"what a beautiful thought i am thinking concernin' that great speckled bird, remember his name is recorded on the pages of god's holy word" criminal element! this is my brother, darlin'. shoot, he ain't no more criminal than you are, blanche. now word of mouth just don't go, darlin', you gotta have the facts. shoot. why he and me growed up together, slept and worked side by side. god, what a boy he was! now you stop bad-mouthin' him, blanche. we're just gonna have us a little family visit for a few weeks and then we'll go back to dallas and i'll get me a job somewheres. i just ain't gonna work in your daddy's church--that's final. "what a beautiful thought i am thinking concernin' that great speckled bird" clyde! you son of a bitch! just fine, just fine. send their best to you. hell no! it's married life. you know what they say, it's the face powder that gets a man interested, but it's the baking powder that keeps him at home. hey! you gotta meet my wife. hey, honey, c'mon out here now and meet my baby brother. well! you must be bonnie! now i hear you been takin' good care of the baby in the family. well sis, i'm real glad to meet you! say. i'd like you to meet my wife, blanche. hey, lemme get the kodak! y'all hear about the guy who thought western union was a cowboy's underwear? oh honey, now you look real fine. clyde, you do one of me and my missus. hey, brother, let's you and me do a little talkin'. it was you or him, wasn't it? that guy you killed. you had to, didn't ya? but you had to-- don't say nothin' to blanche about it. yeah, you hear about that? i appreciate it. she's a real peach. boy, are we gonna have us a good time! yessir! what are we gonna do? no trouble, now? hey, what's this i hear about you cuttin' up your toes, boy? shoot-- and the doc, he takes him aside, says, "son, your old mama just gettin' weak and sickly layin' there. i want you to persuade her to take a little brandy, y'know, to pick her spirits up." "why, doc," he says, "you know my mamma is a teetotaler. she wouldn't touch a drop." "well, i tell you what," the doc says, "why don't you bring her a fresh quart of milk every day from your farm, 'cept you fix it up so half of it's brandy and don't let on!" so he does that, doctors it up with brandy, and his mamma drinks some of it. and the next day he brings it again and she drinks some more--and she keeps it up every day. finally, one week later, he brings her the milk and don't you know she just shallows it all down, and looks at her bag and says, "son, whatever you do, don't sell that cow!" i give him a month's rent in advance. we're all set. let's get inside. honey-love, i'm taking you into our first home. he give me the grocery number. lemme see, eh 4337. operator. please ma'm, may i have 4337. if you please? hello, smitty's grocery. i'd like to order a mess of groceries. oh yeah. eh 143 hillsdale street. lessee, about 8 pounds of porkchops, 4 pounds of red beans. a can of chase and sandborn. uh. sshh. uh. quart of milk. uh 8 bottles of dr. pepper and that's it, i guess. no. no. uh. a box of rice krispies. bye now. gotcha! boy, you ain't never gonna beat me but you keep tryin' now. cut it out now, honey. i'm gonna teach this boy a lesson he'll never forget. yeah, i knew her. she was cockeyed and had a hare-lip and no teeth! you shouldn't have done it, blanche. it was a dumb thing to do. can't. i killed a man. we're in this now. hey, y'all, listen to this here: law enforcement officers throughout the southwest are frankly amazed at the way in which will-of-the-wisp bandit clyde barrow and his yellow- haired companion, bonnie parker, continue to elude their would-be captors. since engaging the police in a gun battle on the streets of joplin missouri and slaying three of their number. the barrow gang has been reported as far west as white city, new mexico, and as far north as chicago. they have been credited with robbing the mesquite bank in the aforementioned white city, the j.j. landry oil refinery in arp, texas, the sanger city national bank in denton, texas on three different occasions. in addition to these robberies, the fast travelling barrows have been rumored to have had a hand in the robbing of two piggly wiggly stores in texas, and one a&p store in missouri, though chief percy hammond, who first identified clyde barrow's brother, buck, as a member of the gang, expressed some doubt that these last robberies were committed by the barrow gang alone. hey now, here's something! listen here: lone cop arrests two officers in hunt for barrow. police officer howard anderson's heart turned faster than his motorcycle when he forced to the side of the road a roaring black v-8 sedan in which were three men and a blondheaded woman yesterday afternoon. when he saw several machine guns in the car he was certain he'd caught clyde barrow, bonnie parker, and maybe buck barrow and the third unidentified member of the gang. it took a lot of telephoning and explaining to convince the motorcycle cop that his captives were two highway patrolmen and a blonde-haired stenographer from the highway patrol--. haw! haw! anderson was held up as an example for every other texas peace officer today. "that was a mighty brave thing," explained highway patrol chief l.c. winston. sweet jesus, i never seen shootin' like that! say there, peacemaker. i believe you got your spurs all tangled up. you're in missouri, you know that? easy there, clyde. why take is so personal. like how, clyde?-- yeah, yeah. hot dog! keep him set on the hood, there. more to the sun, like that. yeah. when all his ranger friends see this. i bet he's gonna wish he was dead! c'mon, now, clyde, you and bonnie first. move into him, right close, right friendly. i'm gettin' it, i'm gettin' it. i got the picture. i got the picture. i got the picture! don't do nothin' silly now. get a good look at us! we're the barrow boys. happy birthday. kick it in the pants, c.w. times is hard, um. eh. clyde? uh, clyde. well. what about blanche? married a preacher's daughter and she still thinks she's takin' the collection. well, don't spend it all in one place now, hear? they stopped chasin' us. they turned around. what's your name? well, howdy! we're the barrow gang. that there is clyde drivin' and i'm buck. well, when you gonna marry the girl, boy? yeah, here you go. haw! i sure am havin' a good time! how 'bout you folks? ain't you glad we picked you up? --not yet, boy. jesus, i don't know. hey look, here's that one i took of you, clyde. that came out just fine! oh, horsey! keep your tail up, keep yer tail up, keep yer tail up, oh, horsey! keep yer tail up, why don't you make it rise. how long have ya had it? touch it, honey! go on! what's bothering her, clyde? you can't drive, honeylove. see if they got peach ice cream. clyde?. clyde?. i believe i lost my shoes. maybe the dog hid 'em.