heighdo. no sir. no sir. you all go right ahead. used to be my place. not any more. bank took it. yessir, moved us off. now it belongs to them. you're damned right, ma'm. me and him put in the years here. yessir. so you all go right ahead. we just come by for a last look. you all mind? hey, davis! come on over here. much obliged. otis harrison. and this here's davis. we worked this place. mine. clyde?. he looked like, well he looked real. clean. and bonnie, she's too much a lady ever to be caught with a cigar in her mouth. i don't care what you heard before. i saw 'em right here, not twenty minutes ago. --and all's i can say is, they did right by me, and i'm bringin' me a mess of flowers to their funeral.