story. just let me finish this line. okay, here it is. "the story of bonnie and clyde" if they try to act like citizens and rent them a nice little flat about the third night they're invited to fight by a sub-gun's rat-tat-tat. the story. fine. just. hey. you done just perfect. how could i do that, clyde? you know it's impossible. we'd have to go to a justice of the peace and the justice of the peace is a lawman. we couldn't even take out a license. oh no, i never gave it thought. i haven't thought about it at least ten times a day, i haven't thought about it every minute of my life since i met you. clyde, why do you want to marry me? clyde. what would you do, what would you do it some miracle happened and we could walk out tomorrow morning and start all over again, clean, with no record, with nobody after us? he stopped off in that hardware store to get light bulbs for his daddy. you plannin' to drive with your shoes off? you gonna wear 'em? isn't that the prettiest thing, hon? just look here, you can see every little fingernail on her hands. we got any peaches? i sure could go for a peach right now. do what? you sure you feel up to it? he'll be here. you take a bite, hon. nothin' happened. he ain't there. what's wrong?