i been thinkin' about buyin' me one. now i got enough money for cokes, and since it don't look like you're gonna invite me inside-- come to town with me, then. how'd that be? goin' to work, huh? what do you do? i bet you're a. movie star! no. a lady mechanic?. no. a maid?-- a waitress. i tell you, i'm lookin' for suitable employment right at the moment. i was in state prison. yeah. it was armed robbery. what do y'all do for a good time around here, listen to the grass grow? see this foot? i chopped two toes off of it. with an axe. to get off the damn work detail, that's why. want to see? yeah. prison? it's. i don't know. it isn't like anything. oh, yeah? you just keep your eyes open. clyde barrow. hey, wait. hey. hey, wait a minute. quit that now, cut it out. i said, cut it out! look, i don't do that. it's not that i can't-- --it's just that i don't see no percentage in it. i mean there's nothin' wrong with me, i don't like boys. boy, what? wait! if all you want's stud service, then get on back to west dallas and stay there the rest of your life! but you're worth more'n that, a lot more, and you know it, and that's why you come along with me. you could find a lover boy on every corner in town and it doesn't make a damn to them whether you're waiting on tables or picking cotton, so long as you cooperate. but it does make a damn to me! why? because you're different! you're like me and you want different things. you and me travelin' together, we could cut clean acrost this state, and kansas, too, and maybe dip into oklahoma, and missouri or whatnot, and catch ourselves highpockets and a highheeled ol' time. we can be somethin' we could never be alone. i'll show you. when we walk into the adolphus hotel in san antone', you wearin' a silk dress, they'll be waitin' on you and believe me, sugar, they're gonna know your last name. first time i saw you. 'cause you may be the best damn girl in texas. i'll tell you about you. lessee. you were born somewheres around east texas. got a big old family, right?. you went to school, of course, but you didn't take to it much 'cause you was a lot smarter than everybody else anyway. so you just quit. now. . when you were sixteen. no, seventeen, there was a guy who worked in. uh. right. cement plant. and you liked him 'cause he thought you was just as nice as you could be. you almost married that guy, but then. you thought, no, you didn't think you would. so you got your job in the cafe. and every morning you wake up and you hate it. you just hate it. and you get down there and you put on your white uniform-- and the truck drivers come in to eat greasy burgers and they kid you and you kid them back, but they're stupid and dumb, boys with big tattoos all over 'em, and you don't like it. and they ask you for dates and sometimes you go. but you mostly don't, and all they ever try is to get into your pants whether you want to or not. and you go home and sit in your room and think, when and how will i ever get away from this?. and now you know. change that. i don't like it. god, you're a knockout. sure it is. don't mean we have to go home in it. hey, lady. slept out by the car. no. if they're after us, i want the first shot. come on, you got some work to do. the best. come on. got you all set up over here. set her spinnin'. again. come down slow with it. ain't you something? i tell you i'm going to get you a smith and wesson, it'll be easier in your hand. now try it again once. miss bonnie parker. and i'm clyde barrow. we rob banks. you just stay in the car and watch and be ready. okay now? you just be ready if i need you. scared? what are you thinkin' about? this is a stickup. just take it easy and nothin' will happen to you. gimme the money. gimme the money! what do you mean there ain't no money? this here is a bank, ain't it? what? what?? tell her! tell her! we got $1.98 and you're laughin'. keep it running. give me a loaf of bread, a dozen eggs and a quart of milk. this is a stickup. i'll take all the money in that drawer now. get the hell out of here! damn him, that big son of a bitch. he tried to kill me. i ain't got eyes in back of my head. i didn't want to hurt him. it wasn't a real robbery. some food and a little bit of dough. i'm not against him. damn! what was wrong, anyway? you just blowed it away. you ain't scared, are you? i believe he is. what a pity. we sure coulda used a smart boy who knows such a great deal about automobiles. you a good driver, boy? no, i don't think so. he's better off here. ain't nothing wrong with that, is there, boy? unless, boy, you think you got enough guts for our line of work? now look here, i know you got the nerve to short-change old ladies who come in for gas, but what i'm askin' you is have you got what it takes to pull bank jobs with us? prove it. lemme show you about tomorrow. now c.w.'ll be waitin' right outside in the car. here is the teller's cage. four of them and over here the desks and what have you. hmmm?? hell, where else? ain't gonna spread out all over the state. not yet, anyway. now, the door to the bank is here now. you cover me from there. you're the best damn girl in texas. the layout for tomorrow up in mineola. so what? we take u.s. 85 to willis point, don't you know, and cut over on state highway 28 at kaufman, keep on goin' till we hit the farm- to-market road that connects to 105 and that's right up by mineola. on a saturday afternoon. keep it running. this is a stickup. this is a stickup. let's go! let's go! come on! get it out! boy, you gotta be poor in the head. you! count of you i killed a man. murder. you too. dumb ass stupid. ever do a dumb thing like that again, i'll kill you boy! bonnie, i want to talk to you. sit down. this afternoon we killed a man and we were seen. now nobody knows who you are yet, but they're going to be after me and anybody who's runnin' with me. now that's murder now and it's gonna get rough. look, i can't get out, but right now you still can. you say the word and i'll put you on the bus to go back to your mother. 'cause you mean a lot to me, honey, and i ain't going to make you run with me. so if you want, you say the word. why? we ain't gonna have a minute's peace. bonnie, we could get killed. i ain't no sweet young thing. buck! how's ma? how's sister? hey, you're fillin' out there. must be that prison food. howdy-do. it's real nice to know you. everybody, this is c.w. moss. c.w., my brother buck and his wife, blanche. hey, c.w., go put your pants on. we're gonna take some pictures. hey, buck, get one of this. let me take on of bonnie. here, c.w., take the girls' picture. huh? yeah, he put me in a spot, so i had to. he didn't have a chinaman's chance. yeah. i had to. hey, that time you broke out of jail, she talk you into goin' back? i won't say nothin' to bonnie about it. yeah. say, what d'ya think of bonnie? we surely are! well, how's this--i thought we'd all go to missouri. they ain't lookin' for me there. we'll hole up someplace and have us a regular vacation. all right? no trouble. i ain't lookin' to go back to prison. that ain't but half of it. i did it so i could get off work detail-- breakin' those damned rocks with a hammer day and night. sure enough, next week i got paroled. i walked out of that god-forsaken jail on crutches. ain't life grand? pull up and unload the stuff. hush up a little. they're in the next room. oof!. now that ain't no nice way to talk about my brother. i always feel like we're separate from everybody else. it's the law. cut it out, bonnie. what is it? can't do that. she's buck's wife. why? what's the matter with you anyway? what makes you any better? what makes you so damn special? you're just a west dallas waitress who spent half your time pickin' up truck drivers! look, bonnie-- okay. okay, hon. let's get movin'. sheriff! well, now, getta load of this. i want y'all to know we are in the custody of cap'n frank bryce, and frank here is a texas ranger. you didn't know you was in missouri? --he ain't lost. them banks are offerin' extra reward money fer us, and frank figured on easy pickin's, didn't you? didn't you? --now you ain't hardly doin' your job, texas ranger. you oughta be home lookin' after the rights of poor folks, not out chasin' after us. reg'lar laws is one thing. but this here bounty hunting, we got to discourage that. buck, get the kodak! we're mighty proud to have a texas ranger in the family. see what come o' your mischief?. not doin' your job? down in duncanville last year poor farmers kepts the laws away from us with shot guns. you're s'posed to be protectin' them from us, and they're protectin' us from you. --don't make sense, do it? all righty don't move, now, hear? yeah, yeah. quick, buck, get it. lemme be, lemme be. all right, all right. we got you. hear?. remember. this is the barrow gang. everybody just take it easy and nobody will get hurt. that your money or the bank's? keep it, then. next time i'll aim a little lower. we got to make that state line! okay, relax. we're in oklahoma now. slow down. hell. that ain't much, is it? well, let's get to it. this is clyde barrow. buck barrow. bonnie parker. c.w. clyde, buck. bonnie. c.w. clyde, clyde again. buck. bonnie. c.w. bonnie. c.s. clyde. hah? okay. okay. hold your horses, blanche. you'll get your share. bonnie? look, bonnie, i've said it and i guess i'll keep sayin' it before we're thru--blanche is buck's wife and buck is family. them laws have been hangin' round your mamas house 'til all hours, bonnie. it's just too risky to go there. i hear you, c.w. let's take 'em. c'mon, get out! get out of there, i said. get in here. i expect you been readin' about us. take it easy on those french fries, velma. ain't that right, eugene? hey, maybe y'all ought to join up with us. see anythin', buck? --and nobody saw her leave, or heard anythin' . c.w? well, where do you think she could've gone?. buck?. buck? there! there! there! hey. hey, hey, baby, hey, bonnie, hey baby. . hey, hey now. just where did you think you were goin'?. --huh. bonnie? where? where? boy, don't ever leave without sayin' somethin'. you really scared me, bonnie. okay, sweetheart. i don't know, what y'all got in mind? at this point we ain't headin' to anywhere, we're just runnin' from. now mrs. parker, don't y'all believe what you read in the papers! that's the law talking there. they want us to look big so's they'll look big when they catch us. --and they can't do that. why, i'm even better at runnin' than robbin' banks--aw shoot, if we done half the stuff they said we did, we'd be millionaires, wouldn't we, old sugar. and i wouldn't risk bonnie here just to make money, uncertain as times are. why one time i knowed of a job where we could of make $2000 easy, but i saw the law outside and i said to myself, why bonnie could get hurt here. so i just drove right on and let that money lay. we'll be quittin' this just as soon as the hard times is over, mother parker, i can tell you that. why me and bonnie were just talkin' the other day and we talked about when we'd settle down and get us a home, and bonnie said, "i couldn't bear to live morn'n three miles from my precious mother." now how'd you like that, mother parker? not now, blanche. bonnie's hungry, c.w. i saw a chicken place a few miles back. who all wants to go get some food? just five chicken dinners, and get somethin' for dessert. i hate y'all, too. bonnie?. is it your mama, what your mama said? do you care about where we're goin'? why i love you, sugar. --wherever. i've done enough! whatta you think? what? well what-- ok, o.k. if we're gonna do this, at least i can tie it myself. lie down before you fall down. better? no, you first. two for the show. right here, boy. saw. saw a farm. up ahead. gotta get. a car. head out, c.w. fled? what do they mean, fled? how in the nama god could i leave my brother to die when he was already dead when i left him? he was shot in too many pieces to pick off the ground! fled. what do they know, the papers or the police?. why, while we were all lyin' around here, near dead, they had us holdin' up the grand prairie national bank! they hung that one on us just for luck, i guess. tell you what. soon's we get well, we're gonna take that bank! whooooooo, boy. they don't know nothin'--do they, sugar? you can just thank your lucky stars that's all you are. so long's they don't have your last name, you're home safe. well now, you been real nice to us, and i tell you what, let us pay you forty dollars for your hospitality, what do you say? want a ginger-snap, bonnie? uh-huh. look here, honey, remember this? you sure don't resemble that no more. what you writin' this time? oh, are you? let's hear it. if it's good, i'll mail it in to the law and it'll be printed in all the papers again. damn! that's me! in that poem! a sub-gun's rat-tat-tat! right in the paper! jesse james! you hear 'bout old jesse, now you goin' to hear 'bout clyde! pshhhhhh! damn, bonnie! you musta been one hell of a waitress! oooooh, that clyde! that's my boy, that clyde! bonnie. the poem of bonnie and clyde! the story of bonnie and clyde! oh, child, you really did tell that story! damn!. damn. damn! hey, listen, bonnie, how do you feel? i mean you feel like you're s'posed to feel after you've uh. well, that's good, ain't it. reason i ask is, i uh. well, i figger it's a good idea to ask. i mean how else do i tell if i did it the way. i did, didn't i? i mean i did, i really did. i did it, i did, i mean this was my first time and it was just like rollin' off a log when it comes right down to it, it was easy, i mean i didn't even have to try. bonnie? bonnie, will you marry me? hey now, you sound like you been givin' it some thought on your own. bonnie. are you crying, honey? to make an honest woman out of you. well. i guess i'd do it all different. first off, i wouldn't live in the same state where we pull our jobs. we'd live in one state and stay clean there, and when we wanted to take a bank, we'd go to another state. and. bonnie? hey, bonnie? what happened to c.w.? boy, my feet are sweatin'. sure, why not? damn! sure, drive with one eye shut. it is a pretty thing, honey. whyn't we do it tomorrow? tomorrow's sunday, ain't it? we could drive all night and be on that golf course tomorrow morning! yeah, why not? where is that boy? he's gone too long. no, it's takin' too long. what if something happened? go take a look, see what's keepin' him. c'mon, let's go. i don't know.